"But Mom…."

"Listen Lili she is you big sister now. Alicia is also a part of our family. And Flora too is now our house-maid." Caroline every time felt so excited when she saw Flora wearing a maid outfit from her original world and behaving exactly how a maid should do. Actually the maids in this world wore completely different attire which makes them look more like slaves and only those serving under royalty would live in better conditions.

"But isn't she just a golem, that looks like a human."

"No, no Lili she is a humanoid robot, or so your big sister calls her. She is far from a golem, but she has a consciousness of her own." Zyl tried to explain to her daughter how brilliant of a creation Flora was, a totally new field of magic research was underway.

"Yes, Miss Lili I am here to serve you till you find me useful. I am looking forward to your stay in this mansion."

"What…miss…me!!" I was too flustered by her calling me like that because I never had an attendant before. Not here since we three lived alone, but even on the surface too because I had to hide my true identity from everyone.

"Dinner is ready." The one personating my sister who calls herself Alicia, no rather my parents gave her that name walked in with a huge clay pot and placed it on fire in the middle of the table.

I bent a little and inside it fresh vegetables and tofu were simmering in hot soup. Different dipping sauces were also served by Flora.

After praying I saw my parents enjoying the food while dipping the meat in the sauce and savouring every bite. It really looked mouth-watering and the smell it released in the atmosphere drew me in even closer.

I followed what my mother did and it was so delicious. I had never eaten something so tasty before, not even on the surface. It was as if the food itself was speaking to me and asking me to enjoy it in every bite with freshness. Even my body started feeling a bit energetic.

"Papa, did you cook this tasty dish. I have never eaten something so yummy before." Since mother don't know cooking, father was the only one who could make something to the point to say that it was edible. Maybe at last after staying here for so many years he finally learnt cooking magic.

"Well, Alicia cooked it. Why don't you ask her?" My opinion broke in an instant.

"Lili did you like the hot pot." She smiled as usual at me.

As if my heart skipped a beat, I wanted to shout in joy and tell her that how awesome the dish was. And I can eat it all day. Cook me more.

"Well, I am sure I can get better dishes for myself on the outside."

"Oh! I see, then, next time I will try something even better just for you."

"Really, just for me…." I almost jumped out of my seat in excitement. Can there really be something tastier than this. I couldn't just blurt out that I am looking forward to it.

"Umu, just for my little sister…"

My heart started beating even faster. Her childish sweet voice was unbelievably charming. Why doesn't she realize that I don't like her? And why has she chosen to sit just next to me.

I wanted her to hate me. But instead the opposite was happening with me. Wait! Could it be…no that's it she is using some kind of charming magic.

If I free mother and father from that charm magic then, we will kick her out. Wait but who will make this hot pot for me then. I know as a punishment we will make her cook delicious food for us. I will make her work to the bone and make her beg for mercy. I am going to show her who is the boss here. I will not let her interfere anymore in my personal life.

So, how do we free people from charm magic? Exactly, by giving them a shock. When I will have my chance I will strike when she will least expect it. Just you wait, its better you start counting backwards from now. I looked back at her and gave a sinister laughter.


"Lili you shouldn't disturb others while eating. It's bad manners and correct your stupid expression."

"I am sorry mother." I quieted down and started eating my food without making another noise.

"Is something troubling you Lili? Why don't you try this piece I specially picked it for you…. Say Ahhhh…"

I turned to the voice and seeing a meat piece cooked so uniformly from every side and covered nicely in all kind of sauce approaching me, I could not help it but take a bite.


"…it's so gooood." I spoke as I munched over the piece. But I quickly realized that I was letting my guard down. I so easily took her bait. But it's really good there's no denying it. I quickly left as I took a full bite and in embarrassment started looking in another direction.

She thinks she is very clever, roping in me and mother and father by her devious cooking. But I have seen through her plot and will unveil her true hideous nature today.

"I am glad you liked it."

"No, it's not like that… it was good … .no I am saying … that… just stay away from me." I quickly needed to make my move, or I will too be charmed by her good nature. I know that's all on the surface, she must be plotting something. Maybe she wants all my stuffed toys. Or, has she already raided my room. I need to check my room quickly after finishing my food.

