I looked at myself in the glass mirror as I came out of the hot bath and after drying myself I put on my usual dress and the bracelet on my left hand which I got as my first birthday present. I felt my long ashen white hairs which were falling beyond my waist, but even though they are so soft and silky but at the same time so strong that I never saw a single hair-fall in these three years of my life.

There's no secret shampoo and if it did exist, I might had become a billionaire entrepreneur in my previous life by selling such a product. Then I could have really led a carefree life that time, money rules, for someone who lived like me would never deny it. I was still wondering how I would take care of my finances in the outside world around this time.

I already had surplus amount of food stored in my storage, and then I can create any amount I wanted with [equivalent exchange]. But doing shopping from every part of the world has also been another of my dreams, a girly expedition if one would like to call it. If possible, I would like for it to come true.

I looked at myself again in the mirror and thought that I am quite prepared for this, though I looked the same… I mean like every day I have the same face and my clothes are made of the same spider silk from my skills. They are light and stronger than any fabric material I have yet to find in this world.

But now that I hold the mirror and get close to it… the more I think…

What a change have I made in myself at this point!

And then I realize even more that how far I have come in my life. How much I have grown, better said how much I have actually changed. From one who liked to be alone and closed in a room all the time, I like enjoying spending time with other family members or reading books in the library (that part cannot be expected to change). But now I had father with me to always discuss something with and not end the conclusion with my only remaining subsidiary thoughts.

I did not need to hide my face under my bangs anymore because I did not felt hated any longer, more than that I had come to love myself. It might feel a bit odd, but seeing myself smile in the mirror I felt like why I never did this from the start. And even if I am happy right now, what if I change a bit more, if I try to do something new – I wonder whether the smile on my face would increase in intensity or flatten out on itself.

By bringing a change until now has always extrapolated to total and complete happiness, but from now how will this play out on the surface. A place where there will be strangers – people whom I have never met nor have any idea where they came from. A place where people with different ideas and goals gather. In that environment finding friends, differentiating between good and evil, truth and lie and identifying and opposing my real foes is the real challenge the outside surface throws at me.

And now even though the more the number of steps I take out of my room, my confidence dwindles. But still there is no turning back, even though I might have been an epitome of a failure who found reasons to prove her own righteousness, now I wanted more than ever to prove my previous self that indeed she was not wrong but not completely right at the same time.

But what if… I am afraid of finding out that I was wrong and that even now nothing has changed and every little thing I thought I had built was just an outwardly appearance… would it be still alright to prove it.

But as one who wants to be the best magician in the world and learn all kinds of magic, its only definite I try because I want to believe that these new feelings and mindset are not just for outwards show or make me look better in front of others.

I was now outside the mansion, where everyone was waiting for me, on the gateway to the lower floors.

Mother and Father had repeatedly told me to use the teleportation circle, because even they don't know what kind of monsters are inhabiting floor 99 and floor 100.

Mother and father had used a special kind of search magic device and identified all the monsters from top to below, so that they won't be having trouble in the future when dealing with any kind. This magic device was similar to a seismograph, through which scientist used to study the earth's surface. Like sending seismic waves and reading the receiving output waves, in a similar way this magical device would send spherical magical currents in the region and then receiving back the reflected waves from live sources and the amount of deflection probably proportional to the amount of magic the monster is radiating and made up of and making comparison from an already formulated list. Well these kinds of devices are obvious to exist in a world of monsters. But according to father they did not find any reading from floor 99 and 100.

So there were two conclusions drawn that either they were empty, or their concealment skill surpasses all logic to avoid such a delicate measuring instrument. Unfortunately I will have to void the first case and keep in mind the second, if I wanted to come out of this alive.

And yet to test my strength I had decided to complete this labyrinth and also defeat the labyrinth boss with my own hands. It's something I wanted and had decided on doing for a very long time when I made up my mind to explore its lower floors. Not completing what I started would be a sin, when I have an opportunity to conquer a hundred floor labyrinth achievements all on my own, because it made me happier than doing it in games alone I used to play back in my world. I wonder how it would finally feel if I did it by my own hands.

