While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 309 - First Tower

Adam was calm as he stepped into the dark tower that was surprisingly very large and quite spacious.

There was a thick stench that Adam had become accustomed to after being on the floor with the Goblin Beasts for quite a while already as he continued up the tower with his dagger in hand and armour equipped.

It was really dark and Adam was trying to spread his spiritual sense up the tower, but it seemed to be blocked for some reason and the tower was so tall, that reaching the top with his spiritual sense would be hard anyway.

The stair went up in a spiral and they were quite large, making it so that an ordinary human would find it very difficult to reach the top, but Adam scaled it all in seconds, leaping upwards and skipped many steps with each stride.

There were four towers and four goblin king beasts, and knowing that they were the goblin beasts that were able to produce all the other goblin beasts, Adam had a rough idea of what the four goblin kings would be like.

The many types of goblin beasts that Adam had come across all fit into 4 different categories from what he had seen so far and since there were 4 kings, it made sense for each of them to be powerful versions of those 4 types of goblin beasts.

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The first goblin beast category was beast goblins, goblins that had a monster-like appearance, but also monster-like strength, speed, claws and teeth, making their king the Beast Goblin King.

The second beast category was the goblins that used weapons and Adam also added the goblin beast guards into that category along with the Swordsman, Archer, Spear and Tank Goblins, making their king, the Weapon Master Goblin King.

The third beast category was the goblins that could enlarge themselves, which were the Giant Goblin Beasts, and although they were scarce and rare, they were extremely powerful, dangerous and very hard to take down, making their king the Giant Goblin King.

The fourth beast category was the goblins that used magic, such as the Mage Goblin Beast with the dark staffs, making their king the Magic Goblin King.

These were Adam's predictions of what he could expect from each of the Goblin Kings in each of the towers, and although they weren't confirmed, Adam was pretty sure that they were accurate from everything he had gathered so far from Ava and what he had seen.

He was hoping that the tower he had entered first belonged to the Magic Goblin King, as if it had other king or normal goblin beasts to support it, it would be very difficult to take it out with its powerful ranged attacks and unknown capabilities.

Adam also wanted to leave the Giant Goblin Beast King until last, since it would also be hard and annoying to deal with and take down, but he was prepared for anything that could come his way.

With his mental preparation along with the adrenaline rush and Bloodlust that he could feel coursing through his veins, Adam was ready to face anything and continue progressing as a cultivator, a hunter and an individual.

Reaching the top, Adam was surprised to find an open area that was linked to the castle and was very large. 

In it, he found a hairy creature that was hunched forwards, had long sharp claws, razor fangs and teeth along with a very large body that was completely muscular and had a powerful aura of death and destruction around it.

[Damn it, I guess my luck isn't the greatest and it seems I have to face the Beast Goblin King first, which was the beast I wanted to fast later on as its claws and teeth make it so that its wounds will cause me to lose a lot of blood] thought Adam to himself.

The Beast Goblin King that had been sleeping, suddenly opened its eyes and ad a confident, crazed and menacing expression as it got up off the floor.

It stood on all fours and it ran using its legs and arms to propel itself forwards, in the same way, that a cheetah would, while it was also capable of fighting on foot and was faster than Adam, stronger than Adam and also had a higher resistance.

However, despite its senses being very sharp and its reflexes being unbelievably fast, Adam was confident that he would be able to defeat it if he stayed calm and used his intellect to defeat the beast.

He was also confident that he could defeat the beast quite quickly if he went all out and crazy, using his Bloodlust Characteristic and all of his other powerful abilities, but that would be very straining, would be reckless and would also cause him to suffer many wounds and attacks from the Beast Goblin King.

That would leave him weakened and injured in the middle of enemy territory with 3 other king level goblin beasts along with any other hidden beasts that might be found in the core area of the goblin beast city.

The Beast Goblin King stood on all fours and there was a red tint in its completely black eyes as it glared at Adam.

If it wasn't for the stench, green skin and where he was, Adam wouldn't have recognised the beast behind him as a goblin.

Adam stood with his left foot forwards and his two daggers sticking out as he prepared himself to face the beast before him that was clearly physically superior to Adam.

If an ordinary mid-level Advanced Cultivator were to face the beast, they would most likely struggle and barely come out on top, while Adam who was yet to even become an Advanced Cultivator, despite his stats, had to face 4 beasts of that level.

However, despite that, Adam was excited and calm as the Beast Goblin King pounced at him widely and aimed to slash at his chest.

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