What The Luck!?

Chapter 259 - 259. Water Resistance

"Oh! I have an idea. You two should come to the back yard. Since we live next to each other out families share one and we have a pool!" Sammy was much more excited to show this off than it seemed she was about training. 

"You should probably tell them that you want them to check it out because that is how you do your resistance training." Louis teased Sammy and earned another gust of wind for his words. 

"That's actually really cool. Is it in the app or did you just do it before?" Art was sure that he had not seen water resistance training but he had also never search for it in the app as an applicable work out. Mostly because he didn't have a pool to go to so that he could swim, much less train. 

"Well, I use it to practice what I think flying would be like and I thought it was a good way to stay in shape. Then when you guys had us download the app I kinda seared water exercises and...Yeah, I have a bunch of water resistance circuits." Sammy was slightly embarrassed to see Art and Asher so focused on her. But She was also glad to see them starting to show excitement. 

"Yeah, they should come over to my house first. My dad and I have some extra swim, suits you can borrow. I'm pretty sure they don't want to run home in soaking wet gym clothes." Louis was on the ball with this suggestion and kept the two from having to run home. 

"If it isn't any trouble that would be great. I haven't done any water exercises. I just took basic swimming lessons when I was a kid." Asher could remember that in this life he had done the same swim lessons almost every child did in school and nothing more. 

"That's fine. The pool is shallow since it was made for laps. So you can touch. And if you want it higher or lover we can adjust it." Louis said this making Art and Asher both wonder how this was possible, but they didn't question it since they were too excited to get to a new workout and swim. 

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"Yeah yeah, I am going ahead then. Hurry up." Sammy stuck her tongue out at Louis before she ran to her house to change herself. 

"I didn't know you guys had a pool. That is awesome. I bet you can party it up a lot." Art was pretty energized hearing about the pool. Even his parents' mansion didn't have a pool since their super powers were mostly metal based and they would end up sinking most of the time. 

"Well, I used to swim a lot. But now...not so much." Louis was banned from the pool since he would shock everyone inside of it. This was just a side effect of his lighting body super power. 

"Can't you discharge all of your lightings in the lightning rod you told us about then get it?" Asher was wondering why this wasn't possible. 

"It would be super uncomfortable for you guys. Every time my body generated a little lighting to replace what I burn off it would be a small zap. Like static electricity." Louis had his head down completely dejected. He knew that none of them would want him to swim too so he would have to do his own work outs alone at the side of the pool. 

"That's fine. We need to toughen our bodies too. How many times will we get hit and flinch leaving us open to another hit? We need to toughen up and small zaps will work." Art and Asher both flexed and made small punching actions while agreeing on this. It left Louis completely blindsided since he had thought the opposite reaction would occur. 

"Are...you sure? It isn't pleasant. Sammy got really angry when she hopped in one day while I was using it." Louis was still unsure but when he saw the two nodding and giving the thumbs up he had become much more excited. 

"If Sammy is unhappy then just put it on us. We want you to train with us and it will help us out with out flinching reflex." Asher was sold on the surprising training methods they had discovered by coming here. He could only imagine it would end up putting them farther ahead. 

The three rushed inside and were changed quicker than one could imagine. Before they even found the pool the three were surprised to see Louis without any of the normal rubber bandages to block the lightning. 

Louis was still skinnier but had started to develop muscles from training. The only problem was his blinding paleness due to keeping himself covered for others' safety. But the cool part was the fact that small arcs of lightning constantly arced on his skin making him look like a walking special effect. 

"Just hang on while I use the lightning rod quick." Louis reached out and grasped a metal pole in the ground. "We drove it down twenty feet so that it wouldn't affect any underground wiring." With a sudden burst Art and Asher witnessed a blinding flash as the lightning arced around Louis and in to the ground. It only took a few flashes before Louis was slightly tired but the lighting on his body had disappeared. 

"That was way cooler than I thought it would be. I think you and Sammy have the flashiest super powers in the group. Mine seems pretty lame in comparison." Asher was a little jealous since he couldn't really show off much with his power. 

"You know you are a walking luck magnet right? You probably could do anything you wanted and come out on top." Louis was laughing at Asher since he felt the same jealousy but for Asher's super power. 

"Yeah yeah, that's cool. But like my own power and I want to show off how much better I am at these water resistance circuits you're going to teach us. Only...where's the pool?" Ar was ready to get in to training but realized there was only a long wooden deck in the back yard other than the lightning rod. 

"Oh, you're going to love this. You see how the deck stretches from one side to the other completely flat and without railings? Watch this." Louis went to a small panel near the houses and pressed a button. After turning a dial the deck started to shake then lower in to the ground. "I set it to four feet deep so that we can still run in it for the first half." 

The water was bubbling up over the fake wooden boards. The deck was just an automatic covering for the pool. "This is epic! I thought that it would be something like this but not this fancy." Asher had never seen a pool like this and was sure that it was an engineering wonder. 

"What!? You already showed them? I wanted to see their faces- Oh wait, Art is still stunned." Sammy giggled a little at Art who was frozen in amazement. He wanted one of these lap pools for himself. 

"Let's get this party started!" Art suddenly came back to reality and grabbed Louis over his shoulder. He felt a slight zap but his adrenaline was pumping and preventing any notice as the two fell in to the water.

"You heard him, Let's party!" Asher dashed at Sammy and tackled her in to the pool too. The four fell in to brutal arm seeps and fist slaps splashing each other until they were completely out of breath. 

"This is not… the resistance...training I had… in mind." Sammy struggled to get the words out before leaning on the edge of the pool. "Dang it! Those zaps keep making me twitch." She had been twitching every so often at the same time Asher and Art felt the slightest of zaps. 

"Sorry...I can get out." Louis had been watching for it too and was feeling worse and worse about it. 

"No, how are we going to toughen up? You can get out when you can beat me in a race from one end to the other. Until then you are stuck here!" Art refused to let Louis out and Sammy just shrugged it off. 

"Sammy, if you flinch like that against a villain they are going to kick your butt and do terrible things. Haven't you seen the news? Villans will do the worst things to heroes when they defeat them." Asher knew this was playing dirty but his strategy worked, Sammy showed slight fear for a moment before her gaze steeled and she stood taller. 

"Fine. Then I will be the toughest in the group. Who cares about a distracting zap anyways. It barely hurts." She pretended not to care about the next zap that made her flinch. However, Asher was impressed to see she recovered much faster than easier. 

"Then show off these resistance training exercises you told us about. After that, we can practice some blocks." Asher knew it was time to get serious and train for real. 

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