"Alicia, the food was really good. I never would have thought I would get to eat this original dish ever again."

"I could have eaten more if only I had more space left in my belly." Both mother and father complimented the meal. I really liked it too, but I think we should not encourage her that much and get her a big head.

I know from inside she must be laughing at us now. Thinking that how easy we are on her and so easily allow to captivate our decisions.

"I will try other variant of the same dishes again. Flora why don't you help me clean this up."

Flora produced a giant water ball and put all the plates and other cutlery items in it. The things started rotating inside at a great speed, while white froth got added to it all on itself. Within ten seconds all the dishes started flying out of it all neat and tidy and arranged itself in the cupboard.

"Wow, I have never seen a golem use magic before."

"Well, Flora has magic veins or rather in her case magic circuits similar to humans made of Magitite threads so fine that are invisible to naked eye mixed with your sister's special spider-web skill. But as per the research we have so far progressed into each robot excelling in only one magic attribute. As you can see for Flora she can control water element and they don't even need to chant spells."

Golems in this world were only supposed to do manual labour; some advanced golems could be excellent physical fighters with exceptional strength which can be later strengthened by fortification magic. Usually golems are mindless creatures who only follow the orders of their master from whom they receive their magic powers.

But a golem to conduct magic on its own is unheard of. If the outside world knew of such technology existing then this might even lead to a war. Since golems are primarily used for construction, sometimes as soldiers to increase military strength or as special bodyguards. Usually the dwarves are the ones who produce the best golems in this world. If they knew about Flora then they would die of jealousy.

After this mother and father sat and told me how Alicia ended up here. Honestly it still did not struck me that she was so much younger than me in age and I still had to call her big sister. How can she be so mature than me? It was unbelievable to also hear that she had been travelling the floors of this labyrinth for a year and finally decided to stay here and learn magic from father and swordsmanship form mother.

I was at a loss. Wasn't father and mother job to teach me those things, then why are they teaching it to her? Does that mean they will spend less time with their own daughter? Do they not love me anymore, but the one who suddenly appears one day out of nowhere.

I know this is the right time to strike. Alicia is preparing for desert so I can do whatever I like.

I beckoned to father to come near me. I covered my mouth with my palm and he understood that I had to speak something to him secretly. He brought his left ear closer to me, to listen to what I had to speak.

"W-W-A-A-K-K-E-E U-U-P-P" I shouted as loudly as I could in his ears.

I even used wind magic to increase the amplitude of the sound by oscillating the wind faster and reverberate it near his ear drums. Father fell down with some white foam leaking out of his mouth, it's a good sign I guess the spell must be wearing off. He must have been paralyzed for it. Mother on the other hand was just watching us as if it was our usual father-daughter playing whisper games. And I won…

"I have prepared a sweet dish." My so called or now going to be so was called big sister walked into the room. I knew she would come to check, but with that amount of shock any kind of charm magic could be lifted. I was elated with joy.

Her game is over. Now I and father will work together to wake mother up from her allured state. It was going all according to the plan.

"Ah! pass me one here." Mother helped Alicia to pick up the tray from her. She doesn't had to be so nice to her, she could even lift me in her arms which she every time did when I was young. But this time she didn't even gave me any attention or asked how my experience in the outside world was.

"Let me have one too." A familiar voice uttered his request.


Father was up again, but for some reason there was no difference in his demeanour. He was still acting the same and affectionate towards Alicia. What about the plan… what about me…. What about having fun with only us three.

When I was leaving the academy, everyone of my classmate told me how they are looking forward to meeting their family and I was in the same boat. No I was much more enthusiastic about it.

"What… how could this be.... What about lifting the charm spell?"

"What are you talking about Lili, is it something related to shouting in my ears."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"No… I mean."

"Lili, you are acting a bit weird. Did something happen."

Why can't they see? What's happening here? This was not how it was supposed to be, I did not have this in my mind. It was going against all my imaginative experiences in which I was going to enjoy with my family and tally all the love they were supposed to give me when I was away.

I started running… and as I passed her, I gave a scornful look.

