What The Luck!?

Chapter 89 - 89. Exhaustion

"Grades for performance have been calculated. They are being recorded in the elite home gym world ranking." Asher who was still breathing heavily looked up at the screen which started to display categories of grading based on his work out.

"You mean...gah..I get...gahhhh...graded?" His breathing made him sound like a panting dog but he still managed to keep his head up and look at the screen.

"Providence has been graded.

Providence had been graded based on multiple categories.

Current physique rated: E

Current understanding of super power and use: ungraded due to super power type

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Current development of unique combat style: D

Adaptability in style: A

Intelligence: G

Notable remarks:

Providence is able to learn new moves with minimal instruction and add them in to the current practicing style. Improved physique over a period of one month will raise grade to C.

Providence can increase unique combat style grade by increasing repetitions each day over the course of one month. Providence must practice moves while using footwork skills to gain fluid motions.

Providence is in dire need of life skills and common sense awareness. This can be improved by actively focusing on what is happening around you along with social cues

Current overall rank: D

World potential ranking on the elite home gym system: 15th"

The elite home gym system continued on showing in depth video where Asher had made eros. It also highlighted the specific [positooning and lapses in breathing. It further showed places where he had self improved by seeing his own error. Furthermore, the elite home gym system asked him for his email and sent the videos with recommended dietary goals to maximize the recovery after work outs.

Asher ended up laying on his back trying to understand everything that had happened. The clicking of the locks and the rising shade made him look up but what really made him sit up was the slamming of the front door.

"I told you to be up and out of here in the morning or I would be here to kick you out!" Garnet rushed in and was stopped after finding Asher in his dead tired state on the floor, barely moving to sit up. "What in the world did you do?"

"Elite home gym system is evil…" His words were soft between his heavy breathing.

"You actually used it? Why are you so messy after a basic work out then? You weren't this bad after the hike. Have you never worked out before?" Garnet could only look on in amazement as she thought that Asher had been so sheltered his entire life. Her main thought was that he was a shut in video game player who didn't even participate in gym class.

With her now thinking that Asher had just been lucky to pull off moves in their first sparring match she looked at the elite home gym system to see what his grades were. "This actually isn't bad for your age, you might be one of the better campers we have had." She was surprised She had expected all G grades or lower like most who recently started working out or using their super power.

Garnet had read Asher's paperwork and knew why his power was not graded. She skimmed passed that and looked at the work out he had chosen from the basic workouts. Her face showed a look of surprise while she racked her brain for words to say. "What on earth made you choose the hell mode work out that only my family and I use….?"

"I never chose, I heard it talking, and then all of a sudden I had five minutes before it started. I wasn't even ready." Asher was still cursing the elite home gym system for doing this to him right when he woke up. He wanted to improve but this had just been cruel.

"Home gym replay the previous user's choice in training mode." The home gym system responded by showing the video of Asher sleep talking saying he would help someone in a mumbled voice. Then the system confirmed the choice was hell mode and it would start the only downloaded program.

"I have never seen anyone accidentally start the hardest work out program on the home gym system. I don't even know how you made it to the end." Garnet sounded like she was disappointed in the fact that he had somehow survived the grueling work out. "Well, it looks like you did the world ranked option so we might as well see what your potential rank is. I rank pretty high in the top two hundred for my potential ability." Garnet was trying to show off her prowess as a counselor since she was seeing that Asher might be a diamond in the ruff that needed polishing.

When she saw that his potential score was only two digits she nearly punched the television screen. "How could this be broken...it must be broken...there's no way his potential ability world ranking is fifteen…" This was too much to process for her. One moment she thought Asher was a trouble camper, then he was a shut in that never worked out, then he was a diamond in the rough, and finally, he is one of the highest potentials in the world? That doesn't even factor in his super power!?

This would be enough to crush any martial artist's drive. Garnet had worked for years to get in to the top two hundred potential rankings. He had to understand her super power to adapt and strengthen her body before her potential showed. Then constantly improved based on what the elite home gym system recommended for her. She needed more proof.

"Home gym system, show the video and analysis of the last user." She watched the video of Asher's work out and started to take notes on what he was good and bad at. Asher meanwhile crawled his way to the shower and turned on the hot water. Luckily for him, the home gym system was still adjusting the water for him to recover from the intense hell mode work out.

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