What The Luck!?

Chapter 310 - 309. Easy Easy Easy

"So, what's with the outfit? Are you...alright?" Asher was pretty sure that the girl he was talking to was crazy. He may have been checking out his opponents while the rest of the students checked in and registered for the testing tournament. But he had not expected to find some girl dressed in the craziest clothing. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just wear this because it's fin when people don't notice it. My power is oblivious. People are completely oblivious of me most of the time. My family isn't affected and neither will anyone else who is close to me. But for some reason, random people can see me sometimes. I didn't touch you or call out to you so you're a random person." The girl just giggled a little at the strange happenstance that brought her another person that could see her. 

"Well, I tend to be lucky. So, I can assume that's why I saw you." Asher wasn't sure where Art and Jane had moved to while scouting out their opponents. The rest of the group was doing their own thing and scouting out people too. Asher couldn't even call out to someone to have them join up with the weird conversation. 

"Hmm, lucky. That might do it. Are you going to be taking the test? I Already took mine earlier. I did communication and information gathering tests with the business students. Not that that is what I will use it for." Asher was surprised. This girl was openly admitting she was learning to be some kind of spy!

"That's why I'm here. I plan to get the top grade." Asher wasn't sure if this girl had told him she was already done with her test as the truth or potentially a lie. The biggest reason he thought this was some for of trick was the fact that she was sneaking through looking at all the participants. It would make sense if she was here to gather information and use it to get a better grade herself. 

"Well, nice to see you. If you see me again I will give you my name. I already have yours though, Asher." She rushed away in to a group of students and when Asher tried to follow her he found that her figure was blurry. When he blinked she was gone completely. Yet, he swore he saw a flash of bright yellow and orange clothing passing by one of the stairs to the evaluation booth. 

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"Attention students. The bracelet you wear will display your first match starting point. Please proceed to your ring and remember that you are being evaluated. Good luck!" The announcement caused everyone to move. Asher hadn't even noticed that there was no longer a line of students and instead just people walking around or chatting. 

Before he could take a step he noticed that he was already standing in the ring he needed to be. The other student shad moved to evenly spread out across the gym. Just as a skinny boy came in to the circle a super power was used that covered them in a small transparent dome. 

"Per the rules, the domes will protect from outside interference. Thank you to the hard working barrier projectors for volunteering their time today." The announcer chimed in again before the two boys began to circle each other. There was no starting mark here. Life would not be kind enough to warn the other that a villain was going to strike or that a crime was going to happen. Those things only happened in the movies. 

"Sorry, but I need to take you in to custody now." The skinny boy was growing what looked like long hairs from his body. He had some super power related to hair and tangling up opponets. 

"Likewise, but it will be you that is taken down today. It's a shame though, your super power is great for this." Asher jumped as a braided hair came at him. The skinny boys' whipped his hair a few times before he realized that he was not successful and that Asher was in front of him. 

Asher wanted to just kick or punch out. However, since he was being evaluated on his wisdom he decided to use a through which he could control better and move in to a pinning position to hold the skinny boy until he could be declared the winner. 

Asher caught the skinny boys' arm and was surprised by just how light he was. The skinny boy flipped in air and was instantly on his face while Asher was flipping his hands and handcuffing him in a way. 

The skinny boy was attempting to use his hair to move and bind Asher but every time he attempted it Asher would add a little more weight and force. After a short time, he heard a soft ding from a speaker in the floor. "Asher is the victory. The evaluation has passed. Asher will move on to the next round." Asher released his opponent instantly. All the hair the sunny boy had made was pulled back to his body bringing back a normal appearance. 

Asher looked around to see many of the students in victory or despair. Some were even furious since it looked like they had easily crushed their opponent but had been told they lost. Asher could only speculate that it was because they had not done so using strategy and instead just rushed in and beat their opponent. 

"The next match will begin in ten minutes. Please leave if you have not been named a victor. Those who have won please remain and wait for the next instruction." The transparent dome disappeared and the skinny boy slowly left. Asher almost felt bad since the super power and strategy was good. However, it came down to training and the ability to utilize super powers. 

"How did yours go? I had some kind who had bendy bones. He used them like springs. Super gross but cool." Laura popped up right next to Asher surprising him. 

After regaining his wits Asger managed to reply, "I had someone who caused their hair as a weapon to try and tie me up. He had a good strategy but a weak base." Laura nodded along while scanning the area for everyone else. 

"I don't see Louis anywhere. He had to have passed, right" Laura was worried that Louis had failed the first round of the tests and was now out of the running completely. 

"Sp worried about him, huh?" Asher wanted to tease her a little but he didn't have the chance since Louis was walking up to them from her opposite side and she would see him anyways. 

"That's it, you're the last one. Everyone passed the first round." Laura looked happier than ever but she also visibly relaxed. 

"That's great. I knew the whole group would make it. The guy I faced just had really sensitive eyes. I just made a little flash of lightning and he was blinded. I moved behind him and boom. He was down. If it was anyone by me." Louise knew his opponent had been extremely unlucky. 

"That sounds like you really lucked out. I had to actually pin my opponent for real." Asher wanted the others to come over but the gym was huge and there was no chance that they would easily be able to find their way through the mass of students in time. 

"The second match should be better right? I think the hero wannabes are gone now and we have those who actually want to go after the law enforcement and super hero jobs." Laura was sure of it. When her bracelet vibrated she started to move away. 

"The second round will begin shortly. Please prepare." The voice cut them all off and forced them back to their respective areas. Another opponent took the space with Asher. 

"I've wanted a rematch with you for some time. This won't be like camp was." Asher looked at the kid from the martial arts and boxing club. He had dragged two friends with him before but now he was totally alone and slightly more built. 

"Huh, I didn't think you would be so unlucky to face me again. I see you have been training but is it really enough? You had to have seen the tournament that just happened and how my group literally swept every single one." Asher tried his best to talk the kid out of it but it was futile. 

"I won't back down. I know you used all your luck. I asked around and your luck makes other people have bad luck. But once you use up your like it's all gone. You are just a normal person without luck. Just like now. You used it all at the tournament." 

Asher had no idea where such a crazy rumor had come from. He hadn't seen it pop up on the comments of the ideas for the tournaments or anywhere else.. He was at a complete loss as to what to say to this accusation. 

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