Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 341: A Surge of Inspiration

Lu Yang had long heard of the reputation of the techniques created by Eldest Senior Sister. These were so significant that the Dao Seeking Sect had specially designated an area in the Scripture Pavilion for them.

Unfortunately, the techniques on the first floor of the Scripture Pavilion were too elementary, so he had never had the chance to see them before.

Today, he finally got to witness them.

“I knew it; no matter how talented the disciples of the Dao Seeking Sect are, they can’t casually create techniques of this level,” the Everlasting Fairy suddenly realized. She had initially thought that the geniuses of the Dao Seeking Sect were exaggerated to such an extent that even the “Great Moon Dharma Body Technique” was nearly as advanced as the techniques she had written.

“That’s quite a statement. Eldest Senior Sister is also a disciple of our Dao Seeking Sect,” Lu Yang emphasized.

While the most outstanding Senior Brothers, Dai Bufan and Ji Hongwen, were still trying to catch up to the elders, Eldest Senior Sister of the same generation had already left them far behind.

That’s the difference in talent.

The bookshelf in front of him was filled with an array of techniques, all either modified by Eldest Senior Sister or directly created by her.

“Hehe, what’s the matter? Are you intimidated by the number of techniques Yun Zhi has written?” A hoarse laugh sounded in Lu Yang’s ear.

Lu Yang turned his head and saw a hunched old man standing beside him. The man looked quite ordinary.

“And you are…?”

“Just an old man with some free time, now spending my days watching over the Scripture Pavilion. You can just call me Old Tao.”

Lu Yang wouldn’t dare to actually call him Old Tao. He secretly speculated that this person was either of the elder generation or perhaps even of the grandmaster generation. Considering the special nature of the Scripture Pavilion, the latter seemed more likely.

“Do you have any advice for me, Senior Tao?”

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“It’s not so much advice. With Yun Zhi guiding you, what could an old man like me possibly teach you? I just saw you here and it reminded me of Yun Zhi when she was a child.”

“Yun Zhi as a child?” Lu Yang’s interest was piqued, even suppressing his eagerness to study the techniques.

The Everlasting Fairy also jumped up from the bed with excitement, eagerly waiting for Old Tao to tell the story.

“When Yun Zhi was first brought into the sect by your master, she wasn’t very tall, about this high.” Old Tao gestured at his chest, and given his hunched posture and short stature, Yun Zhi would have only reached his chest back then.

“She was silent and cold, whether by nature or because of her time spent living in the secret realm, no one knew.”

“But her expression clearly became more animated after she arrived at the Scripture Pavilion.”

“At that time, the girl was too young to begin cultivation, so your master let her browse the Scripture Pavilion freely to lay a foundation.”

“That girl focused intently on the techniques in the Scripture Pavilion, frowning as she read.”

“I thought the girl, with her delicate and lovely appearance, was adorable, so I walked over and asked if there was anything she didn’t understand. I told her she could ask me if she had questions, and I would help explain.”

“She looked unhappy, pouting and saying that these techniques were poorly written. I asked her what was wrong with them, and she shook her head like a rattle, saying she couldn’t tell, just that they didn’t seem well-written.”

“While these techniques certainly had flaws, they were far beyond what a little girl could notice.”

“I laughed it off, thinking she just found the techniques too obscure and difficult to understand, so she was being stubborn and saying they were poorly written.”

“Who could have imagined that in just a few years, that little girl would grow to a level that no one could keep up with, developing her own unique insights into cultivation techniques?” Old Tao sighed deeply, never having expected that the little girl from back then would rise to such heights in her cultivation.

“Keep cultivating diligently; you might surpass Yun Zhi one day!” Old Tao patted Lu Yang on the shoulder, entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

“I’ll do my best!”

Lu Yang was inspired and began to study the techniques written by Eldest Senior Sister.

“The ‘Burning Blood of the Heavens Technique,’ a technique hidden in ancient caves…”

Cultivators often have lifespans far exceeding that of ordinary mortals, as cultivation is meant to achieve longevity. However, this technique goes against that principle, achieving rapid cultivation growth by burning one’s lifespan. At critical moments, one can also temporarily burn their lifespan to enhance their combat power.”

“The mission hall requires every disciple to complete two tasks each year.”

“To fulfill her task, Eldest Senior Sister falsely claimed to have visited an ancient cave and discovered the ‘Burning Blood of the Heavens Technique,’ when in reality, she created it herself. Eldest Senior Sister’s knowledge was incomplete, as she only knew that it was a technique that traded lifespan for power. In her version of the technique, burning one’s own lifespan was changed to burning the lifespan of others.”

“In battle, by forcibly burning the lifespan of others, the technique grants them immense combat power while accelerating their aging process. Before they can fully utilize their newfound strength, they would age rapidly and die.”

“The ‘Chaotic Transformation Sutra’ is the core technique of the Dark Azure Sect, never passed on to outsiders. When mastered, it allows the cultivator to exhale chaotic mist, which cannot be dispersed. Both vision and spiritual senses are blocked, allowing the cultivator to move freely within the mist and ambush opponents.”

“Eldest Senior Sister falsely claimed to have gone to Dark Azure Sect to learn this technique, and then submitted her own version of the ‘Chaotic Transformation Sutra’ to the mission hall. When mastered, this technique creates a chaotic domain that suppresses all paths and nullifies all techniques within its boundaries. All living beings within the domain lose the will to resist, and there’s even a small chance of cultivating a Chaotic Dao Body.”

“Currently, Dark Azure Sect has replaced their core technique with Eldest Senior Sister’s version.”

The more Lu Yang read, the more his scalp tingled. There’s no way he could surpass Eldest Senior Sister.

However, the good news was that these techniques weren’t written by Eldest Senior Sister during the Golden Core Stage, so Lu Yang still had a chance.

Lu Yang stopped thinking about the outside world and gradually immersed himself in various cultivation techniques—those of Eldest Senior Sister, the sect elders, and even those circulating in the market.

He delved into the mindset of the technique creators, pondering the purpose behind each step. He became utterly absorbed, forgetting everything else.

More than half a month passed in a flash. Lu Yang eventually emerged from his deep study of the techniques, suddenly remembering that he had come to continue writing his own technique.

“Time to start writing!”

Lu Yang scratched the back of his head. He had read so many techniques and felt full of knowledge, confident that he had a bright future in the art of creating cultivation techniques. However, as soon as he picked up the pen to start writing, he realized he didn’t know where to begin.

“I thought I had learned everything while reading the techniques?”

Pushing through the difficulty, Lu Yang began to write, with the Everlasting Fairy watching silently by his side.

Saying anything now would only harm Lu Yang.

After half a day of hard thinking, he finally had an idea and started to continue writing his technique.

“Yes, this is it!”

Inspiration surged, and his pen moved swiftly across the paper, his strokes flowing like dragons and snakes.

The past half-month of studying techniques hadn’t been in vain. He felt he had fully grasped the concepts and was now innovating upon them, with ideas pouring onto the paper continuously.

“Yes, this part should be written like this!”

Now, he only regretted that he couldn’t write fast enough to keep up with the rapid flow of his thoughts.

Two days later, he completed the Golden Core chapter of the “Enlightenment of Heart and Nature Technique.” Afterward, he revised and refined it, making the technique more concise and the wording more precise.

“Mission accomplished!”

He immediately left the Scripture Pavilion and headed to Heaven’s Gate Peak to submit the final draft to Eldest Senior Sister.

Eldest Senior Sister carefully reviewed it, nodded slightly, and praised him:

“Not bad. This time, only eighty percent of the content needs minor revisions from me.”

(End of the chapter)

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