What The Luck!?

Chapter 246 - 247. Zoo

"I think I should look for a class that has to do with learning how to rescue someone. I wonder if we have a class for disaster relief?" Asher looked towards Lin who had already stood up and was about to try and head to register for a new class. 

"Of course we do. Our school is one of the top in the country, we have a ton of variety in classes. Haven't you wondered why we have three full periods of the day we can choose to do anything we want?" Lin was a little surprised that Asher had missed this since she knew he wanted to be a hero.

"There wasn't anything on the sheet we were given to select courses on…" Lin opened her eyes wider as she realized the issue. 

"The disaster relief courses are normally for the upper classmen about to leave the school. I recommend you speak to someone in the office for admittance. They usually let those that ask to join but they won't just let anyone jump in to them. Since you have the desire and the proof of passing two classes already I am sure they will sign off on it." Lin was already heading toward the door. 

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"Hey Lin, You are still going to be around for me to ask for help right?" Asher knew that Lin was one of the best upper classmen in the school when it came to academics. She had also helped him gain some insights on his super powers which made him want to see her again. 

"Of course. You already have my phone number from the first class. I also have the school email. We were partners in discovering the craziness of the unknown. Plus I have the feeling that you might be asking me for tutoring soon. I spend my time in the library giving extra tutoring sessions most days. Come visit!" Lin was already out the door driven by her new goal to learn biology and medical knowledge. 

Asher just sat still for a little longer. He was glad to know that Lin would still help him and was even tutoring others after school. This was a great thing to know since he would be able to go and show her the progress he was making and even ask her the tougher questions in the farther ahead subject matter. He also knew that she would always be happy to help someone pursue knowledge due to her own thirst for it. 

"I guess I need to go back to the office then. I can't believe so much changed after one week of camp…" Asher said this out loud to himself as he looked back at the less mystical classroom. He had a twinge of sadness before closing the door fully. 

His walk through the halls was unimpeded due to the other students being in class, but surprisingly there were multiple students at the office when he got there. 

"I can't stay in the pyrotechnics class. It is too dangerous. Switch me out." 

"How can someone like me take another science class. I already understand the basics so just put me elsewhere." 

"Cooking? Why would I want advanced cooking classes? Is this a joke? I circled geography!" 

The students were all trying to sort out transfers and new classes. This eas making the two main office secretaries run around like crazy. The shouts were starting to push them over the edge. "Wow. I guess I went to the wrong place. I meant to go to the main office but ended up in a zoo full of annoying hyenas." 

Ashers' voice cut through the other shouts and caused most of the students to fall silent. They had just been verbally assaulted and were turning their frustrations on him. "What the heck ya mean by that kid? Are you trying to start a fight here?" The boy that had wanted geography was ready to start a fight right in the office. 

"Well, the way it looked you all must be from a zoo since you can't get organized and patiently wait for your turn. A normal human would be able to do that without a single problem." Ashers' attitude of being more important than all of them made them angrier. But the fact that he was looking down on them for the way they were acting was hitting them hard. 

The main group looked around at each other now in silence and started to frown deeper. "Not to mention even a zoo animal could form an orderly like for food. I have seen monkeys do it. I guess I just insulted the zoo animals. My bad." Asher said this and grabbed one of the nearby booklets labeled extracurricular classes guide and sat down to read through it. 

The last sentence made all of the other students hate him a bit more but also feel embarrassed by their own behavior. The two office secretaries were slack jawed at the way Asher had acted but even more about the results. He had taken all the students' hostility on them just so that they could have a better experience themselves. 

The student that had tried to pick a fight moved in to a line since most of his anger had been snuffed out by embarrassment. However, he was still glancing at Asher with an annoyed look and mumbling under his breath. 

After a short time, the line began to die down and there was only the two office secretaries and Asher left. "Young man, have you come here to switch or to join another class?" They both were standing at their side of the counter waiting for Asher. 

"Yes! I was just waiting my turn. I want to switch in to a class that deals with disaster relief. I was told I needed to ask since my grad usually can't join it. But I have already completed two course credits and want to look for a new lesson for my future career goal." 

"We can easily help you with that. Just hand us your student identification and you can sign up today to start it tomorrow." The secretary was all smiles while she and the other secretary started the paperwork. 

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