That's right. Today was the day to leave home and say my goodbye to all. Though I know I could return back here anytime using my teleportation magic now, but I was going to take my first step to go to the surface and then get the things done which have been held up till now.

Mother, father and Flora were waiting to see me off. Everyone looked happy, because sending someone on a journey while crying did not see fit for someone as high-spirited as mother.

"Make sure to come back anytime when you feel like returning home. And if you need our help ask away without hesitating. Now go and show this world whose daughter you are." Mother was excited more than ever.

Though I thought that keeping the fact that I was now the daughter of the true hero and the true demon lord with their family titles now attached to my name I needed to keep my status and identity hidden all the time. But I had already made all the arrangement for that.

Father had already said what he wanted to say to me yesterday, so he didn't waste much time and said his goodbyes and wishing me best of luck on my journey.

Flora too who had prepared some cheesecakes for me and packed it in a lunch, I just put them in my dimensional storage.

"Lady Alicia if you need anything or whenever you need my service, please call me anytime you wish. I will miss you a lot. And…and…"

"Well for now, please look after this mansion and I would really miss cooking together with you so I think we will have to wait a bit for it to happen again." I replied to Flora to cheer her up a bit or to make her feel a little better because it looked like she was about to break in tears.

She is really obedient and since I made her as her creator she feels obliged to love me, or maybe she really likes me. During that time I did not had a specific reason to create Flora, after learning about golems and me knowing about robots and with Al's ability I thought it was possible to create someone like her and so I did. Later when I saw that usually the house is in a mess I tried to make a consciousness which is devoted towards cleaning and cooking to help around in the house.

But no matter, to me she is a friend and always will be.

Mother and Father had already given their goodbye gifts to me the previous day and I think they would come a lot handy in my travelling.

Without making it anymore difficult I bend my head a little,

"Thank you mother and father for looking after me for these two years and always caring and loving me like your own daughter. I am leaving now but I wish to return soon."

Mother suddenly hugged me and said, "What are you talking about, don't be so unfair or start with a formal speech because we will always love our kid and will be waiting for you and to hear about your adventures."

It was now time for me to leave as I headed to the bottom of this abyss and then finally completing this labyrinth I would be finally able to see the real blue sky.

Now that I wonder, are there more than one sun, from which direction does the sun rise, does this world has a violet moon. The thing is I realized just now that I lack common sense and common facts related to this world. I might excel in magic and swordplay now, but I will have to learn everything like a kid about this world on the way. It is going to be more difficult than I thought. Huhhh. By any chance am I catching father's slow-drive affinity now. Probably not.

Well I will figure out something, for now I need to focus on the battles I have to fight ahead in this harsh labyrinth.

Caroline and Zylon waved their hands until their daughter eventually vanished from their sight completely.

"So, she will be now finally able to leave this hell hole of this world. And yet we four call it our home? Our own little world in this enormous vast world! Isn't that right Zyl." Mother spread her hands like wings of the birds, trying to take more amount of oxygen from the surrounding to lighten up her mood.

"Yes." Zyl responded to Caroline's deep thoughts and how she felt about all of this.

"Are you worried about something Zyl?" Caroline narrowed her eyes and stared at the stressed out face of her dear worrywart husband.

"Not at all. It's just that… I couldn't seem to get my mind off it."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Are you still that worried about her."

"Was it really right to let her leave when she is so young and have an almost insufficient knowledge of this world? She was trying to learn common sense from two war maniacs who are dead for this world almost two hundred years ago. You do realize the world would have changed, I mean a lot changed."

"So you are saying she is trying to shift from using a keypad Nokia to an Apple iPhone. Is that it? But you should know if you throw a Nokia phone and an iPhone from the top floor of a building, then the one to survive the fall will be the old Nokia phone. Don't sell yourself short even if old age is hitting you faster."

"What did you mean by that?"

"Huhh...Just leave it, I will miss Alicia, she would have understood it straight."

"I don't get it, but just so you know, for a demon from the royal lineage I am still young. As for you I doubt it."

"Even though I am a human, I too have the longevity of a high-elf, so I am too in my teens, I guess."

"No you are not. But I still have my concerns regarding what if she eventually comes to hate this world."