Lili had left the living room, leaving all the others in confusion.

But Caroline smiled and assured everyone, that things will turn out fine.

"Alicia don't worry, she will eventually come to like you. We just need to give her some time to adjust."

"I know mom." Saying that she took her seat, near Caroline and passed the sweet dish to them. While she later had it in mind to give one to Lili too.

"Mom, I wanted to ask, what kind of weapon Lili was using."

"You mean the soul weapon?"

"Yeah I think that's what she calls it. It did not have any physical presence but gave a totally new kind of feeling."

"Since, you can tell the difference now, I think it's time for you to get your own soul weapon too."

"Get mine..."

"Yes there is a way to activate it. Sometimes forcibly, through training or it manifests on itself when in dire need. Well there is no exact way for anyone."

"Wait isn't it too early for Alicia. Why don't we reconsider it? She is already so powerful; I don't think having or not having a soul weapon would make a difference to her." Zylon the demon lord sounded a bit in distress with the decision her wife was making in behest.

"You are too of a worrywart Zyl. Always worrying about your daughters more than required. You had the same problem during Lili too, but isn't she doing well with it. It's time that Alicia learns it too. One week from now so get ready."

"Well, I wonder what her soul weapon will be like with almost limitless and immeasurable life force and magic power."

"Well soul weapons are based on the form your life force takes place and even its special ability. I would like to know what that will be for Alicia."

"I am too excited for it mom. So let's do it. I want to learn every kind of fighting technique from you and get stronger."


//////////// LILI ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ////////////////

I kept on running until I reached my room on the second floor. It was intact, in the same pristine condition I had left it. But it was still clean as new with no amount of dust loitering on ground or the furniture. The bed cover and other fabric material smelled so nice and fresh. Maybe Flora that humanoid golem might have been looking after my room in my absence.

All my toys are safe, so she was not after them then. I sat on the bed and tried to think harder. How could I have forgotten that mental attacks don't work on father and mother, after all they are the strongest in this world.

So, they do really see her as their own daughter and she is a part of family now. But why do I feel so left out. I want to talk with her, but it's as if there is a virtual wall preventing me to do so. I had been hostile to her from the beginning, while she kept on being nice to me.

What does she really think about me? What am I her to her? Or what I want her to be for myself? I always wanted a friend here to play. Someone of my age, similar to me. But she is so bright in whatever she does. I can't even come closer.

OHHHHHH… I can't even think properly now. So I will all let it out at once.

It's all her fault. Asking me what was happening, can't they see I am feeling lonely? Telling me about how great she is both in magic and swordsmanship. How she can use all six attributes. I too can use four basic attributes, you should know that. And that is considered to be exceptional.

If she is good at handling swordsmanship, then I too have my soul weapon. She doesn't have it. Huh… she is still lagging behind me in training.

Did they stop liking me because she is better than me? She has got good looks like a princess, I lost to her in a battle and she can even cook such delicious food items. What can I do?

I know they told me about her adventures of defeating monsters on the other floors. If I can defeat one too, then… will they start liking me again.

Then we can finally be together as we used to be.

I waited in my room till it was night and everyone would have retired to sleep. I used wind magic to scout all the hallways and found no one there. It was all clear and everyone was in their room. I leapt out of the window and like a cat landed on the green turf without making any noise. I had to maintain stealth in my secret mission.

Meanwhile Alicia, who had been asleep till now in her own room, opened her eyes and lifted her head from the book she had been reading. The barrier she had put up around the mansion received some movements in the vicinity. She instantly knew who it was and what they were planning to do. After all she herself committed such fool's errand once. She needed to look after her family and so had decided what to do next.

I left the outer gate and started moving down the floors. To my surprise everything was cleared up till floor 89. There were no monsters left. With each floor the monsters gets stronger and stronger and have much more unique abilities. If I am able to take down such a strong monster then my level will surely sky rocket.

If I find it too much for myself than I can handle then I will simply retreat.

Floor 90 turned out to be a wasteland with rocky terrain. While some points had higher elevation, at the same time there were deep craters too. It was a huge floor expanding more than a kilometer in diameter.

