When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 17: A Hundred People, A Hundred Characters

Chapter 17: A Hundred People, A Hundred Characters

Translator: 549690339

Chen Cang sat in his office, rubbed his sour shoulders, and looked at the rewards on the virtual screen.

Thinking of the patient’s gradually stabilizing EKG, he couldn’t help but laugh. Perhaps the greatest sense of achievement as a doctor lies in this?

Just then, Qin Yue walked in and saw Chen Cang, patting his shoulder, “What are you laughing at?”

Chen Cang shook his head, “I was just thinking of something happy.”

“So, you’re not complaining anymore?”

Qin Yue used to sport straight bangs, but now she had a ponytail. However, her face still exuded the charm of a young anime girl, especially her big eyes that seemed to always have endless stories to tell, giving her an aura of a two-dimensional style.

Qin Yue rolled her eyes at Chen Cang, assuming the air of someone who’s seen it all, “Sister here is a female warrior! Not some little girl! Besides, you’re such a typical straight guy, you don’t understand women at all, women are always saying one thing but meaning another! By the way, if you need help finding a date, I can teach you a few tricks!”

“However… Perhaps being a doctor, you might only feel existence and happiness at such times, seeing all the precious lives being saved, and especially saved by yourself, which gives a strong sense of mission and responsibility!”

Chen Cang smiled, rose to his feet, and left; he still had a lot of work to do.

The recent emergency was just an ordinary and common episode in the work of the emergency department.

After washing his face in the duty room and changing into a white coat, Chen Cang felt his arms were aching unbearably.

It seemed he really needed to strengthen his exercise.


Hadn’t he just obtained a “physical strength potion”?

What was that?

[Ding! Physical strength potion, this is a potion that, after use, can stimulate physical potential and enhance physical fitness.]

Chen Cang’s eyes lit up, could this be something good?


Is it for external use or to be taken orally?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The system ignored him, and Chen Cang felt a wave of emotions.

With a thought, he pulled out the potion and downed it.

Instantly, he felt a refreshing sensation spreading through his limbs and body… It felt as though his life had reached a climax!

He felt his body awakening its inner abilities; at this moment, it seemed like his whole body was growing.

And so…

Chen Cang couldn’t help but moan.

“Ah~ ah~…”


He carefully opened his trousers to check, but there didn’t seem to be much change!

At that moment, Qin Yue happened to open the door and heard Chen Cang’s moans.

Her face turned red instantly, but then she saw Chen Cang holding his trousers… Her eyes widened as she scrutinized him meticulously.

Could he be doing some unspeakable secret?

With that thought, Qin Yue’s curiosity surged, and she wanted to find out more… She tiptoed, held her breath, and anticipated Chen Cang’s next move…

But Chen Cang had already heard her and turned around.

Qin Yue’s face tensed immediately, putting on an interrogating look, “What the hell are you doing in the duty room?”

Chen Cang quickly fixed his trousers and smiled awkwardly, “Just stretching…”

Qin Yue looked doubtful, “Really? Were you up to something naughty?”

Chen Cang was speechless, “Fujoshi… must’ve gone moldy!”

Qin Yue sniffed hard, seemingly not detecting any strange smell, and glared at Chen Cang, “Don’t make those weird noises again, they can be misunderstood!”

Chen Cang beat a hasty retreat.

[Ding! Qin Yue’s goodwill +3!]

Chen Cang was taken aback.

What the heck?

What kind of magical woman was this?


Chen Cang automatically filled in an image in his mind: a whip in his left hand, a candle in his right, dressed in…

Ding! Daily task triggered: perform ten sutures. Task reward: Gain Suturing Experience +100, Experience +100, RMB +100.

Complete ten sutures today?

That might not be possible.

I don’t have that many patients needing sutures every day.

Looks like the task might not be completed?

But looking at all these experience points and gold coins…

Chen Cang shook his head: Snatch the task?

It’s a good choice.