"As an otherworlderer myself, even though this world has totally different values and its own way of doing things but with time and the people with whom she will create and share bonds will help her make her own place in this world and I can guarantee it. You should know better than anyone that those who know fear of losing things they love won't be driven by hatred."

"I think I doubt I ever saw her afraid of anything."

"Do you remember when we first time encountered her, when both of you were engaged in a battle."

"Do you really need to bring that up!"

"You scared…"

"No… not in the least." The demon lord was hesitantly turning his head away, just so that no one could catch his lie.

"She was strong enough to go through an attack that could have killed you and her altogether. Keeping true to your ambition when it could mean life or death… that isn't something that just anyone could do. We should be proud of her."

"But she is just a mere child, who always gets lost, I doubt even if she completes the labyrinth she could even find the way to the human continent, or to a nearby settlement. She might end up revolving round and round a tree and won't even realize it, until someone points it out for her."

"Ha! That's the only reason Lili doesn't spend more time with you because you are too caring, more than necessary. Don't forget that one of the things which surprised us the most was the title of 'Secretive Plotter'; that's not a title just anyone could get. Even in my whole life I have only seen one person with that title and he was the most genius person I had ever met."

"That is another scary part of her." The demon lord sighed.

"Why don't you ask Flora to tonight make a hotpot, your favourite food and relax a bit!"

"What if she goes berserk on the outside if something bad happens to her?"

"Well… then the power of love will surely save her…. Or, the world is screwed otherwise. Well it doesn't deserve to exist if it makes my daughter unhappy."

Seeing Caroline free-spirited heart, made the demon lord feel refreshed again and he realized that it was one of the most special things about her that he liked the most.

The journey and the stories it entails that lied ahead did not belong to either of them, but to their daughter alone and she should have every right to make her own decision, and the best thing to do was support her from the sidelines.


//////////// THE PREVIOUS DAY /////////////

"Alicia I wanted to give you something, before you leave."

"What is it?" I excitedly asked. Could it be a top-secret weapon that can flatten out a mountain in an instant? Everything mother possessed were all rare class weapons that she had collected overtime by conquering dungeons, defeating strong opponents and monsters or custom made by the best craftsmen of her time.

The Hero was leaning over her huge treasure chest, it was a rather dilapidated old brown trunk with some decorated golden lining, but for Caroline it was more valuable than any amount of gold – for her it was a treasure trove of her precious memories. After some searching, she pulled out an item from inside and handed it to me.

It was a mask.

Or better described as a pure white Venetian masquerade mask, one would see people wearing in old-styled European balls. It's not like it could completely cover my face. It only hid my half frontal lobe, down to the nose, and two sharp protrusions from the ear sides up to the end of the chin. And my eyes were completely visible.

But why a mask!

"This mask will help you keep your identity safe. It's a special magical item that can help you to forge your status window and at the same time it keeps your face hidden. Why don't you put it on? And see for yourself…"

"Okay… then." I do realize that I need to keep my family name a secret from the outside world, so this item will surely help.

As I placed my mask on my face, I did not need any string to attach at the back, but magically it got attached to my face on itself. It did not feel uncomfortable at all; rather it gave a cooling effect on my face. It will surely help in summers and in travelling under the sunlight.

My eyes are clearly visible in the mirror in which I was checking myself. The area below the tip of the nose, that is my mouth is uncovered. But then my focus went on my hairs, which had turned black, a bit shorter than usual and curled up near my forehead.

I looked towards mother, who might know something…

"I told you this is a special item that helps you to forge your identity. Even I used it myself on my adventures to keep my identity hidden otherwise good for nothing people would always keep on pestering you. So it may have done that thing to your hair for that very purpose. But black hairs suit you as much as your white hair. Overall you look so adorable in that mask that I cannot move my eyes away." Caroline commented as she had already started acting in a strange way.

If mother thinks its fine then it is… and I don't mind this black, it's just like my previous life. So nothing to bother with. It's just that I had gotten myself used to seeing me with white hairs. But as long as I keep my identity hidden it's all in the good.