As for the monster I couldn't sense its presence, so I moved in even further. I searched behind some of the huge boulders but it was nowhere to be found.

Could it be that it is hiding its presence.

But I had realized it too late, because until now I couldn't feel this humongous existence behind me. I quickly turned around and drifted myself backward in flash conjuring layers of barrier as they got scorched in deep crimson flames.

A great shadow came upon me blocking all light. It was a 40 meters tall and eight meter wide crimson fox with nine tails each extending outwards up to a length of 10meters themselves. The beautiful crimson tails with golden lining and fire surrounding them really displayed its glory in being a mythical creature. This nine-tail fox loomed over me like a huge building with the wind blowing on his command.

"So, it's a demi-god. Who would have thought that a being like this would be residing on one of the floors." I have heard mother and father mentioning about them participating in the Great Wars, they are just about at the same level as the high-tier angels. Since they are not a god I should be able to defeat them. But underestimating it will do me more harm.

The nine-tail fox stared down at me, to whom I would appear like a blot on grey paper. He raised his head towards the sky and howled.

"Don't' look away, your opponent is me." I brandished my scythe and brought it on full force over the nine-tails belly. But before it could make a direct hit, its paws interrupted mid-way and pushed me away.

They were huge and at the same time the sharp fangs were as sharp as my blade. Should I retreat, it seems to be beyond my capabilities. Maybe I will first level up and then fight against it.

No, I have come this far. If I leave now she would make fun of me and I would be considered a disgrace. What would mother and father say? I just can't give up now without trying. I am not a loser who would give up and just run away. I needed to try harder, to prove myself I had to go beyond and do things myself. That's the lesson I learned on the outside world, if I wanted to enjoy the life there.

"I summon forth water, Water Storm." A huge vortex of water throttled at full force towards him.

But From behind its enormous body the nine tails flicked about like thundering clouds and the blast was repelled. I had not given up; there were still so many things to try.

I summoned my soul weapon – Signare Chains and started throwing them all over the wimpy fox while running round and round the huge beast. My shadow movement and drift skill at full work.

"O halos of fire, scorch the wind and purge my enemy."

Several huge fire orbs surrounded the beast in a circle and launched at it at the same time. The attacks continued for a while, on the other hand the preparations were complete.

My chains were now all around this monster and all I had to use now was its special ability.

"Bind the oracles, and siege the power." The fox led out a huge shriek, while it could not move neither it could use magic now. My chains up to a certain extent nullify the user's magic and at the same time absorb its life force and vitality. However at this point I am usually left vulnerable so it's only useful in a one on one fight.

And that's how it was supposed to be when suddenly the tails of the fox started glowing brightly and from the tip of the tail new giant foxes dropped on the ground. On appraisal it showed that they were the summons of this demi-god and are called cinder fox. This was bad, if I had to protect myself either I had to leave the nine-tail fox or let myself be bitten by these inferior monsters.

The sheer number of these cinder fox kept on rising from ten to fifty and then in hundreds. Producing so many at once meant, that it had kept reserved power as an autonomous defense mechanism to be activated when its life force depletes at a drastic rate.

It's fine if I let the chains go now, better than be surrounded by these many numbers. I am sure I can take nine-tail fox on the next strike.

"My scythe will carve you into fine dressing material for my new stuff toys and I will use your soft hair fur for making mufflers. You get that…"

Saying that I leapt into the sky and reaching almost half its height I aimed for its chest, maybe a little below the heart, hoping to leave a fatal blow.

When unexpectedly the cinder fox reached a little above me and tried to attack. They must have used fire to propel themselves; this was not part of my plan. I had not thought that these summons could even do such a thing. I twisted my body and used the scythe to cut the two cinder foxes chasing me. But in my falling and before I could react one of its huge paws came straight at me.

I used my scythe in a rough manner to block its huge claws from tearing through me, when after a cracking noise I was sent far flying off. Crashing into the ground falling again and again on the dusty hard ground, blood spilled out from my mouth with several tearing marks on my body.

