What The Luck!?

Chapter 351 - 351. Wreckage

The group was mainly working together since it appeared that the other students were going off on their own. Jackson tried to keep them grouped up and focused on helping each other but only four of them actually listened and it was because they were on shelter building duty. "Jackson, stick with us. We can help them and also work on the groups' goals. If they don't want to listen, don't force them. There are cameras everywhere so they can evaluate us. Jane was sure that people had done the same things in other groups so it was better for at least some of them to stay together. 

"But they don't know what could be out there. What if there is a river made and we end up falling in. What if there are underground caves and we get lost? What if there is a wild animal that tried to eat them?" Jackson was finding that managing a larger group was not his cup of tea. So many people were currently going against all the survival and rescue knowledge he had ever learned. 

"Jackson, so help me. If you don't get your head calm and focused on what we are doing I will purposefully deafen you now so you can play the injured role." Cara was being a little harsh but he had reached the end of her wits when it came to people freaking out. She knew there was more to the training than what they were told. It was too easy the way it was. Surviving for two days in the fake forest was too easy and wouldn't push everyone to their limits. Either the three groups would come together or there would be something to sabotage it. 

The look on Jacksons' face showed complete disbelief. Cara had never yelled at him like that. No one had ever even tried to yell at him like that. Hos family was normally quiet and peaceful so now that someone had said something like that it shocked him. 

"Dude, you were getting a little controlling and crazy. It's stressful, we know, but you need to just learn to be a little more hands off. We will survive and follow your knowledge but doing everything perfectly is not possible." Sammy slowly got in to Jacksons' head using logic and he slowly began to link again. 

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"I see. You're right. I forgot that everyone might have their own priorities. What's the plan?" The calmness that Jackson regained after being brought back to reality was a little off putting. However, the entire group knew the feeling of having all the wind taken from their sails. It was a humbling experience and one that would one day make them better heroes. Id Jackson tried to run a real rescue team to the letter of what should be done things would fall apart. The major lesson for Jackson and all of them was that things were not perfect in the least. 

"I think we should do our tasks together. The entire group will fond wood, search for water, find the wreckage, and also find the on board computer from the plane. From there, we will have a better direction to go. But there is probably more to this. I know everyone is thinking about it that way." Asher summed up his plan and no one had any arguments. 

"Hey! Come check this out! There's some burned stuff over here" One of the other students was already poking what seemed to be a melted chair with a stick. 

"Thanks for the shout but, why are you messing with it?" 

"It's cool. Why wouldn't I investigate?"

The student that replied to Jane just shrugged while Jane tried her best to keep her words to herself. The group had just rushed to him and found that the only thing t see was someone poking a burnt and melted chair with a stick. It was a stupid thing to have to deal with until Laura ran ahead. 

"I checked the area and there are more. A lot more." Laura started to drag the group through some tall grass and eventually to a large opening in the trees. The area had multiple melted chairs, pieces of metal, and some burnt remains of what looked to be an airplane. "And I found the wreckage. Do I get extra points for finding it and finishing my card?" The smug smile on Laura's face made everyone feel like they had been beaten. However, there was still a lot more to do.

"This should be a decent area for shelter due to the parts available. The plan may be crashed but since we can not travel the remaining pieces will have to be materials. Let's pair up and check things out. I think Art and I can search the wreckage for now." Asher walked with Art toward the largest pieces of the wreckage to find that there was an entire cockpit still intact. 

"I have no idea how the school is able to set all these things up. It costs so much money and time." Asher was always more and more amazed but just how dedicated his school was. Every day he seemed to see something that proved his high school was better than he had been led to believe. 

"It's private funding. The more the higher ups invest the sooner they see results in what they are investing in. Some pour money n to the technology and engineering courses so they can get the newest geniuses. Others push at sciences or even sports. My parents have made decent donations to biology labs so they can get gifted assistants and even some information on super powers like yours. New ones. It's also how my brother must have been able to switch the paperwork for my super powers. I thought about this stuff a lot and finally put it all together." 

Art was searching the wreckage but suddenly replied to Ashers' basic comment. The ramifications were still large after the paperwork had been changed. However, there was the fact that finding was the route at which it took. This funding made their high school much better. But also offered corrupt acts. Unfortunately, they still didn't know Arts' brothers' motivation since it didn't seem to be just control of the family now. 

"I see. I think that is something we will need to keep an eye on in the future. We might encounter these kinds of situations later. But they aren't all bad as long negative politics don't play a part. We know what that's like and if the person was alone it could be deadly." Asher knew that Art could have been alone and ostracized from his family. There had been more luck than they knew when Art introduced himself to Asher at school. 

"Whats' the computer we are looking for? Is it like a black box with a few cable ports? Does it say, do not remove under any circumstances?" 

"Seriously? You already found it?" Art looked expecting Asher to have it in his hands. The sudden exclamation from Asher had put him back out of his head and searching aimlessly. 

"No, it is just hanging from some wires above your head and you were searching the floor." Art was bewildered as he reached up and grasped the box. He easily detached it and held it in his hands. "Also, you should hide it. I have a bad feeling." 

"Well, I should have known that you would be the first group to make it to the crash site. I have been out here for some time wandering until my group found the perfect camping spot. Coincidentally it was also the spot where the plane crashed. 

Asher walked outside to find James talking to the rest of the group. They had also bumped in to James and grouped up to walk back toward Asher and Art. "James, back already? What card do you have? Mine is pretty lame." Asher was putting this air on as friendly for a few reasons. The two other students with James had with him were on edge and seemed as if they had different jobs on their cards than the ones a normal student had. 

"Leadership. It wants me to lead the group. Some of us have to unite the groups and teach. I was surprised that we didn't have more shelter oriented tasks." James genuinely looked sad. But it was just his face. He appeared that he wanted to be in the shelter building end of things. 

"Well, you found us and we have a lot of camp building tasks. Now that you have people with their cards done, why don't we join up?" Asher walked toward the edge of the clearing where Jackson and Cara had already begun to set up a shelter. 

Cara didn't see, happy to see James since he was a tough opponent in their school for her to face. But when Jackson saw James was there bringing more help had put them right to work.. Now the rest of James's group needed to come over. 

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