Especially I was more into the mask because it gave me a hidden identity and the thought of roaming around the world as a mysterious person is very enticing to me. If I tried to do it in my previous world I would have been jailed for breaking international identification laws, but really in this world I could do anything I want.

How about having a cape and a shining rod with me, no that would become just too… chummy and embarrassing, I could this time be caught as a suspicious person alone.

"Listen Alicia; never show your face to anyone, unless you trust them. Got it." Mother made sure to stress out on that point as if she was up to something and then continued, "And also this mask comes with an added effect to suppress your strong magical aura. You wouldn't want people fainting in your presence when they are standing beside you."

Well I think mother is cracking a joke, but it helps me to hide my aura, then it's good for stealth attacks too and won't be a hindrance in the battle.

I then put the mask in my storage, when I noticed mother searching for something in her own dimensional storage.

"Wait there's one more thing, which I made especially for you."

"You made it."

"That's right; I have been working on it for a long time for this very day."

Mother then took out a hand fan from her storage and gave it to me.

As I was about to take it in my hands, I realized what it actually was. It was more of a restrainment weapon. It was first too heavy to hold, but I think I can manage it just fine now by adjusting the power in my hands. It was again a white coloured Chinese hand fan. The only difference was that instead of made of paper it was made of some kind of strong plastic polymer, probably a new substance of this world.

As I opened it with a jolt, I realized how sharp the edge was and its strong built which gets stronger the more magic I put in it, it's almost unbreakable. It had no special design on it or some kind of decoration, an elegant fighting tool which I can carry anywhere without any problem. And I think my dual blades too like it, because there is no kind of stingy response from them. That means I should accept it whole-heartedly.

"Thank you mother, I will put it in best use and will always keep it with me."

"Listen Alicia, this weapon too comes with an added effect, you must have realized that it continuously absorbs magical power form you and will help to restrain your total power. At the same time the more magical power it absorbs the stronger and sharper it gets. Also you can release this stored power at any instant you want to. I am sure you will find it useful to surprise your enemy."

So these were the two goodbye gifts that mother had made for me, by her own hands. I really didn't need to ask for anything more, because they had already given to me much more than I could ever hope to repay.

After a few hours father called me in his study place, the library tower. Though he acted a bit on his guard, and it seems that he has hidden most of the explosive stuff and stashed it into the back drawer behind those pile of books. He should have better known than anyone that nothing could be hidden from me. Though I feel bad too to find the exact location of the things he worked hard to hide after all the accidents and trouble I caused him in my research. Let's pretend I never found out, for his unadulterated happiness.

"Alicia, before you leave, I wanted to pass you down something."

"Pass me down…" Could it be a sage's staff, finally I am going to get one… or could it be a secret scroll with a curse or an ancient world class magic. Or could it be those finding treasure maps passed down from one generation to generation. I will find the treasure, just give the map to me, even if it is guarded by a sea dragon god, if there is one I will kill it and triumphantly return with the lost family treasure. You can count on me!!!

"Bring your palm in front."

I did as he told me to and he attached his palm next to me, vertically.

His hands much bigger than my own, where my own puny fingers won't even come close to his ring finger.

Well, here it is finally something mysterious that my father was going to do, for a pretty simple man like him, it was for the first time he sounded so mysterious…

"I Zylon Ashborn the True Demon Lord and the head of the Royal Demon Family, officially welcome Alicia Ascalon Ashborn to the Royal Demon Lineage and acknowledge her pledge that she would work in best of her spirits to uphold the dignity and carry on the legacy of the Ashborn Family."

Suddenly my black wings were forced out from my back, horns itself came out from my head; it was a forced transformation of my demon form. But why now, suddenly the back of my palm started glowing. I took of my hand glove and found a black magical circle engraved with an intricate dark symbol.

"That's the Ashborn family crest. Now you are officially the part of the Royal Demon Family. Lili too has one on her back. Usually we are born with this symbol in our family, so I had to pass it on too you. Do you like it?"

"Yes." I know, I might have not sounded too excited, and even the little enthusiasm I was showing was probably forced.

