Chapter 46 - PROLOGUE




Noel Elitia




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.



© When I got Reincarnated as a Spider with my Goddess, 2021

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This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


"Miracle creation."

A kind gentle voice pierces through the darkness.

The world wavers for an instant and from the crackles of shining light, emerges a one clad in white robes, holding a staff so gorgeous it seemed to be the concentration of all the world's beauty. Riding a white coloured heavenly bird, its fur so beautiful and rich to paint the raven pitch black sky into its soothing whiteness, as if heavens itself was now going to descend on this cursed land.

The land submerged in the depths of evil and empty dryness, got cleansed and the most fertile land materialized. The rivers that ran across the land so pristine that it was said to heal all wounds, diseases and purify all the curses that could plague the mind and heart. The air so fresh that animals and birds came swarming from every corner of the world to make it their home.

This was during the era after the Golden Age, when gods have abandoned the mortals and made their new homes – the divine realm. The world was plunged in chaos and monsters ravaged the world. It was during this time this being appeared in front of everyone and stood as the symbol of hope itself.

"Are you a God or perhaps an angel sent by them to help us?" All the creatures who were blessed by his holy light asked.

"None." The person answered without any hesitation.

"Then who are you, to possess such great powers and a kind heart to help the weak."

"You may refer to me as Sofes."

"Then if we may, we implore you to help us restore peace and happiness in our lives. In return we are willing to devote our lives to you and serve you forever." At that time all the living beings in this world, irrespective of race, wealth, strength or power bowed their heads to this mighty being. For the first time humans, beastmen, dwarves, elves, fairies, demons and all other countless races that inhabited this world together wished for the world peace.

The smile of Sofes was so bright and beautiful that no one could escape the temptation to be close to him and be connected at heart to all those who felt the same.

"Raise your heads…" This noble voice and the radiance this being emitted had made everyone's hearts throbbing and instills a new zealous fire to achieve brotherhood and harmony.

"Do not ask for anything. Anything that you wish to seek from me is far less than what I wish to grant you. Your honest desire to protect what you love causes infinite power to spring from my depths. Your long days of hopelessness and living under the grip of fear ends here. Now, breathe out your heart desires and I, Sofes, the true granter of all wishes for the sake of spreading love and happiness, will turn them into reality."

The dilapidated brown book cover closes itself on the colourful pages of the book that depicted ancient legends on it. The colour of pages had turned faint yellow, which showed how the book had aged with the tradition of being passed down from generation to generation. As the lady holding it in her hand, pulls up the bed sheet towards her encasing two another small girls in it.

"Now, go to sleep you two." As the woman was about to turn off the lights coming from a small chunk of Magitite ore sunk in a blue liquid, she was interrupted as both of her hands were now clutched tightly in between their daughters. She smiles at them, as if asking is there anything else they needed.

"Mother, I want to hear more."

"Did this Sofes person really exist?" Said another child as she looked at her mother with a discerning expression on her face.

"Yes, it is even said that Sofes granted our ancestors with this bountiful forest where we are living now and keeps all the dreadful and scary monsters away from us."

"Mother I want to meet this Sofes and ask her to grant my wish too."

"I am sorry dear, but it seems that Sofes vanished right after he achieved his goal."

"So, was he able to grant everyone's wish for the sake of spreading love?"

Mother tries to pull the nose of the small girl who instead of sleeping in the middle of the night was asking such confusing questions to answer it for her little age.

"Hmmm…. Since mother loves you and my two daughters loves me, then I am sure of it that Sofes was finally able to connect everyone with the thread of love. Now, sweet dreams you two."

"Noo...no. I want to hear the another story where Sofes gives a poor man the blessing to turn whatever he desired into gold and then he lives a happy life."

"No, big sis, I want to hear the story where Sofes brings back the soul of a dead husband back to his loving wife."

"How about I tell you another legend of how Sofes saved the life of a little poor girl from her fated death and brings happiness in the lives of people who makes an encounter…."

Before mother could complete her sentence, she was interrupted by a rushed and hardened knock on the door.


The pale face of my father, the tensed conversation he had with mother and then the loud screams and heavy clouds of black ash rising high in the sky that we saw through the window.

"Lu just keep on moving forward and don't look back. I will be right behind you. So go. Your mother and little sister will be safe." Those were his last words.

And… and then… hurling voices, the unbearable smell of that red gloomy water everywhere, the smell of humans waving their swords and the figure of my falling father, walking in a snowstorm and then I too…too…




Pushing my body up in a position as if I was about to start running, my dampened eyes were wide open, and with sweat covered hands I tried to wipe my face off of it.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" An old lady came in through the door cut off from the outside world just by a thin spread of curtain made out of a red bull monster's hide.

"Good morning. Grandma. Everything is fine." I tried to form a smile, hiding my expression as I quickly walked off towards the water tub to wash my face.

After completing all my house chores, cleaning my room and tending to all the needs of grandpa and grandma, I started making preparation for my own work.

Putting my red velvet cape woven by grandma with a red hood attached to it, and holding the medium sized grass basket I took off from my home.

"Grandma, I am going to pick up some new herbs from the nearby forest."

"Lu, if you would then pick up those sweet roots again like the last time, they sure are a feast for this old age's tasteless mouth to chew on."

"Now, now don't make Lu wander too far. Come back soon okay dear."

"Yes, grandma. I am off now." As I winked at grandpa confirming that his request has been graciously accepted and he smiled back at me. Closing the wooden door, a small village came into my view.

There were not too many houses, less than enough to count on your fingers to a total of twenty-five. The population is about 200 with mostly middle-aged people hitting the highest in a demographic analysis.

The day as usual started early in the village for the villagers who woke up at dawn to work and only relied on agriculture and the bounty of the forest. Winter was going to hit sooner than any place here, so we needed to stack up on supplies.

At the small entrance made at the village that separated it from the forest, I waved my hands to the guards and they let me pass through.

"Lu, your medicine worked wonder on my wife's fever. Thank you very much. And as for thank you she wanted to invite you to dinner too." Said one of the villager's who was in charge of the gate.

"I am glad that she is fine Mr. Blen. I hope that all my herbal medicines are able to always keep the health of the village in top-notch condition."

"Do your best out there and just howl as loud as you can and we will come to your rescue, if you are ever in trouble." Posing me a victory sign, he sent me off by the usual good luck ritual of rubbing a small amount of a red paste on forehead. The logic is that it keeps your head cool even on hot and cloudy days like this, when humidity concentration reaches almost zero.

I am the only one in the village with a high ranking appraisal skill and I also happen to possess wood magic and a rare skill of alchemic creation which allows me to make high grade medicines. All I want is to keep villagers happy and smiling because I don't want to lose anyone again.

All I know is that I have to keep on living and finding happiness not only for myself but for all those because of whom I have been alive and for the people around me.




Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

And even now I am asking for a bit more that if you voluntarily support my writing then you can do it now by donating.

You can donate me at - https://rzp.io/l/LgC54Q3

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Even a little amount helps. I hope that you enjoy my work from now on and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

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