What The Luck!?

Chapter 234 - 234. Five Against One

Asher thought that interesting may have been an understatement from what Cara said. "Jane was acting weird about her parents coming and I guess it was because her mother is trying to marry her off already." Asher tried to laugh a little but the thought of marrying Jane was making his heart beat faster than a bullet train. 

"I don't think she is trying to marry her off to just anyone." Cara wanted to take the chance to tease Asher since she could see right through his and Janes' feelings.

"Wait! There is a guy somewhere here?" Asher fell in to a red faced anger looking for anyone that Jane's mother may have been looking at more than others. 

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"And here I thought you have started to improve. I guess common sense and academics aren't hand in hand.' Cara just shook her head and started to move toward an empty space. "Come one come all. Take on the former queen of the sparring field and her brother. Any who can take us down gets all of our points!" 

Asher was about to yell at Cara for suddenly offering up all their points when he realized that he didn't have any so it wasn't a risk at all. "I think everyone in the entire world just heard you shout." Asher thought that the yell may have been slightly over the top since his ears were ringing. 

"Eh, I used to do this whenever I needed a match. Sometimes I would wake people up and they would get super angry." Cara was even happier to say this since those people had given her plenty of points. 

"I swear, you have yet to change after leaving this camp. How did you ever end up with a brother that was so quiet?" Garnet came from the edge of the training field visibly annoyed that Cara had just yelled over the entire camp. "She even used to yell over the announcements so that she could make some of the other campers angry and target her." 

Garnet was just shaking her head while the two looked at her. Cara didn't look sorry at all. however, the campers heading their way looked even better. 

"Let's take on as many as we can the first time. What's the limit? Five against one on a match?" 

Cara was ready to fight and had warmed herself up already. "Yes, five against one." Garnets' sigh made it sound like she had answered this question a million times. 

"Alright first ten come forward. Five against Ashjer and five against me. Get yourselves organized and we will start." Cara was running the show and before Asher realized it there were five opponents ready to get revenge for him finding the golden egg every time. 

The small shouts from encouraging parents reached their ears and Asher felt like he was the villain in this situation. "This is the last day, give it everything you have and show off what you trained. I expect you to put that headache in to check." Garnet gave Aher a slight encouragement before she shouted to begin. 

Asher couldn't believe his eyes. The five he was challenging ran at him all at once. There was no plan and no chance for them to organize. Just a straightforward run at him without even using their super powers. 

He couldn't imagine why they were so stupid in their battle strategy but this didn't cause him to hesitate. He lowered his level and swept a foot at their ankles. This efficient and strong kick caused every single one of them to trip and fall flat on their face. "You guys should really have to try and plan these things out. I was able to take all of you down with one move." 

Asher knew the five were incredibly embarrassed and broken by this one move. When the first boy stood up and brushed the dirt off his face he charged again in frustration. Asher decided that this was the perfect chance to show off a throw and cause the boy by the arm. The flight was only for a second but the crash and takedown would last the boy a lifetime. 

"Come on! Let's crush this golden egg stealer!' Two of the other boys had gotten up and were both p[unching at Asher's head. They didn't care about the risk of injury and wanted p[ure revenge for the goating that Asher had been doing. 

This would have worked in their favor but they left themselves wide open. Asher couldn't help lowering his levels and unleashing multiple jabs toward their ribs. Before the two knew it Asher was standing again and the two were on their knees trying to catch their breath. "Like I said you should try and plan things out. Your two...or your last friend is doing that." Asher realized that one of the boys that had fallen on his face was completely knocked out. 

"You think you're all that. But you shouldn't be able to handle my charge." The boy started to turn slightly grey skinned and a large horn sprouted from his head. This was like a wild rhinoceros. The boy charged forward with thudding feet. The strength he had gained by using his super power was much more than he had used before and would easily crush someone who did not expect it. 

"That's better!" Asher dodged to the side at the moment the horn was about to hit him. He left his foot there to trip up the boy but found that it made no difference. The boy couldn't slow his progress and charged right in to a tree lodging his horn in to it and struggling to stand back up properly. "I guess I win." 

Asher was a little surprised by the sudden ending but also knew that this was a very easy match. Meanwhile, he was looking at Cara who appeared to be playing with her opponents. She had them all surrounding her and coming in with attacks. However, as soon as they would try and land she would grab the arm or foot coming at her and redirect it. She was basically throwing them around with their own momentum. The strategy was one that Asher had yet to consider a move at all. 

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