What The Luck!?

Chapter 237 - 237. Tournaments

Cara and Asher made their way to the camp store and fought their way through many campers using the last of their points as well. The staff members were running around doing their best to deal with it all that they were extremely thankful to have Asher who came up and said exactly what he wanted and how many. His order had been the most simple yet. 

"Come on, we can catch the bus they set up to take us back in to the city. Just let Art know that he should meet up at the entrance." Cara was sure to keep them moving on. She wanted to go and explore the camp a little bit to remember her time there but knew that it would be of no help to either of them.

"Why do I have the feeling that you are pushing to go home so much so that you can keep playing with the home gym app…" Asher saw right through Caras' intentions. 

"No, why would I want that? I know you want to get home and prepare for school. You should also rest early so that you can be ready for the usual routine." Cara looked away while saying all this making Asher know exactly her intentions. 

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"Hey! I didn't want to miss you guys. My mom already headed home, well, to the lab again." Art was already at the entrance waiting for the two.

"How was spending time with her? I know you have missed your family lately." Asher could tell that Art had become much less stressed after seeing his mother. It was clear in everything he did, even his stride was smoother. 

"Yeah, I got to hear about her research and what my dad is working on. But I also got to hear about the upcoming tournament sponsored by the hero corp. It all sounds pretty cool. I am a little worried though…" Art became slightly off kilter. 

"What happened?" Asher wasn't sure if this would be the worst possible case of his older brother finding out about his mother's visit.

"My brother is apparently sitting in as one of the judges...he is still considered one of the newer heroes but mostly works in his own division of hero corp. But he was somehow asked and accepted as a judge. I might be knocked out without a single chance." 

"Then we will just need to be so amazing at this Ricktor tournament that not a single bad thing could stop us from being champions." Asher didn't hesitate to state this fact and put his arm around his friend. "Now stand up tall and walk beside me to the path of victory." 

"Yeah, victory sounds all well and good but what about the entrance fee for you and your friends? It still cost five thousand dollars per person." Cara was the crushing realism that came down upon the pair. However, Asher was the only one feeling this. 

"Oh, I told my mom about it and that's how the topic of my brother being a judge came up. She gave me the money for it and just said she would blame it on a failed stock investments. A few thousand is nothing to them since they will assist in many breakthroughs this week alone. The hero corp offices pay them very well." Art said all of this like he was talking about the weather. 

"How could we just take that much money…" Asher wasn't sure if he was saying the right thing, but accepting all this money just seemed like a debt they could never pay back.

"You have been taking care of me. This is for all you have done and all you will do. It is also my mothers' way of supporting my dreams. She basically invested in our hero group." 

Cara was frozen on the spot hearing that so much money had just been handed out so easily. "Oh, and Cara is participating too. My mom said that she couldn't let you be left out." Art turned red saying this and Asher had a feeling there was more to what his mother had said but he couldn't pry in to it.

"Ehm, well, if your mom believes in us and you so much then we will have to prove her right. I would feel like a waste if I did not. So next time you see her tell her we will finish in first place in all categories." Cara turned to hide her face since she didn't want them to see her emotions too much. "We need to get on that bus come on!" 

The three ran and caught the bus leaving. They found their own seats together waiting to reach the station that they could transfer on to any other bus to their destination.

 "Asher, I sent you the tournament list for you to choose what everyone will participate in. There are categories for everything. One of us should be in a tournament, right?" Art knew that if they all joined the same one they would most likely face each other and limit their groups' achievements. 

"Sweet, I have been thinking about this for a while. Sammy gets sky racing, Laura gets the reflex dodging tournament, Jackson gets disaster rescue, Louis gets storm survival, Jane gets the shifter combat tournament, you can have the traditional martial arts tournament, and I will take-" 

"You will take the random selection tournament. They are any power and any martial arts. The participants are randomly assigned to battle until only one remain. And I will take the stamina tournament. I have been training my running for this reason. Not only my super power improves with my running but so has my body." Cara interrupted Asher and made the final decisions. 

"Alight, sending them out to the group and adding Cara to the group. We will all need to get ready." Asher sent a long message to the group and links to every tournament. Art had control of the account his mother had given him and soon everyone had the funds needed to properly enter their tournament. 

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