You are telling me this was some coronation type ceremony for demons – and it was that simple. For the first time I had high hopes for father and yet he did not rise to my standard and blew his chance. Shouldn't it be something along some kind of sacrificial ritual or some kind of blood passing down ceremony, where you see lot of blood passing through a sacred chamber plate and finally fuse together into a magical fluid which you have to drink, or something along those lines?

It would be one of my regret, if it were possible to stay any longer and help him in truly acting in ways of a true demon lord and continue with his training.

"Alicia there is another thing that you should need to know about that symbol. With the help of that symbol, if ever a need arise and you want to force an authority over someone for an emergency situation, you can make obey anyone except for humans with that royal mark. No one would disobey you."

"It's really that powerful, but I don't think I am going to use it because making someone obey against their will is a bad thing." Those were my true thoughts.

"I am glad you said that. If only Lili would have properly understood it too. She was going to abuse the symbol and threaten us that if we do not come up on the surface with her then she would wage a war against anyone who would try to harm us."

"T-that…must have been some heck of a days."

"Yeah, you can probably imagine it. Huhhhh…." The demon lord sighed on remembering the good old sour and back-bone aching days.

"Well if anyone tried to go against me then I would probably kill them on spot."

Suddenly the demon lord could feel an intimidating aura that Alicia could execute now after learning the 'white room technique' which even made him shudder.

'That is scary just like Caroline's teacher. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.' Those were the only thoughts of Zylon the most powerful true demon lord at that time.

"Ahem… now Alicia if you would focus on the markings you will realize there is a special pocket space coordinates set on it."

"I see. Should we go there."

"That's what I want you to do."

I poured some magical energy into the symbol and after a faint glow in the markings; the space distorted around us and we teleported directly into another huge sub-space which almost felt detached to this world.

"This is the treasury of the Royal Demon Family, and its members are free to use it however they like."

I looked around everywhere and there was gold coins covering the whole room. Even when the whole room was dimly lit; the radiance of the gold would blind anyone who would glance at it.

"There are a total of five rooms like this, which you can use. If you keep on adding money here, the space would itself be created to accommodate more."

"So, should I consider myself already rich, are the coins still in circulation in the outside world."

"Of course, all the monetary money was made and exists from during the age of Gods. No country can forge money and these coins have a special divine magic enchantment that they cannot be faked."

"That's too convenient and the whole world uses the same currency." That's pretty convenient for someone like me who is travelling. Shopping will too be easy. And also it is one of the most common things in fantasy worlds. But then again isn't it a bit odd, when you think about it from an economic point of view, the whole idea of world sharing the same currency is not fiscally rational.

Wouldn't the countries that manage their finances well will suffer at the cost of financially reckless nations. Then it will also give rise to corruption by hording, well that will fit well for the nobles and kings, but the commoners would have to suffer the most. But maybe with magic, people don't take it into one of their problems or so… I will need to find out the reasons. Well, going into details will do me no good, but I think if I act thoughtfully then I can make use of this and take over the economy if I become a big businessman. Hehhhhh..hh….

"Alicia…Alicia... are you listening." Zylon got worried on seeing her daughter smile on her own.

"So, we are really that rich, how did we end up with this money? What about Lili, does she use this too."

"You don't have to worry about Lili; she has her own dimensional money storage. Since you both are girls you would probably need a lot of money to look after yourself. You see your grandmother was quite a treasure hunter. She would go far and wide to hunt dragons and loot their gold. And since I was not that extravagant, I would only use it for research in magic and development purposes only. But you are both free to use it for your own amusement. This money has only been decaying here for these years after all."

Wait isn't that like spoiling your own child. I hope Lili doesn't turn out like those rich kids who pretend they can buy anything, while in actual their money belongs to their parent which is thanks to their hard work alone. Then again, this amount in one room would have been enough for me to be the richest person in my country back on earth. Regardless I don't know its true value in this world.

Or how over time the value of money did change in these years since father and mother have been here for a very long time and know a little about the world themselves.

What if due to inflation this money remains of little value, I won't know until I go to a market. I did hope of becoming a president of my own business estate. That has also been one of my dreams to own a business company and take over the market of the world.

"Now that I remember about dragons, I did defeat one of them. And he too had a lot of gold on him." From my storage I poured all the money out from it which I collected from him.

