While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 375 - The Great Power Of The Lin Family Head

Adam was in his Soul Form and his presence was completely concealed as he observed the battle taking place and witness dozens be killed and their souls be carried away by Death Wraiths.

However, the Death Wraiths he witnessed weren't as sharp or attentive as Shinka and also didn't dare to delay their duties as they quickly collected the souls and carried them off to the underworld.

As long as they completed their duty nothing else mattered and they didn't pay heed to Adam who floated around and reached the centre of the battlefield that had a large open space and was where he found the most powerful of all the cultivators.

Hundreds of Illusion Stones were currently in use and the restriction in place for entering the space of the Illusion Stone was that one must be a cultivator, and it was the middle of the night in a empty area outside the city, so it was unlikely that any people would be there.

Powerful and influential cultivators around the country were waiting to hear the result of the battle and most believed that it was impossible 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Adam's spiritual sense had covered the entire battlefield and those with sharp senses would feel as though they were being watched, while most of them were unable to sense anything, due to Adam concealing his presence almost perfectly.

He watched his friends who were in the centre of the battlefield and acting as the leaders and central forces of their cultivation groups and was impressed by how great their power was.

Although it couldn't be compared to his own and Adam was confident he could defeat them all within a matter of seconds, they all had power that could rival peak Advanced Cultivators and were very skilled in combat and the use of their skills.

Chase seemed to be the strongest out of all of them and his Hardening Unique Skill seemed to have gotten stronger, while his power also seemed to surpass that of Wayde's and reach the level that one would expect from a great family head.

Along with that, Cole, Angela and Elizabeth had all also become very powerful and could be said to be on the level of great elders, with Angela and Elizabeth lagging slightly behind Cole.

However, if Elizabeth were to have begun cultivating at the same time as the others and had fewer responsibilities, her cultivation would likely have surpassed theirs and her unique constitutions also gave her unusual and powerful abilities.

Their forces were slightly outnumbered, had less resources and were also less powerful cultivators as a whole, however, despite that, the leaders fought on the frontline and worked together cohesively, minimising casualties and increasing morale of the cultivators fighting with them.

That all changed however when the Lin Family Head got involved in the battle, supported by the Ford and Dale Family Heads, who were also extremely powerful.

The Lin Family Head took on all of Adam's friends alone, interested by their great abilities and amused by how hard they fought, as he instructed the For and Dale Family Heads to lead the rest of their cultivators to eliminate all of the opposition.

It was clear that the Dale and Ford Family Heads were annoyed by the fact that they were being ordered around by the Lin Family Head, but after seeing his power, they knew they were no match for him and his order was one that also benefitted them.

"Entertain me, children. None of those so-called elders and great elders can save you and the rest of your cultivators are preoccupied facing the other family heads and cultivators supporting me. You have nobody to rely on but yourselves, show me what you got" bellowed the Lin Family Head.

He seemed extremely confident in his capabilities and from his aura, he seemed to be on the verge of breaking through to the Master Cultivation Level and could probably unleash power of that level, while was also very skilled and experienced as a fighter.

Chase took on the Lin Family Head head-on, trying to protect his comrades, knowing they would be no match for his raw power, but he was being pushed back and after the Lin Family launched him flying backwards, he began attacking the others.

Adam watched calmly and although he cared for his friends and it annoyed him to see them be beaten so badly and wounded, he knew it was a good learning experience for them and that it would assist them in surpassing their limits and becoming stronger.

And exactly as he had expected and hoped, his friends were able to surpass their limits and despite the wounded and fatigued state they were in, were still able to display charisma and power that reignited the will to fight of their subordinates.

They were also able to draw out more power than they previously would have, having no choice but to do so, otherwise, they would have no chance against the Lin Family Head and would die.

"You guys are more capable than I expected and your cultivators are still managing to hold out, but I have had enough. You still dare to try to unleash more power when you can barely stand. Its time to finish this" 

The Lin Family Head begun launching even more powerful attacks and Chase and Cole, who seemed to be the strongest and most capable, tried to take on most of the attacks, but all of them were barely able to stay conscious and were starting to lose hope.

In the back of their minds, they were all thinking that a year had passed and were hoping that Adam would arrive and save them, but from how things were turning out, it seemed as though that wouldn't happen.

There had been no signs of Adam returning and they also couldn't hold out for much longer while the cultivators supporting them, although were staying loyal, were being slaughtered and pushed back by the troops who were led by the Dale and Ford Family Heads.

"I will start off with you.. I hate that look in your eyes" shouted the Lin Family Head as he charged towards Angela.

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