I suffered fatal injuries but thanks to my self-regeneration I had already started healing. But when all my attention should have been towards the approaching calamity, my thoughts were directed towards my scythe.

Half of its blade broken while the rest was crumbling like sooth in my hands.

"How…how…Could this be? It was supposed to be one of the strongest weapons. Just because I got over-confident and over-stepped my boundaries… I lost my weapon…the gift from my parents, which they entrusted to me"

It was gone, and before I could realize tears started flowing through my eyes. I kept using my hands to wipe them. I am strong, I should never cry. Mother always told me not to lose heart even for a single moment when you are up against an enemy whether weak or strong. But I was outclassed here. Without my scythe, I felt like I was nothing. My magic would do no good and I came here without informing someone.

I looked around and hundreds of cinder foxes were watching me from an alleviated land with their hungry squinted half moon-like eyes. While the earth kept on vibrating as the mythical beast approached me. He led out a huge howl which echoed in the sky and magic power started collecting near its mouth.

The amount concentrated went far and beyond I had seen anything before, it could be comparable to one of the strongest spells of my father which he once showed it to me. The fire turned from yellow to red then to orange and finally a mixture of blue and red.

For the first time I was experiencing fear in my life. Being outside the protection of my family and this regret to go overboard just because of my pride and greed to keep my parents all to myself. Maybe I will regret not talking to her, to tell her how good the food was and…

Wait but why I am thinking of her when I am about to vanish… I see it must be because I too have started liking her.

Her long white hairs wafted in the air as if I could feel their cool shade even in this burning place, her bright skin brilliant than the crimson flames and that calmness around her vanquished the fear in my heart.

"Everything is going to be fine. You did great Lili."

My body suddenly started feeling so light and this warmness was so comfortable than the high temperature of the surrounding.

"Watch out; it's going to launch a super powerful attack. Run away."

But she did not move but I was sure that she had clearly heard my words. Her posture was so stable and focused that even I could not move my eyes away from her. What is she doing here, that's the only thought that could cross my mind.

Until the last moment before the strong beam of light from the beast's mouth would reach us, a small blue square barrier appeared in front of her and the attack got nullified. It was similar to what she did to me during our fight.

The Nine-Tail Fox's scream shook the earth as it whipped its head around. It was much angrier than before after we were unharmed by one of its powerful attack. It led out a large shriek and all the hundreds of cinder fox started howling and directed their intense predatory pressure at us.

For a moment I was scared by all the noise but later all of it turned into blank when I saw her smiling. Was she really smiling when there are so many going to attack us at the same time? Why don't she bring out a weapon, might be that ice sword could prove useful against them.

But as if she wasn't even cognizant of those monsters surrounding us but staring at the giant nine-tail fox analyzing it from top to bottom. Suddenly many of them pounced upon us from the greater height with fire balls about to be launched from their mouth. She narrowed her vision and then all she did was raise her hand and utter a word.


All the bodies of the cinder foxes split open from within with their blood bursting upon us like rain. While the corpses of the monsters got consumed into some kind of black threads, it was weird and I did not understood.

Within the next few moments all the small foxes met the same fate, while I sat in disbelief, my hands on the ground and stream of tears still flowing through my eyes. My pain was gone, it must be she had casted a healing spell on me. No it was much more than that; I was feeling much stronger and livelier than before the fight began. And yet when I tried to lift myself up, my legs gave away. They were still shaking.

"Let's leave… we should… run. We can't defeat it." I uttered choked out words between my sobs.

"Just sit tight and watch as I take care of that animal who tried to hurt you.."

That's the simple reply she gave me, but those words instilled confidence and a sense of safety within me. That all is going to be fine with her around me.

A red and blue long scabbard appeared near her waist. She put her hands backward and with a screech sound unsheathed a pair of two stunning white and black sword. The air around it as if vibrating at the sudden appearance of such a new chaotic power. I could sense that those weapons were stronger than any weapon I had ever seen before. Not even one of mother's weapons came close to the amount of magic and life force radiating out of those two. It was as if the two swords were alive. My high-level appraisal skill failed to supply me with any information regarding them.

Taking a fighting stance much similar to mother she dashed towards the beast in a reckless charge as if all thoughts of death had been erased from her mind.

