What The Luck!?

Chapter 82 - 82. Extortion

"Well then let's go. Lead the way if you found some secret path." garnet had a slightly annoyed tone. She thought that Asher had somehow tricked her brother in to thinking he had climbed the cliff.

"Well I don't think I should just take you up the mountain, I don't want my friends to lose their easy walk after all." Asher's voice was lackadaisical. He was looking away like he didn't really want to.

"What do you mean you don't think you should? You won't be showing anyone an easy walk anywhere." Garnet was getting progressively more worked up as Asher pretended he wasn't motivated at all now.

Aser's smile showed that he was waiting for this moment. "Well, I could be convinced to take you all up the path I found for the proper motivation. Maybe thirty points?" Garnet and Onyx both looked liken they were going to blow a fuse.

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"Kid! You push too hard, the camp hasn't even started yet and you want that many points?" Onyx was the first to burst out when Asher had said the incredibly high number for just showing them a path.

"Well, I guess I will just need to show it off to every camper that shows up. Don't worry, they will keep you company on the top of the cliff for the entire week. I would hate to see you alone and lonely like when I walked up there earlier." His words brought Onyx terror. The peace of his cliff top was the very reason he went there. He was able to relax and train without worry, his peace was of the utmost importance.

Garnet was about to refute the number of points and make things difficult. She planned to investigate herself and prove that Asher was just causing unnecessary trouble for more points. She believed him to be greedy and sneaky.

"Fine then let's go, show me, or I will subtract all of your points. If you are a liar I will expel; you from the luxury cabin as well."

'Huh, I thought Garnet would break first. Guess Onyx will be giving me my points.' Asher had been guessing that Garnet would give in to anger and just offer him the points, however, Onyx had been stricken by the fear of losing his peaceful training are. This had been what won Asher the points he knew he would get when he showed them the path he had taken.

"Come on and follow me." Asher walked out of the cabin first like he owned the camo, his arrogance was showing but he was not trying to hide it.

"Jackson, you're coming too. I refuse to let you stay here and only study. You need to physically train too." Garnet grabbed Jackson's arm and forcefully dragged him from the books that were open on the table.

"No- wait- my booookkkkksssssss…" He mourned the loss of his peaceful moments reading. He would give anything to be let go to return to his learning. He had found so many plants that he had not grown or had not even seen.

After a few short minutes of walking the group now stood at the start of the path. "Well lead the way. Show us the secret path that you used to disturb the peace at the top of the cliff." Onyx had gotten more and more sour the entire walk over. He had reached a point of no return, if Asher did not produce a result he was looking at sleeping outside and gaining zero points the entire week.

"Remember right it right." Asher said the stupid saying again as if it was a phrase full of unspoken wisdom. His steps brought them to the first split in the trail and he stayed to the right. The group followed behind him with no trouble. Jackson was glancing behind him thinking about making a break from it to get back to the book that were calling his name.

"And we take a right here." Asher stepped on to what was clear to him a path.

"What do you mean a right here? This isn't a path. This is just a spot where the water runs off the mountain." Onyx was frustrated that Asher seemed to be trying to get them lost in the woods.

"No, It's the path I took. It's the same worn out trail that the others are. I know that you don't want to give me points but it's really annoying." Asher knew he was the one to put him in a bad mood, but he still didn't like that he was berating him.

Asher moved forward a little faster in his frustration. "Just wait and let him make a fool of himself if he wants to. He has already dug his own grave and he will have to face reality." Garnet was talking down her brother now that she believed that Asher was lying to her, this was just someone fooling around and she could just wait it out.

Asher walked following the water run off before he curved towards the left and suddenly spoke again. "Here we take a right too. Just following these little trails right is the best way."

'That's a rabbit trail. He can notice that but thinks it was made by us? This kid isn't smart at all. He is naive and a liar.' Onyx could feel his blood beginning to boil as the so called trail Asger was taking them on was getting steeper.

"Why is it so steep all of a sudden. And there are pointy rocks everywhere." Jackson felt that every step put him in danger.

"It will flatten out when we get to the top, just crawl along as best as you can." Asher encouraged him and the pothers as he speedily crawled up and over the top of the slope. "And now here we are. The top of the cliff!" Asher was standing with his hands up showing off the view of the setting sun.

Garnet came over the slope ready to reprimand him and call Asher out on his bluff. But she was caught by the sight before her. They were certainly on the top of the cliff looking out at the setting sun. She had been proven wrong.

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