What The Luck!?

Chapter 248 - 248. Group Funding

The three walked towards Asher's house while raving about what they might learn in the modern technology class and what things they might be able to learn what to do in it. All of them agreed that they would be able to take their basic knowledge and efficiency up. Asher decided that he was going to try and focus on communication while in the class so that he could better lead the team. 

"I am just saying if I am able to fond us some good head sets or ear pieces to communicate we would be better off." Asher had made the argument to them twice but Art and Jane were convinced they should rely on verbal communication than over some form of radio. 

"Yes, but what if we come up against someone who is able to block the signals or we are far apart? It just sounds like a waste of money when we have our phones." Art was the one that was thinking about the find they would need to pool together for the group. He had the most money and even though he was not a fan of math he had a very nice knack for monetary calculations. 

"Then what about this. We get cellphones that are made for hero work and download a communication app on them? I am sure there are ear pieces that can connect and an app made specifically for these situations." Asher found that this might be the correct solution. 

"I forgot we wouldn't be able to use the phones we have now. I doubt they would withstand the rough treatment of a hero doing their job. They don't cost too much more than the phones we have but they are still pretty expensive since you have to buy them new." Jane had completely forgotten that they would need to upgrade their phones in general to ones that could take a heavier beating. 

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"Since we already need to upgrade them getting the ear pieces as a pair could probably save us money and also allow us to communicate farther and for a longer periods of time. We will also need them if we go to a disaster." Asher was making more and more sense and Art was finally ready to bend. 

"Fine. We will need to factor all of this in but I will set up a plan for ut. I just don't know how we will make all this kind of money. It is more than we can make from a part time job somewhere." Art wanted to make finds for the group too but he couldn't even think of where the time would come from for it all. 

"Then we will get it from the Ricktor tournaments. I was reading up on it all last night. There are many prized for those that place even in the top ten. Most prizes for it are money but there are also unique deals, custom gear, mentorship opportunities. I even found an article where someone won a house with all the most modern training equipment." Jane was recounting this and many more of the prizes. 

"I bet that just one of us placing first will be able to provide the entire group with enough funds to stay on track for a while," Asher said this while Jane recounted what she had found in to the group chat. They would all be pushing for the top anyways but now they would have an additional driving factor in the matter. 

"I think we should try and meet as a group on friday, saturday, and sunday. We can do a study session then go on to martial arts, and finally, go do our own power training." Jane made this plan and everyone obediently sent thumbs ups to them. 

"Cara already said that everyone can meet at our house. We don't have a huge house by the back yard is perfect for us to train. Plus I doubt we should head to the park with these things. Training there could cause some trouble." Art was trying to think of a better place but was left with only Asher's house as well since he couldn't offer his own home. 

"Then my house it is, but I think that everyone should try and bring snacks and water. I know my mom will try and feed everyone." Asher said this as a minor requirement but nothing major. He just didn't want to see his mother working too hard. 

"Then it is a plan. I am going to run ahead to home and get working. Tomorrow we will sign up for the class and then we can head to the library to study with the rest of the period." Jane was very excited and ran off to her house. She was gone before Asher and Art could even invite her to come in. 

"Jane looks like she is pretty energetic. Do you think she will even be able to sleep tonight?" Art was joking mostly but he had a feeling that he might be right. 

"I am sure she will be ready. It is going to be a whole new class. I am just worried that I am starting the disaster relief training class. It should be super useful but I was told to bring extra clothing with me. It might be a second gym class…" Asher was worried he would overwork himself in the day if it was like a second gym class. 

"Haven't you looked at where the class is? It is in the massive training ground behind the school. There is a small forest, a fake mountain, and even a sizable pond. They replicate a bunch of small scale disasters there once a month. The class has first priority but there are also clubs that join during those times for training." Art was surprisingly informational about the class. 

"That's actually really cool. I could definitely need a change of clothing after that class. For all I know I could end up covered in mud every other day if they try and replicate a mudslide." Asher was being consumed by his imagination, however, this was not far off of what would actually happen. 

"I ready the class description when you first mentioned it. It is really cool. If I can I will take it next year. But there are four class phases. The first is only available the first year. The second two are only allowed to be taken after the first and the fourth is for seniors only, no exceptions." Art was trying to explain this because he knew Asher might go looking for it. 

"Oh, so it is like physics and physics two. They are different levels with the more advanced subject matter." Asher understood exactly why it would be divided this way. "They definitely can't teach everything about disaster relief in one class. 

"Pretty much. But that is only the surface. I am sure there are so many things that we can't learn at all in class. We might want to look for some summer internships or something." Art was getting way ahead of the planning. But it was a good idea. 

"Summer is a little far. How about we put that on the back burner for after the exams." Asher received a nod from Art as they walked inside the house. 

"Finally! You two took forever. I didn't have cub today since we are taking a short break between meets. You two have been looking n to other classes and stuff but you still need to train." Cara was taking over the after school training and forced the two in to the back yard.

The rest of the night went by in a flurry of training until they felt that they were unable to continue, dinner, and then a large amount of homework to get them ahead. Asher and Art were both surprised at how much they were able to do. Before they were off to sleep. Their apps had recommended that they get six full hours of sleep every night to properly recover from their days. 

Overall Asher had had a pretty active day and was setting himself up for even more success. As he fell asleep he could only dream of the future he would have. But like all dreams, he was awoken brutally by the evil of alarm clocks. 

54r the alarm clock and was ready for the morning work out in record time. He had set his alarm earlier so he could try and catch Cara this time. "Ha! I knew you would be up early to try and sneak out again." Asher saw his sister tying her running shoes. 

"Do you need to be so loud in the morning? I am just doing the extra running I set up in my training schedule. I need to be ready for that tournament. Who else is going to set the winning example? That tournament is held first after all." Cara stretched her legs then walked out the door. Asher just stood there thinking about how he should be doing something more to prepare himself for the tournament he was going to be in. 

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