Surprised by the sudden ambush, the Nine-Tail Fox instinctively swiped its paw from left to right. The air screamed as it got split into four directions.


That's how big it was. Simply because of its huge size, it could play with the laws of nature.

But she twisted in mid-air, stepping on its paw launched herself higher and within a second was neck-to neck with the nine tail. The fox instinctively led out a huge fire breath, but she dodged it by drifting herself with the wind at its rear and swinging the black sword severed two of its tails.

"Kyaaaaakkhhh!" The Nine-Tail Fox's scream shook the earth as it whipped its head around.

My sister pulled back at the same time, while the tails had started to regenerate it was still shivering in pain. It prepared yet another powerful beam with five times the energy than before ready to burn us to our deaths. All it had to do was kill us two who were even smaller than its paws and yet it feared to act in a rushed manner. It was afraid of just the amount of magic particles being released from my sister's body.

At the same time my sister rushed in again with her swords towards the fox. The white rays of the beam torched the entire area and I could feel the warm currents even this far, but my sister parried it with the black sword and all the rays as if got absorbed into it. The next thing I saw was the same beam being released by the white sword which burned the face its face.

My sister continued her march and with a similar jump as before reached the rear of the wolf and swung her sword vertically upright. But this time the fox whipped its body around and crouched down to protect its tails.

It was not going to fall for the same move again. That's what I thought when one of the limbs suffered a deep cut, blood started to pour out and the fox lost its balance.

Suddenly the body of this fox started glowing in divine light and explosions started occurring on the ground with destructive shockwaves.

But several blue coloured hexagons appeared before me and I was unhurt. On the other hand, my sister was still engaged with the fox that was regenerating at a much faster rate. It moved its paws frantically and spitted crimson flames everywhere from its body. Even the blood which was flowing from the cuts turned into huge flares of fire. Even in that kind of harsh environment where the enemy had absolute advantage she was still overpowering the fox with her overwhelming combat ability and devastating magic prowess.

Usually you fight such strong beast with all your seriousness and yet she was smiling and seemed to be having fun in the middle of battle. For a moment it felt that the battle was already over, and she was now just playing around with the fox and tormenting it. What thought actually struck me was who was more fearsome the demi-god or my sister?

But things were not over yet; the fox was a demi god and was using a high-grade healing spell with divine attribute to heal itself at the same time. We needed something to blow it off in just a single hit. Is there really something she could do to blast off such a huge body? Maybe I could help, but my legs were still not able to move and then I had lost my scythe. I had no way to support her, only a helpless child and a burden. I was so pathetic to put her in a dangerous situation where she had to protect me and fight at the same time.

I looked up and saw that my sister was for some reason amassing a lot of magic power around her hands. She launched herself even higher, black threads appeared around her whole body and then suddenly two horns grew out of her head and two beautiful pair of black wings similar to mine spread out from her back. She flew up even higher in the air while using her wings to control her pace and balance herself.

"[ABSOLUTE ZERO]" Saying that my sister unleashed another spell.

My eyes followed its instinct and on itself got shut down. The next moment I looked the entire floor was covered in crystal ice and the body of the fox lay frozen beneath a thick white layer. The temperature at which the ground was freezing in a moment turned into tundra barren coarse land.

And yet the ice felt so different that the normal existing ones or rather the ones we produce with magic. It appeared to be much stronger with no weaknesses. I wondered why the scorching heat of the fox couldn't melt it. But there was no movement from within. Its body laid still inside at peace, with no one to guess that it was rampaging just a second ago.

I looked at its stats and was shocked. Its MP was reduced to zero and its HP kept on dwindling and regenerating at the same time. My sister in mid air flew down at a much greater speed than at which she made an accent. She revolved gracefully like a tornado releasing a horizontal white light and a black light lashing out cutting the body into upper and lower half.

The next movement even those two halves got crushed into small fine crystal snowdrops which rained all over. The scene was breath-taking, as if the entire thing got imprint on my soul where my sister landed on the ground where a moment ago a demi-god was standing. As far as I remember she only used one spell to defeat it…a demi-god. No one would believe me if I told anyone about this and compare their actual levels. She did not even have a scratch on her entire body. Just what in the world was she?

