Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 127 - 126: The Green Peak Sword’s Small Ornament_1

Chapter 127: Chapter 126: The Green Peak Sword’s Small Ornament_1

Since Fairy Eternity’s revival, she has undergone one setback after another. First, she attempted to intimidate Lu Yang, only to be beaten up by Yun Zhi. After that, her efforts to prove her usefulness by trying to control Lu Yang’s cross-tier combat ended in a lecture.

Now, she realizes that sticking to past experiences doesn’t work. Modern cultivators’ way of thinking is much more active than it was in ancient times, and they collaborate to accumulate experiences across various realms of cultivation.

In ancient times, such a thing would be unthinkable. There would be open confrontations and hidden schemes among Senior Brothers, vying for resources. There was no way that sects or tribes would unconditionally open up their cultivation experiences.

Oh, there was an exception – the Ancient Barbarian Tribe. They did enjoy discussing their cultivation experiences within the tribe.

Lu Yang stretched his body, rising to perform a set of radio calisthenics, flexing his muscles. The sound of his cracking joints brought him an inexplicable comfort.

“Where are you going?”

“To Hundred Refinement Peak, to order a weapon.”

Arriving at Hundred Refinement Peak, Lu Yang saw the cafeteria was as bustling as always.

Fairy Eternity was surprised. “Huh, the food in Seek Dao Sect is pretty good, with so many disciples coming to buy.”

Lu Yang nodded, “The quality of the meals is indeed good.”

However, his purpose was not the cafeteria, but Hundred Refinement Hall located halfway up the mountain.

The cafeteria sells commonly-used weapons—good ones, but not necessarily suited to everyone.

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So, Hundred Refinement Hall was established where master weapon smiths take up residence, specializing in selling custom-made weapons.

“You are… Senior Brother Lu Yang?” A surprised voice at the entrance of Hundred Refinement Hall called out to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang recognized the speaker, “You are Li Haoran, from the same batch as me!”

In Lu Yang’s batch, there were three people with Single Spiritual Roots: Lu Yang with his Sword Spirit Root, Meng Jingzhou with Single Body Spiritual Root, and Li Haoran with Fire Spirit Root.

“I heard from Senior Sister Zhou LuLu over a month ago that you were taking a bath in lava. Finally got out?”

Speaking of bathing in lava, Li Haoran’s face was gloomy, as though recalling some unpleasant experiences.

“Finally met the criteria set by the master, managed to swim in lava, learned to eat Fire Lizards raw and successfully established my foundation. I just got out. I was planning to go find my master and ask what arrangements he had next, but Senior Sister Zhou LuLu said she hadn’t seen him in three days, so I have no idea where he went.”

Lu Yang wondered if Fifth Elder and his master were very close, accompanying his master in meditation?

“After Foundation Establishment, you need to head to the Task Hall to receive sect tasks.”

Li Haoran nodded; he had heard the Senior Brothers mention this.

“Do you know the way? I can accompany you.” Since Li Haoran addressed him as Senior Brother, Lu Yang felt obliged to fulfill his responsibilities as such.

“Then, thank you, Senior Brother.”

On their way to the Task Hall, Lu Yang learned about Li Haoran’s background. Both his parents were cultivators with cultivation levels only at the Foundation Establishment Stage. They were overjoyed to learn that Li Haoran had Fire Spirit Root and spoiled him accordingly.

This led to Li Haoran’s arrogance and hot temper.

For example, during the climb up Wenxin Mountain, Li Haoran lacked resolve; many with lesser qualifications ascended to the fiftieth step before him. It was only at the end that he finally succeeded.

Lu Yang guessed that Elder Zhou Xin saw Li Haoran’s flaws and deliberately let him soak in lava for a year to temper his resolve. And it seemed to have worked.

At the Task Hall, the two of them searched but didn’t find any tasks suitable for Li Haoran.

“By the way, can you forge weapons?”

“Of course, master said I’m already at the top refining level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.” Fire Spirit Root is best for refining, and Li Haoran had studied weapon refining in lava for a year.

“How about this? I post a weapon refining task, you accept it, and we both reach our goals.” Lu Yang had thought this through; the Weapon Masters of Hundred Refinement Hall were at least of Golden Core Stage and charged high prices, but he didn’t need such high-level masters to make his weapon.

“Senior Brother Lu, you don’t have to go easy on me. I can come back to the Task Hall in a few days.”

Lu Yang shook his head, “I am not going easy on you. I just need a weapon forged, and you are the most suitable candidate.”

“Most suitable?” Li Haoran felt overwhelmed.

Lu Yang nodded, “Yes, you’re the cheapest.”

Li Haoran: “…”

The two returned to Li Haoran’s weapon refinement room. Lu Yang took out the Green Peak Sword, making Li Haoran jump in surprise. The Green Peak Sword was fantastically high grade— not something an amateur like him at the Foundation Establishment Stage could modify.

“No, no, no, Brother Lu, you better find someone else. I am limited in skill and can’t refine this kind of sword.”

Lu Yang knew he had misunderstood and laughed, “You misunderstood. I don’t want to forge this sword; I want to put some small decorative pieces on its exterior.”

Li Haoran was relieved, this was much simpler. “Do you have some blueprints?”

“They’re here.”

Lu Yang was well prepared and pulled out blueprints, four meters long and wide, that didn’t look like “small pieces” at all.

Seeing the content, Li Haoran’s expression became more weird. Although the creation seemed odd, it actually wasn’t difficult to forge. The only problem was that they had never seen something like it before and had to make multiple attempts to get it right.

“I’m planning to learn the flying sword technique. As a sword cultivator, how can I not use a sword? But when flying around, without any traffic rules, it’s genuinely dangerous. For safety, I designed this blueprint.”

“When I’m utilizing the flying sword technique, I plan to sit in a steel shell, with the flying sword attached beneath it, serving as a propellant.”

“The steel shell will be equipped with seats for sitting. Install two rows of seats, and once I’ve got a hang of the flying sword technique, I can even take other people flying.”

“This thing is the steering wheel, which can adjust the direction.”

“And windows. Although mortals have difficulty using sand to forge glass, it shouldn’t be a problem for cultivators, right?”

“There should also be brakes, but since I power the flying sword, there’s no need to install brakes. I can just brake with my feet…”

“By the way, this big iron shell needs to be easy to install and dismantle, otherwise it’ll be inconvenient during battle.”

Lu Yang detailed the purpose and forging requirements of the small decorative pieces, leaving both Fairy Eternity and Li Haoran with a sense of having their horizons broadened.

“It’s not that I’m afraid of heights; it’s just that flying alone is too lonely. I want to bring some people along.” Lu Yang repeatedly emphasized that he was not afraid of heights. “Can you do it?”

Li Haoran thought a little; although the things on the blueprint were peculiar, they were not difficult to forge. The most significant hindrance was his unfamiliarity with the items, requiring multiple attempts to get it right. “I can.”

“That’s good. These are Mysterious Thunder Irons which can be used as forging material.”

“And this mask, can you forge it to be harder so it can’t be damaged easily?” Lu Yang pulled out a tofu mask. He needed a disguise for future outings.

“We’ll say about twenty contribution points for the price?” Lu Yang proposed the price.

Twenty contribution points, translating to two thousand Spirit Stones, was by no means a low price.

Li Haoran accepted the task.

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