Province No. 2 Hospital’s Emergency Department is famous throughout Dongyang Province. Even the emergency centers in Anyang City need to coordinate with Province No. 2 Hospital.

After handing over the shift, Chen Bingsheng finished the night shift and felt mentally exhausted from the morning’s ordeal.

However, Chen Cang still went with Chen Bingsheng to check on the patient.

Upon entering, the patient had already opened his eyes. Although the blood pressure was still low, the vital signs had stabilized. Seeing Chen Bingsheng and Chen Cang coming in, the man in camouflage and the young lad hurriedly came forward to greet them.

“Thank you both, really, thank you so much. Dr. Wu just said that if you hadn’t saved him in time, it would have definitely been too late. You’re a good person, doctor!”

The young guy couldn’t help nodding continuously. Such tremendous joy and sorrow was overwhelmingly impactful!

Chen Bingsheng shook his head: “You should rest outside. Contact your boss. The patient’s condition can’t be said to be stable yet and he needs further treatment. Don’t stay in here; let him rest.”

The two were very convinced by Chen Bingsheng’s words and nodded in agreement.

Chen Cang looked at the tired Chen Bingsheng: “Boss, go rest. I’ve got this covered here.”

Chen Bingsheng smiled: “It’s nothing.”

Chen Cang followed with a smile. After two years with Old Chen, the phrase he said most was “It’s nothing.”

It seemed as though even if the sky fell, this man would still smile and say it’s nothing.

Just like An Yanjun likes to say “No.” It’s the same principle.

The most common thing Director An told patients every day was: “No!”

This is a person of very strong principles.

Nothing much going on in the morning, just writing medical records. There weren’t many inpatients in emergency, since each bed in emergency was precious. Stable patients were either discharged or transferred to the inpatient department.

All of a sudden, the head nurse came in: “Xiao Chen, Director An is quite busy in outpatient care right now. Dr. Wang has gone to get married too, and he’s too busy by himself. If you’re available, could you go and help out?”

Ding! Head Nurse Tian Lanxiang has issued a task: Assist An Yanjun in the outpatient clinic, Task completion reward: Tian Lanxiang’s Favor +5.

Alright, a favor task, not bad at all!

Having a good relationship with the head nurse would certainly make future work easier.

Chen Cang tidied up and headed to the emergency outpatient clinic.

An Yanjun was an associate chief physician, mainly dealing with emergency hand surgery, but there were many miscellaneous diseases in emergency surgery, the majority of which were trauma.

Especially in the emergency outpatient clinic, most of the patients had traumas.

Just as he entered, Chen Cang was stunned: four or five people had many glass shards embedded in their legs, stomachs, arms.

A man said: “Doctor, you just help us pull them out, and that’s it, really no problem!”

An Yanjun answered calmly: “No!”

“We still have a ton of things to do today. It’s just a common injury, stick a couple of band-aids, wrap a bandage, and it’ll be fine. We do rough work, we’re not that delicate. If we can’t finish today’s work, our effort will go to waste!” The man spoke anxiously, almost wishing he could immediately pull out the glass shards from the window himself.

An Yanjun continued shaking his head: “No, I can’t just listen to you. Hurry up and call your boss. The wounds are too deep, and they might get infected if not sutured. Plus, you’ll need to get a tetanus vaccine.”

The man was startled. Hearing all these complicated steps made him swallow hard: “Is it expensive?”

An Yanjun looked up at several men covered in dust and dirt, their clothes soiled with dust, wearing thick, sturdy leather gloves on their hands.

As they continued to bleed, An Yanjun saw Chen Cang coming over and quickly stood up: “Xiao Chen, come and help me clean and suture these wounds.”

After speaking, An Yanjun moved towards the door, afraid that the patients might leave. Turning around, he said: “Don’t pull it out recklessly; if the glass shards are inside, it’s even harder to handle!”

ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! Those who have eaten too many mooncakes can vote… if you haven’t eaten too much, voting will get you mooncakes.


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