She quietly walked towards me as her wings and horns disappeared. I tried to move, I wanted to say something but lost my balance and then everything became plain to me…..




AGE : -----


LEVEL : 7500

HP : 185,000

MP :190,000

SP : 200,000



//////////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV /////////////

"Who would have thought that I would have to fight a demi-god. To be honest these monsters are not much of a challenge anymore. Of course, I was more interested in that soul weapon. But she is alright now and I was able to make it in time." I turned my head around a little and looked at the face of Lili who was sleeping soundlessly on my back. She was still so cute that I wanted to keep looking at her.

So this is how it feels like to have a little sister in another world and look after her. She didn't even try the sweet dish I made especially for her.

We were almost halfway to our home, when she suddenly woke up after losing consciousness from fatigue and shock.

'I felt like I was drifting in the air, but when I was surprised to see being carried on her back. I wanted to complain at first but I did not have the strength. Later it felt so nice that I did not mind, though it was still embarrassing for me.' Lili thought to herself as she had just woken up from her unconscious state. She remembered her sister defeating the demi-god nine tail fox so easily. She still found her to be unbelievably strong.

"…Big sister…"

That's the only word I could hear from her mouth and she fell asleep again. This was the first time she called me that and it felt so good. I was so happy because no one had called me like that in my previous world.

So she too considers me now a part of the family, well let's celebrate it after going back home.

The day since I came here, I had always felt that change in me, that I was able to interact with them much easily than those in my previous world.

Both mother and father have been always nice to me and teaching me everything they know. Unlike my previous world where I could not even meet eyes with my guardians or have food in the same place. Usually I would cook for myself separately or early in the morning before everyone would wake and leave the kitchen neat and tidy. But here I not only cook for everyone but together with flora and later enjoy the food with my whole family.

I wonder will the same happen in the outside world. Or, will I again loose my ability to be this open to people when I need to win their trust or will I revert back to my previous self and restrict myself in the corners.

It was all up to me and the time when I would leave this home and finally leave this labyrinth after conquering the last floor. Mother and father always told me that I can use the teleportation circle to go to the outside but I want to complete this labyrinth so badly that I can't wait. Though they keep on telling that even they don't know what thing lies in the last floor. Even they are afraid that it could be something abominable that they together can't defeat it.

But all I can think of is what kind of magic and unique skill they could possess and how can I obtain them for myself.


///////////// LILI ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ///////////////

My eyes squinted as the light flooded in my eyes. In that haziness I could see the ceiling of my room. So I was finally back. At that time I remembered my big sister defeating the nine-tail fox and then carrying me on the back.

"How embarrassing…"

"What is embarrassing, Lili…"

"Who… nothing it's not… Big sister Alicia."

She let out a small laugh on my sudden outburst of dumped up words..

I was taken by surprise when I saw her sitting next to me. For how long has she been there? Did I speak something funny while I was asleep? As far as I remember I don't have the habit to speak in sleep, so it's fine. But who knows what actually went down.

Now that I think about it then I am safe today because of her. I should thank her for that. But is that all I need to do.

No... I have been so cold to her while she always thought of me as family. So I should ask for forgiveness for making her to go through all that trouble, but on the other hands she seemed to have enjoyed the fight… no I can't make up excuses. I would be honest and this time fix everything and try to know her better.

"Big sister….I… I wanted to say…so…SOOR….vumvvv…"

I gulped down what was suddenly fed in my mouth.

Before I could complete what I had to say she had gently pushed a spoon laden with something soft and spongy into my mouth. The moment it went in my mouth it melted and it was so sweet and tight with richness of fruits. I had never eaten such tasty fruit jelly before.

"So tell me how does it taste…"

"It's super tasty."

"Then there is more from where it came… after all I specially made it for you from your favourite fruit."

