What The Luck!?

Chapter 71 - 71. Tour

Ashe managed to keep hopping all the way to the opposite side of the bank with only some slightly damp shoes. This was in stark contrast to Jackson who had given up on staying dry and just swam his way more or less the rest of the way. His strength had definitely come in useful here because he easily pulled himself on to the bank.

"You really are funny Jackson, you should come to hang out in my class some time." Laura had been very entrained watching him slip and slide his way across before giving up and just swimming.

"Oh yeah sure, so you can make fun of me a little more?" Jackson let a little sarcasm seep out before taking off his shirt and squeezing water from it. Before he could comment again Laura had already run off somewhere else. "Ugh...more running."

Asher just shrugged, 'I did try and warn you.' His thoughts kept to himself he started up the jog again. The forest had started to change and seemed a little more open. They started to notice that there were some trails around them that seemed to be fairly well traveled. This made their footing more sure and their speed faster. Before long there was a large wooden sign coming in to view.

"" Camp Jewell"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"" Home to the family of gems""

Asher and Jackson read this as they stopped in front of it. "Finally we are here!" Jackson was the most relieved since he detested running with all his heart.

"Yup you made it." Laura was leaning against the sign eating chips lasshe had already been there her whole life.

"Where did you get chips, how long have you been here?"

"Oh, I only just got here a few seconds ago. But I already gave myself a tour of most of the camp. There are a lot of interesting things set up for us to play with.' She misled like she expected a lot of entertainment in this.

"You know with your power you could have scouted the entire run and helped us right? Why not"' Jackson was still falling for her bait.

Asher cut in before Laura could keep antagonizing Jackson, "She did scout it out. She could have gotten to the camp and just stayed here but chose to come back and see us over and over. If she hadn't we could have run off course or been stuck at the water longer."

His point was easily made and Jackson just sat there silently thinking about the whole jog. "You three are all finally here. Good! Time for official introductions now that you have been accepted as campers officially."

'That run was to accept us as campers...Intense." Asher couldn't help but worry that if this was how they were inducted as campers then what would they do now?

"I am Garnet. I am the head counselor of the Jewell family camp for training. Me and my family all have nicknames related to our powers. That is just what we get with out powers. Anyways we can do a tour first or I can bring you to a temporary cabin. You three have the privilege of coming early so you are allowed a cabin until the other campers get here. Do not expect such comfort when they arrive."

"Wait we won't be staying in the cabin for the week?" Jackson was startled to hear this and showed his worry on his face. If there was anything he had started to learn about this camp, was that its nickname of camp cruel was well earned.

"Yes, you will have to earn your living quarters through the stay here. If you can not meet certain requirements in the various training while here you will not gain enough points to afford a cabin, or food, or the return of your clothing, or really anything you want to do." Garnet just walked ahead leading them while she explained this.

"Points? Can we get points before other students get here?" Laura was already seeing the advantage that they could have.

"Yes, but you will not be allowed to stay in the cabin if you decide this. Camp will start fully for you if you decide on that path."

Laura was happy to hear this and immediately prepared to say yes. However, Asher was already asking his question. "I would like to take the tour. After that, I will decide if I want to start on points or just rest." His decision was the wise choice since, unlike Laura, he had not seen any of the camp.

"Alright then stay close and pay attention." Garnet headed towards a large wood cabin. "This is the cafeteria, your meal will cost two points a day. Just from doing the basic camp chores or work out should net you enough to eat."

'Good, so if I wake up to do my usual work out I should be able to earn my breakfast.' This removed some of Asher's stress and even brightened his mood. Hos shoes were also starting to dry which attributed to this as well.

"This way we will find the general store. You can purchase your bag back for two points, rent a cabin for the night for fifteen, and buy various other things like soap." This was where other students would waste points. They would want the same easy life as at home and run themselves out of points completely.

"That cabin behind it is the luxury cabin. It cost one thousand points for one night. Or you will need to find the hidden golden egg to earn one night. The egg is hidden in the entire camp once a day and allows the finder to stay for the one night. We rarely have had a camper find the egg. We are very good at hiding it." Asher was in awe of the giant cabin.

He could already see the amazing features from where he stood. Shower, large bed, there was even a television he spotted through a window. 'I need to get that cabin!'

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