What The Luck!?

Chapter 67 - 67. Sly Art

The cooking went on until the two returned from their morning routine. Cara was the first to smell the bacon, the only problem was that she also smelled some burning and something sweet. "Mom? Is everything alr-" She saw that it was Asher in the kitchen and that there were three loaded plates of food. The bacon mixed with burnt eggs made her stomach turn. The toast he had created was darker than roof shingles. Even the pancakes were somehow cooked but had little bits of dry mix falling from them.

She tried to walk backward but encountered a body behind her. "I was going to make my master chef level breakfast just for me but I started to feel bad. I made you and Art a plate too so get changed and eat up." His genuine smile filled her with horror. She had never seen such a mess of a breakfast and there was no way she could eat any of it. 'How could mom leave him to do something so gruesome?' Cara could not fathom why he was allowed.

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"Woohoo, made it back and I smell bacon!" Art was enticed by the wonderful smell of bacon as he entered the door and took his shoes off.

"Perfect timing, I made you a plate too!" Asher went to get the food and put it on the dining room table.

"Thanks bro, I am starving...Wait, you made me a plate?" Art's heart started to pump faster and faster, even more so than when he was running. "Haha, you know I don't think I can eat just yet. I ran too hard and my stomach is hurting a bit. I need to calm down first. Maybe I will save it for later." He attempted to put it in the kitchen but Asher was already dodging around him with the plate and putting it on the table.

"How could I let my best friend go hungry? If you are still feeling bad after you shower then I will make it your lunch." Asher was being kind and nice just like madam Weaver had recommended. Yet to Art and Cara it sounded like they were being offered torture from a demon. How could they eat this poison?

They retreated to the upstairs where they found Asher and Cara's mother reading a book without a care in the world. "Mom, you let Asher make that poison?"

"What was I going to do? He was already cooking when I woke up. Shouldn't he have been ut working out with you two? Why wasn't he?" This made Cara shiver, she had been the one to tell him not to go since she wanted to look out for his best interest.

"You know he is going early to camp cruel like I did. I worked out the morning I went and the whole thing was worse because of it. I wanted to be nice. But now he is going to poison Art and me." Cara's whining got her nowhere with her mother. As far as her mother was concerned she had brought it upon herself by not allowing Asher to work out like usual. If he had worked out like usual then he would have been burning whatever else happened upon himself. She didn't look up from her book again having the full intention of staying in her room until they all left for school.

Cara walked away defeated realizing that she would be stuck with this fate no matter what now. By the time she made it to the shower and dressed for school, she found that Art was downstairs looking at the food on the table. "See I told you we needed to wait for Cara. It would be rude eating without her."

'What us that monkey playing at? Why did they need to wait for me.' Cara felt something suspicious was going on, but when she saw Art's smile she thought that maybe there was a plan.

"Ugh, but the food is cold now. I told you we should have eaten first." Asher was being over dramatic and had his head on the table.

"Bro, I've got this. I have the best microwaving technique. It will keep the taste and heat it up perfectly." Asher looked at Art skeptically but nodded his head. 'I would rather eat hot food than cold food. Even if it tastes like it was microwaved.'

"Cara, can you bring the other plate for me?" Art went in to the kitchen with two plates and Cara behind him with the last. He leaned over to her and whispered, "I know the bacon is still raw. I can't fix the taste but I can use chef mike here to fix the foodborne illness possibility." Art looked worried as he said this but popped the plates one after the other in to the microwave.

The smell of cooking bacon moved through the house again. It didn't crisp up but luckily it was now fully cooked saving the three from being sick all day. Unknown to him, Asher had just been saved from a terrible stomach ache for the entire time he would have been at camp.

"We have like no time bro, dig in while we can. Whatever s left we can safe for after school!" Art made it seem like they would be late if they didn't rush now. Asher shoved food in his mouth not even tasting it while he rushed. Since he was distracted Art and Cara slowly ate the parts of egg and bacon that were cooked the most without any burned parts.

'Hmm, he might be smarter than I thought. I guess the cake wasn't a fluke. I wonder how that angel food cake with strawberry mousse will taste?' Cara daydreamed about the future desserts that she would taste while Asher's friend lived in the house. "You know Art when I am a bigshot in the law enforcement as a chief or something, I can hire you as a personal chef." Art just shook his head having his own goals. Although Cara was unhappy to see this.

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