"Big sister....I wanted to say…. I wanted to say that all I did, that I am…"

She suddenly held my chin lightly and brought her face closer to mine. I could feel her light breath leaving her pale pink lips. She looked so matured up close and yet somehow her status showed about two years old. I don't know much about humans. Even mother is actually half human and half elf. Though for most part she would be considered human. Her long life is thanks to because grandmother belonged to the royal family of the elves.

My eyes started moving round and round as every second passed by I was being drawn to her closer and closer. The more I tried to look in her red eyes, the more I wanted to keep looking at them. those eyes they were so violent and calm at the same time.

"Lili your body temperature is increasing…"

"It's nothing…" I pulled myself backward into sheets as fast as I could. That was a close call, indeed.

Now that I think about it, for a moment she had black wings and horns similar to mine. I asked about it to her and was surprised to know that she can supposedly turn into any other species. I had never heard of this kind of ability before and she might be the only one able to do it. My big sister is really special.

And now we have same wings and horns. Now even people would identify as sisters and I don't have to be alone on the surface anymore. My family has finally grown with one more member.

But suddenly my facial expressions changed and I remembered that I had lost my scythe forever. Could I ever get a new weapon that would fit with me as nicely as that?

"Lili, about your scythe if you want I can fix it." Was I too obvious with my sadness that she caught up with my worries. Big sister…

"But it's a legendary weapon. So they cannot be re-forged."

"No, I am telling that I will actually make a new one exactly similar to that. It is actually possible with my skills since I have already analysed and stored its data with Al during our fight."

"Really...can you really do it…" for some reason she was talking about something that has never been done in the past, any other person would have blurted out and called her insane. But I believed every word of her. If there is something that others think cannot be done, then my sister can do it without any problem.

"Not only that I can even make it better. Your ultra super powerful dark scythe."

'Wait didn't I just added some similar sounding words with her weapon.' Alicia thought to herself.

"It sounds so amazing. I want to help big sister too."

'Well as long as she thinks its fun.' Alicia came in terms with her mislead thoughts.

"Then why not next time we go hunting monsters together on much lower floors when you get even stronger."

That whole night instead of sleeping I kept on talking to big sister. She too was unaware and total amateur about the outside world. So I did tell her some of my exciting hunts on the outside. Though it might be possible that I added some spices and extra thoughts of my own here and there, but I think she will figure it out. I couldn't help it after seeing that she was so cool while defeating that demi-god. When in between I got hungry and complained about it.

She took out another dish from her dimensional storage and gave it to me.

"Try this pudding. I made this too as part of today's sweet dish."

"If big sister made it then it sure will be heavenly."

Then all I could remember was eating dozen of plates while we continued sharing our experiences.

Sometimes in between it felt like she was really a four year old kid and sometimes it felt that she was too mature for her age. At first one would call it weird, but eventually I came to love even this side of her.

While someone who had been listening on their conversation through a small crevice left at the door, rose up from her bent posture and started walking in the opposite direction of the room.

"Those too got along pretty soon. I am glad Lili got a big sister of her own who would look after her. She deeply cares about her too, which is good for her. I wanted her to make more friends and people she care about and can trust at the same time. But it was only possible when she would stop being stuck up with us."

Caroline continued walking down the stairs where she took a deep sigh. She too wanted to eat those puddings but at the same time she did not wanted to intrude in their merry talks. She had been too cold with Lili today and did not spend time with her. From tomorrow she decided to be giving a great deal of care to her and properly listen to what she did at school and in the outside world. Isn't it every parents wish to hear it in their own children's words. Alicia too will one day leave. And next week it will be her training to materialize a soul weapon.

She was standing outside her bedroom while the snores of the true demon lord run rampant and could be heard clear as day. She placed her hands on the door handle and stood still for a while.

"So, she defeated a demi-god in such a short amount of time without getting hurt. Didn't she take my rules too seriously? Her powers are growing too fast, at this rate the day is not far… no there is still some time before the worst can come. I can already feel that she has started developing the same kind of aura. But I know she can handle that."


She pushed the door and the snores became even louder.

"Dear you are too loud."

She picked up a clip from the nearby desk and measuring its tightness she sealed the demon lord's nose. When things quieted down she fell asleep the exact same moment.




Till now I have published from volume one to volume three for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 4 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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