What The Luck!?

Chapter 254 - 254. Tools

"That's better, now I can get you in to a tour." Laura was glad she had finally managed to budge Asher a little from his poor mood. It wasn't his fault since she knew that professor Bolts was a problem case when it came to personality. However, she had hoped that he would be in a good mood when he first met her friends. 

Asher put down the blueprints and took another look around. He could tell Art was searching for a jetpack since he was focused on the gliders that were hanging from the ceiling on display. Jane was still browsing the parts that made up the reflex game like she was trying to understand how all the parts came together. 

"This center area is where everyone goes to shop off the newest gadget or brag about the things they made. The kid showing off the skate board with adjustable height is the one who played with the super hero phone and made it display on the television. He is way better at making computer codes. I guess hi super power is math related." Laura wasn't a huge fan of codes and computers but she still thought it amazing. 

"My father can write code, but he mainly works in the office now doing paperwork and approving other studies. He used to do a lot of physics math too. I see a lot of the same tools around. But still no jet pack." Art was refusing to give up on the jet pack. He was dead set on trying to fly. 

"I think it would be better to see the more practical creations. But maybe there are hidden uses in some thing." Jane was trying to be positive but she was looking at many half made gadgets that didn't seem to have any reason for existing.

"Think about all the things that came to be because of someone fooling around or accidentally creating things. You have heard the story of the potato chip right? A customer asked for a thinner french fry then the chef got angry and made them super thin. The customer loved it and it ended up becoming hugely popular." Asher had gained a little of his energy back and was letting the previous annoyance roll off. 

"Exactly, now come and see the pitch circle. They might have something cool to show off." Laura used the term for the circle the students had made to show off. They mostly used it to pitch their ideas or argue theories so they had dubbed it the pitch circle. 

"Sup Laura."


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"Laura's back, usually she's faster than this." 

Laura was recognized by almost every single student in the circle or hanging out at a table nearby. "Who knew you were so popular." Asher just gave her a sideways glance while looking at her.

"You don't know the half of it. Every time I start to work on something she is here to ask what it is and what it will do. One of the boys that was holding a half disassembled alarm clock heard Asher and responded instantly. 

"Just because I am curious doesn't mean I bug you every time." Laura was taken aback by the accusations but was curiously looking at the half taken apart alarm clock waiting to ask what it was. 

The boy shook his head and walked to the center of the circle. "I managed to condense the micro chip and code that runs it in to a smaller version. Now it runs on half the electricity with half the components." There was a blaring alarm sound from it and the boy hit the off button. 

"Can you make it play music instead?"

"Why leave it at half? Set it up like a watch!"

"Make it tell you the weather and give a daily report." 

This was the response from those around. The students wanted to push the project in to a different direction or make the boy change it. But instead of saying anything the boy just walked to the nearest table and started to take it apart again. 

"See, they just make things to make things. They change regular stuff in to more efficient versions. It is so cool. Oh, look. There the kid with the frost thrower." Laura was even more excited. 

"Last class I had the unveiling of my frost thrower. I made it the opposite of a flame thrower cause that's way too cliche. But as you know it broke and we all ended up with hair like icicles. I present, the repaired and improved version!" The boy in the center held up a back pack with a series of tubes leading to what appeared to be a metal and rubber water gun. 

"TThe filtration p[roduces super cooled gasses that will freeze all the surroundings. That was repaired and made even stronger so that it can hold the pressure. The gun itself now incorporates highly dried air that delivers the gases with p[rewssure and adds top direction so that it can do this…" 

The boy directed the gun upwards and fired it. There was a humming sound and the gun shot a heavy breeze upward., The roof became icy and frozen looking while small ice droplets fell from it. "I made my own hail, but if this hits something it is an instant freeze and," The boy pointed up, "It will turn white with frost in five seconds." 

The ceiling had turned white and shiny with frost for about ten feet in diameter. "That was actually really cool. I thought it would just shoot ice or snow but it actually froze things." Art was the most excited out of the group. He had only read about such abilities in comic books since making freeze rays was thought to be a wasted endeavor. 

"You should make it wilder range so you can walk across the ocean." 

"No, use it for forest fires" 

"Naaa, have him make an ice castle for the tournaments later this year."

The students found this much more interesting since they had seen the failure of the previous class and now saw the massive improvement. "I will be improving this and using it along with my super power to participate in the tournaments. Any who wish to form a group with me are welcome. 

"Oh, so this is also a way for the inverter students to gain team mates for the tournaments." Jane realized the real reason they were all showing off their abilities. The boy was already speaking to the one that first spoke about changing micro chips and condensing his back pack unit. 

"Come on, let me show you the tool room and the testing area."

 Laura was pulling them away already. There were more students showing things off but Asher had a feeling that he could be in this room all day and still feel like he was missing something. 

"Laura led them to a caged room full of rows and ropes of hanging shelves. "There are guides next to each one. I already learned to use a saw, tape measure, drills, pretty much anything that sounds useful to a hero." Laura had been trying to learn these things for the jobs that she could end up on. 

"Hewros help repair disaster damaged homes all the time. Learning to use the tools is a great idea!" Jane realized just how valuable the knowledge was and wanted to dig in to the tools right that second. 

"I could learn to use a blow torch. I might need that for metal… Art was mumbling to himself as he looked at a small hand held blow torch. 

"Oh, I saw that one on the news last night. Mom was watching a hero who invented it. Apparently, it is used to underwater car accidents a lot since it still burns well under water." Asher saw this in passing since he had no reason to really watch television, but his mother did while she worked around the house and he had caught this tidbit of information. 

"That would be perfect. I should try and learn how to use it then get one." Art was completely sold on it. 

Jane and Laura were browsing the other tools while Asher decided to wander through the tool cage himself. There were so many different tools he had never seen and many more that he couldn't even guess the use of. This alone was making him wonder if it was even possible to learn everything within this class.

"Hey Laura? Is this class just one grade or multiple"' Asher had a theory that this class was for every year of students just based on the sheer amount of resources the school invested. 

"Every year students can join. You can get credits for every year you are here in the class.!" She responded quickly before she went back in to discussion with Jane. Asher nodded at the answer. He knew that this meant that they could learn how to use every single tool that may become useful in their hero careers. It would be an invaluable knowledge base to have for disasters and rescues which needed specific tools to save someone.

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