What The Luck!?

Chapter 252 - 252. Motivation

The morning routine came and went as Asher, Art, and Jane made their way through the morning academics. They had not done much different than usual, however, they had been surprising their teacher with their spot on answers and by handing in homework that was days ahead of where they currently were. 

"We are really showing them how great we can do." Art was feeling invigorated after seeing Mr. Smiths' face when they handed in a week's worth of math packets. It was even better because Mr. Smith knew exactly how challenged Art was by math and had handed in the same homeworks. 

"We are showing them what we can do when we put our mind to it," Jane said this like it was a fact of life. She was also walking slightly taller on her way to lunch than she had previously before. "By the way, I ordered something from the internet. I am following coach Winters' advice." 

This was a little cryptic but Asher knew it was on purpose to make them remember and guess what she could possibly be ordering. "Don't tell me you are ordering more martial arts videos" Art had taken it the wrong way and was met with a huff and a return away from Jane. 

Asher was thinking a little more clearly and had recalled what coach Winters had said to each of them the other day. "Are you trying to wear something over your eyes instead of your whole face?" His guess was proved correct when he could see Jane start to smile and stand closer to him as they walked. 

"Yes! I ordered a special set of glasses that should withstand rough situations and also be easy to remove. It cost a bit of my savings but it is worth the cost if it works properly." Jane was walking with an added bounce in her step while sharing this. 

"That is great. You should be able to rest easier and also shop off more of your face." Asher was glad to see Jane so happy with her decisions. He was also looking forward to be able to see her entire face even though her eyes would still be covered. 

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"That should be pretty cool, but you do realize you will be wearing sun glasses inside, right?' Art was already with a joke to tease Jane a little and earned a solid punch to the arm for it. 

"They won't be sunglasses and you know it." Art just shrugged and rubbed his arm. He knew he deserved it after the poor joke he had made. 

"Asher! Over here." Jackson was already at a table and had texted the group that they should come to the cafeteria to sit with him. "I wanted to chat about the disaster relief class you are taking." 

Asher knew that Jackson was very interested and was surprised that he had not somehow gotten in to the class already. 

"I can share all of my notes in the group chat when I have class. I don't want them to just be for me. It is better that we all learn more about rescue since it is a major job of a hero." Asher was sure of this and no one else could doubt him. 

"Yes, I agree. But rescue and disasters will be my core focus so I was hoping you could explain things more to me. I want to see if I can drop and switch my class too. But I think that will look poor if we try to skip a grade." The others all nodded. Dropping a class was always frowned upon no matter the reason. 

"Why don't you see if you can take a week and get ahead in the class you have during the last period of the day. Then you can show the teacher that you can pass it and deserve credit. That is what we did to get out of philosophy." Jane was sharing the trick with Jackson because she knew that he absolutely needed it to get to the class he wanted. It was a much better option than dropping a class. 

"Oh, I was wondering how you guys did it. But I thought that you just dropped at first." He showed a look of understanding compared to confusion before. 

"We are pretty great. But we are also here to help you too. Just lean on us." Art let his ego grow a little too much making Jane consider punching his arm again to keep his head clear. 

"Naa, we had the idea to ask for the transfer but ended up with the passing grade. Then, my other class, had my teacher retire and she passed myself and Lin. It was a weird few days." Asher had to admit that it was more than lucky. It was strange. 

"I see. Well, I will see about getting transferred if my own teacher will let me pass. I really want to study disaster relief early. It would make me stand out as a major rescuer to the universities when we go to apply for them. It is a good way to start my goals." Jackson was much more fired up than Asher believed and it was great to see. 

"At your rate, you are going to stand out for sure. Don't worry, we will help you if we can." Jane ignored the comment Art had made and was focused again n Jackson. 

"Thank you. I think the group is going to stand on top faster than I can expect. I didn't really have a plan for my future until recently. My parents even say that I haven't looked so motivated in my life. My dad went out and started getting books for me to study too." Jackso became bashful sharing this but showed off the rescue gear guide his father had bought him. 

"That is awesome, if we study that we could have a head start on the class. I didn't know one of the gear answers because I am not familiar but using the time to study it ahead of time…" Asher was thinking like a puzzle had just come together before his eyes. He didn't know what Jackson hadn't been the first person he spoke to when he decided on this class. 

"Ha! Found you. I cam to grab you three so I can show you where our classroom is for the next class. It's a lot of fun. We get to see a bunch of new things all the time." Laura had been hunting the cafeteria for them so that she could be the one to show them the way and make sure they all sat together. 

"Hey Laura" The chorus of hellos came out as she sat down snacking on something as usual. 

"Do they had jet packs? I bet they have jet packs." Art was still hung up on the jet pack thing making Asher and Jane shake their heads. 

"I haven't seen one but there was a gliding suit for jumping off mountains and getting to some remote locations. Oh, and there was a flashlight that went for miles. And, there was a straw that purified river water." Laura was getting more and more energetic as she spoke making it seem like she would bounce off the seat. 

"That sounds like a very valuable survival tool. If I can get a few I should." Jackson caught the possible survival tool instantly. He wasn't surprised at all that there would be valuable technology like that.

"I am excited about this class too. I have been taking my sewing and gear class at the end of the day and I think the technology course could really help me mix the best materials and knowledge with the hear and outfits I will make." Jane surprised Asher by making this connection. He didn't think that her to classes would meld together so well. 

"Does that mean you will be able to adjust my gear for me when there are things that would fit my super power?" Asher used his best smile to ask this of Jane and received a slightly red face and a nod from her. He knew he was not going to be able to learn to adjust his own gear for some time but having a friend who could was perfect. 

"I'll see what I can do...I am still learning, but I don't stick my fingers anymore." Jane was happy to be asked and couldn't find the strength of voice at the moment since Asher was so focused on her. 

"Wait, I want my gear changed too. Jane, we are friends, right? You would alter mine?" Laura was thinking about having even cooler looking gear that wouldn't get damaged when she ran at her full speed. 

"I could if I know enough." Jane was still in a daze after listening to Asher and immediately agreed causing Laura to jump up in joy. Before the group could continue the bell rang to signal them to head out to the new modern technology class. 

"We will see you later Jackson. Let me know how things go with your class and I will send the notes on mine to the chat later." Asher made this promise while they all walked out. 

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