What The Luck!?

Chapter 293 - 293. Soft Shell

"Well? Do you three want to come under my mentorship? That's the reason I wanted to announce and help design this tournament this year. I think it's about time I start to take some future heroes and give them the tools I have to become the top of the worlds' poaching and animal protectors." Trap master really had a dream and wanted to share it. His goals couldn't end with him and like many heroes, he was looking to pass on everything he had learned.

The two boys looked like they had just been told they won the lottery and would never need to work in their lives again. They were understandably in awe. The crowd had caught on to what was going on but luckily, could not hear the conversation. 

Laura was very excited about the offer. It would be a huge benefit for anyone who was passionate in this aspect of heroism. "I would say yes under other situations. But I have a promise with my friends to make our own hero group. I hope I can still ask for guidance when my hero group needs it though." 

The response shocked both the boys and Trap master. None of them had expected such an offer to be turned down in a million years. But trap master soon understood. He had been watching the other tournaments as well and knew just who Laura was in relation to the other winners. 

"I hope that when your group takes the top in the hero team accomplishments that you will look to invite me and my students to partner with you when needed." He knew that he was missing out on a valuable student. However, he knew more than anything that a group of highly driven students like Laura and her friends would push higher than someone alone ever could. 

"Um, we would love to. We both want to protect endangered animals." 

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"My father wants me to go in to the family business. But I want to protect animals from poachers too. It's why I entered this tournament with my best friend. We will be the best duo there is!" The two boys fist bumped and stood in front of Trap master excitedly. 

"I see, then you two will be able to learn a lot with that attitude. And trust me. I will have a long conversation with your parents on the future dangers and safeties that come with this. Your dreams are important, but so is your family. I will not throw you to the wolves." Trap master made this promise which both the boys took to heart. 

"On that note, we should get you three to the podium over there for your medals and photo opportunities. I never thought that three of you would make it. Did you plan that strategy?" Trap master started to chat with them idly while Laura began to wonder how the others were doing. 

"This is it! The tournament for the strangest, coolest, monstrous, adorable, you name it! The shifter tournament! One on one matches with our mysterious shifter type super power users is sure to shock the world. Last year I am sure everyone remembers the tentacle entangle winner with his Kraken shift super power. This year we have a smaller participant list but it comes at a higher quality!"

The woman announcing this was standing in the middle of a much more reinforced stage. The area needed to be made for those with powerful shifting super powers that could cause destruction. Some would even double or triple in size or gain immense strength. This of course came at a cost but that was the same with every shifting type super power. 

"The rules are simple, use any means you have to take down your opponent. The referees will announce winners and as long as you stop you will win. If you go against a referee ruling you will automatically be kicked from the tournament. Safety is still key! Medics and advanced medical staff are ready to assist with any drawbacks from shifting, but that doesn't mean you have to shift at all times. Just remember to have fun and show off what you can do!"

The announcer showed off by shifting in to her own super power. Rabbit ears and massive rabbit legs took shape. She jumped in to the air almost touching the protective ceiling dome separating the audience and the participants. "Head to your assigned rings and let's see what you can do!" The audience cheered. They were excited to see their favorite shifter hero once again announcing the shifter tournament. 

Jane was going through one last check of her gear. She had the fingerless gloves Asher had handed her for her birthday. She had her adrenaline tablets for when she needed to shift. And most importantly she had her reinforced sunglasses. She was planning to use her medusa shift only when she absolutely needed to. This would protect her from exhaustion. 

She also knew that if she used her sight to freeze people in place immediately she would lose out in the end. People would know how to counter her or develop ways to beat her before becoming frozen in place. On top of this, she also wanted to see what she could do with her martial arts and training. It was a true test of where she stood as a developing student. 

"Ha! I lucked out. I have some lizard shifter trying to beat my tough shell? I pretty much get to walk in to the second round without an issue." The man that was laughing at Jane already was red skinned and has oddly pointed hands. He was more arrogant than Jane had expected her first opponent to be. 

Keeping her cool she replied, "I'm sorry I did not bring anything to help you with your sun burn. In the future, I will remember a first aid kit." This turned the man's face in to one of fury. Apparently, Jane had just hit a sore spot. 

"Well kid, I was going to offer to let you-"

"Yeah I know what you're getting at, but please either forfeit or wait for the match to start." Jane cut him off further angering him which was just helping her in her goals to stay calm and win easily. It was too lucky for her to have an easily angered arrogant opponent. The referee was growing since this was a common trend in the shifter tournament. Those who thought themselves too tough or powerful often lost easily and harshly.

"Are you two prepared? You are allowed to shift if you need to before the match." The referee no sooner said this than a red shell started to form around janes' opponent. 

"Ah, you have the shell of a crab. That's what you meant. But that's alright. I can handle that." Jane fell in to a stance without shifting. The referee and her opponent just assumed she was already in a shifted form. The referee raised a hand and blew his whistle. 

Jane saw that the crab shifter was not even planning to move. He had an arrogant look on his face which she could make out even though his skin had turned to hard shell. This was perfect for her since she wouldn't even need to use her speed and could attack straight forward. 

The crab shifter swing a claw hand at her and snapped only to catch air. His attacks were much too slow for her to even need to worry about. With a twist of her hips, Jane whipped her heel in to the crab shifters' chest. The sickening cracking revealed a soft pink skin underneath the shell and brought a sharp hiss from the crab shifter's lips. 

Jane knew better than to let up. However, she needed to doge the surprised and panicked swings from the pained crap shifter. She could feel she had shocked her leg muscles with a hard hit but knew that it would fade. The shell was only slightly harder than she expected but easily breakable. 

Rushing him again and ducking under his clawed swings, Jane managed to land a punch this time. The feeling of hitting the same spot she had kicked was enough to make her skin crawl. It was soft, very soft. 

The screech her opponent made caused him to fall and scramble out of the ring in pain. All majesty and arrogance had left the ring only to leave his cowering as he shouted for medic staff to help him. 

"Just a soft shell crab. But a win is a win." The referee looked at Janes' opponent. It was not a hard match to guess based on the crab shifters' attitude. But it was still sad to see. But he did have the feeling that the next match Jane had would end in the same result; her winning. After years of watching and refereeing these matches, he had gained an eye for who would win. He silently noted down the victory on his phone to send to the leaderboard. The crowd, however, had not focused on her match. They were focused on a golden mane lion shifter. 

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