"Wait, the amount of gold which a dragon feels satisfied with is proportional to their strength. Your mother hunted quite a lot of powerful dragons during her time. But for you to just double the amount by a single hunt, how strong that dragon was."

"Well I don't remember much about him, but isn't that good we have more money at our disposal."

'Why doesn't she realize that, with only the money in one of the room she can buy an entire country? I felt proud of myself as a father that I was giving her a total of five rooms of treasury. But in an instant she doubled it to ten. I can't bear it anymore.' The True Demon Lord again fell in despair as he faced his fearsome daughter, and made up in his mind never to compete with her as her nemesis and pledged to despise the very thought of it.

"Let's return Alicia, maybe you should take a lot of rest before leaving. You are going to have a tough day tomorrow fighting all the strong monsters at the bottom of the labyrinth. Make sure to prioritize your own safety. And if you find it difficult you can come back to seek our help, no need to push yourself in any kind of life-threatening situation. You understand."

"Yes, father. And thank you for all of this." I replied to him and returned the favour and his concerns with a happy smile. I looked at the back of my hand, and felt so happy with the crest of the family being entrusted to me. Even though I am not their real daughter, I always felt so much at home, everyday was way hundred times better than any happy moment if I had in my previous world.

"Always remember Alicia as a fellow magician you know those who know how to get stronger are the truly strong ones. So never give up on the pursuit of discovering more spells and tell me about your every new finding and discovery."

I think he was more interested in my magic spells than the reason, but it makes me more than happy that someone is always looking forward to my work.

"The power you have developed and earned is because of your own effort and so never let anyone else make use of it. Always use your magic to help others. The greatest magic is not about how destructive or complex it is but the greatest magic is one that can change people's life for good. Magic is all about how you use it, whether its weak or strong, a small difference can make a monumental change in the long run."

The greatest, most powerful magic, even if I whip up something new, can it still be called the greatest. I always find room of improvement the more I learn.

Every time I use magic, I like it because I feel connected to everyone else. If I truly would describe how the greatest magic will look like then it's the magic of meeting wonderful people like Athena, mother, father and Lili.

If encounters themselves are magic, then I would like to still keep on using it…


///////////////// FLOOR 97 ///////////////////

I was at the entrance of floor 97 and as I started walking forward, I spotted the enemy already, a total of five.

They were huge 50 meter tall crystal giants. And now when I take a look at their status I realize that magic won't be effective on them, but it's a totally good thing that I can test out the ability of this wind fan on them now.

Even though their bodies are made up of magic absorbing crystals, and by the size of it they can almost contain an infinite amount, but they are perfect for forging material for new magical items, from where I see it.

Even though they have absolutely sturdy bodies to absorb magic, but there must be a rate at which they do it, so what if the rate at which they absorb magic exceeds at a single point, going beyond the breaking point. Can they contain it or will they blast from inside.

Why don't I find it out myself, right now!

As one of the giant threw a fast paced punch at me, his giant fist approaching me at a sound breaking speed, causing ripples in the air but was immediately stopped by the front end of my closed wind fan.

Its heavy fist technique being intercepted by a tiny object like my fan, as I lightly held it in my hand, it definitely passed the durability test.

The next thing was to check on its ability that mother told me was to release all the magic stored up until now in it in a single flash. I think it has already absorbed enough magic as it is, and when I released all that magic at the single point on its fist in form of-


I have to make sure that the point is a singular and does not take much time to activate otherwise it will spread to an area making it much easier for the giant to absorb the magic.

I opened the fan in an instant and with a screeching sound; the whole giant's body cleanly bisected in two half parallel to the edge, split asunder down the middle by a clean sharp ultra-violent plane of wind and its each half of the body fell on either side.

"This fan can really do some special crazy things."

As I kept on trying other ways of using my fan as a weapon and magic along with it, I wiped out the other four.

Without realizing the fact, that eventually I had made monster-hunting a fun and an experimenting vendetta.





AGE : -----


LEVEL : 7800

HP : 300,000

MP :300,000

SP : 250,000





Till now I have published from volume one to volume three for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 4 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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