What The Luck!?

Chapter 239 - 239. Still Behind

The next thing Asher knew was that his alarm was blaring, he was slamming a hand down, and he was missing the insanely comfortable bed from the luxury cabin. "Ugh, morning always comes too fast." Asher grabbed his work out clothing and started to feel more and more excited. He was going to show off his training from camp and finally try to catch his sister. 

"Bro, you took forever, I thought I would be waiting here alone for days." Art was already downstairs bur surprisingly there was no Cara. 

"Where is Cara, she always beat us here." Art just pointed at the empty spot where Cara's shoes would normally be. "I am pretty sure you and I were too slow today." Art sounded a little sad at this but he was also stretching his legs to get in to the feel. 

"I thought we would get the chance to finally beat her in one of the runs. This is lame." Asher said this but also stretched before he and Art headed out. 

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The two started off on their usual pace but began to realize that they weren't feeling very tired at all. It was like they had slowed themselves down to just a fast walk instead of their proper run. "Let's see what we can do." Asher decided the best way to solve their feelings was to push harder. 

With this notion taking root within their minds the pair began to run faster and faster until they were sprinting next to each other. They didn't stop or even slow down until they reached the playground where they would usually stop and do circuits. 

"I double the distance of my morning run and I still beat you two on doing circuits? How sad is that? Good thing I have my circuits changed to support my training program." Cara had just finished drinking from the water fountain and was setting herself up to start her own unique circuits. 

"We just went slower so you could feel what it was like to be ahead for one last time." Asher instantly retaliated to his sisters' words and opened his phone to guide him through his circuits as well. 

Asher was focused on a balance muscle based circuit where Art was using a strength based. Cara had set herself up to do a stamina building circuit. Between the three they were training multiple aspects of the body to improve their desired category. 

Art was the first to finish his circuit. "I will leave you two in the dust for now." His shout as he left the play ground was enough to push Asher and Cara in to overdrive. The two moved even faster to finish their circuits as Art had. 

Unfortunately, the two were not doing the strength training like Art and were destined to stay behind. Asher felt that he was making up time as he counted down the last of the squats on his to do list. "Sorry, Cara but I have a friend to catch." He didn't wait any longer and was off at a furious pace to catch Art who was nothing but a shadow in the distance. 

Unknown to Asher, this was the final straw. Cara had reached her limit seeing the two be faster than her. She forcer her body to move faster through the stamina circuit and came to the end sooner than the app had predicted. Her annoyance had carried her through. 

In a blink of an eye, she had pushed forward and was gaining ground like she had been running for her life. In just a handful of strides, she caught and passed Asher. In the next few she caught and passed Art. The two could only watch and feel lost while Cara sped by. 

Asher felt that he needed to at least catch Art and used Caras' sudden speed to encourage him to move even faster. When he reached Art the two were gasping for breath. Once the two reached the front door of Asher's house and heard the shower already running they felt that they had returned back through time to their first run together again. 

"I swear she is faster than ever." Art was panting while walking to the stairs. 

"She is faster than before. I didn't think it was possible but do you think she did harsher training while we were away than we did at camp?" Asher was afraid to hear the answer and was only met with Arts' silence. 

"Youn two should hurry up and get ready. I refuse to let you both be late for the first day back. If you learned anything at camp it should not be to be late to class." Asher's mother gave them a firm warning. Hearing this spurred them in to changing and speeding through a shower in their own time. 

Cara grabbed her lunch and had rushed out the door to get to school early while Art and Asher still trailed. "I feel like we are running late com plated to Cara…" Asher had forgotten just how tough and ahead of them Cara was. He had been dreaming when he thought only a week would be enough to get ahead of her. 

"No, we are going to surpass her." Art had become full of drive. "We have more of the vitamin packs than her. If we push ourselves properly on the weekend we can double our training efficiency." Art was mumbling like a mad man while collecting the lunch bag and walking out the front door. 

"Good morning Art, where is Asher? Did he sleep in?" Janes' soothing voice was the light that shown through the darkness for Asher. 

"I am here! I was just grabbing lunch. How was your day with your mother at camp?' Asher had been waiting all morning to ask Jane this. 

"My mom loved camp. She said she really liked seeing my new friends and that we were working so hard. I showed her the places we worked out and trained and we even watched your matches." Jane was rambling while they walked. This to no one's surprise entranced Asher. Before he knew it they had already stepped in to class and the first bell was ringing. 

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