Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 66 - : I Am Finally Back!

 And when I open my eyes, I could only see fog everywhere. It's too foggy that it looks like I'm in the clouds. 

 Wait! I started to stretch my arms sideways, and both my hand touches a cold wall. 

 I am back in the fictional world! I am back at the Illorian City! I immediately jump for joy. I am finally back!

 I look around my surroundings, trying to see if I could find a clue on which direction I should go, but I couldn't see anything. All I could see is fog, fog, and fog. 

 Great! I guess I have to trust my instincts then. I touch my fingers and sigh. "I guess, I need to use my ultimate weapon." 

 I pointed my finger at my left side and started to sing. "Eeny, meeny, miney, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go, Eeny, meeny, miney, moe." My fingers pointed to my right side. "Well, I guess I need to walk to the left then. I just hope it's the right direction," I whispered to myself.

 I then started to walk in the left direction. However, after five minutes of walking, I could still see anything. 

 I frown. "Am I back on the loop? But I thought I already return to the Illorian City? Don't te-" I stopped talking to myself when I suddenly heard faint voices in front of me.

 I walk slowly, trying to understand those incoherent talking. 

 "Prince Fraser, you need to eat breakfast first. You have been standing in front of the alley for the whole night already. If this continues, you'll get sick for sure. I'm sure Lady Lauretré wouldn't like it if something bad happened to you," I heard Princess Paislee said. 

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 My eyes immediately widen! I'm really back! I was about to walk forward but stopped when I heard their conversation.

 "Sir Farren, don't worry about me. I just want to make sure that if Csille gets out the alley, I am the first one she could see. I'm worried about her. I hope she is fine," I heard Prince Fraser answer Princess Paislee.

 I clutched my chest. It's beating frantically again, and I don't like this. I thought after what I have heard and experienced in Kosmo, all these nonsense heartbeats will be gone, but I was wrong. 

 It's Csille's fault! It's her feelings, but now I am affected by it. Arghh! It's already bad that I become the villainess, but why do I need to be in love with Prince Fraser?

 "You should take some rest, Prince Fraser. I'll take in charge of waiting for Csille." I heard Rufus said. 

 My eyes widen in excitement! Rufus! I wanted to run towards them, but I suddenly have an urge to hear what they are talking about first. Maybe I could listen to something interesting.


 Whoah whoah! Calm down, Crown Prince! You really need to fix your anger management. Why do you always yell? Jeez, you're a Prince, not a vendor in a wet market.

 I heard someone sigh. "I am her friend Fraser, and every one of us is her friend. Do you think you're the only one who is worried for her? Everyone does. So, instead of taking it all on yourself, why don't you share it with us? We're not planning to compete with you here. We know Csille is your fiancée. However, we are her friends. Doesn't it gave us rights to wait for her too?" I heard Rufus said.

 I want to clap my hands at Rufus! He really is brave to talk to angry Prince Fraser. I salute him. Even I, is afraid when Prince Fraser got mad. 

 "Prince Fraser, you need to take a rest. Look at yourself. You look pale. Look at Sir Farren too. You two are standing in here for the whole night now. It's already past nine. You need to rest or else something bad might happen to the both of you. If that happens, how will we respond to Lady Lauretré or worst to the King of Vrawyth? I hope you could reconsider our words, your highness," I heard Leander said.

 They are all here! And Prince Fraser has been staying in front of the mysterious alley for a whole night already? How many days had passed after I enter the alley? 

 A moment of silence was heard before Prince Fraser agree with Rufus and Leander's encouragement. "Okay, I will take a rest, but I will come back in the afternoon. If she went out the alley, call me immediately, okay? Sir Farren, stay for a while and see if Csille would get out. If she didn't get out after thirty minutes, you could go take a rest."

 I heard Rufus and Leander agree to Prince Fraser before I heard footsteps walking away. I wait for the footsteps to be gone before I walk towards the exit. 

 With all the information I heard from Kosmo, I don't think I would like to have interaction with Prince Fraser. After what he said to me before I went inside the alley? Nah, I think I need to make a plan how to avoid him again. 

 After walking for a minute, I finally saw the streets of the Illorian City again! I cover my eyes because of the sunlight. 

 Maybe because I spend too much at Kosmo, where there isn't any sunlight in there that my eyes couldn't immediately adjust to the sunlight. 

 "CSILLE!" I heard Rufus excitedly calls my name! 

 I am still busy covering my eyes that I didn't see him running towards me. The next thing I know, I am already in his arms. He's hugging me tightly. It's as if he didn't see me for a decade.

 "You're back! I'm glad you're back!" He said in a relieved voice. 

 "Welcome back, Csille!" I heard Leander said, but I couldn't see him since I am still covering my eyes.

 Why does my eyes take so long to adjust to the sunlight? Do I need to cover my eyes for the whole day?

 I feel Rufus breaks from the hug and hold both my arms. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt? We should call the Great Ruler! We should also tell Prince Fraser you're here!"

 My eyes immediately open when I heard Prince Fraser's name. No! No! Even if my eyes couldn't adjust to the sunlight, I tried my best to look at Rufus and shakes my head repeatedly. "You," I stopped trying to find the right words that wouldn't look like I am avoiding Prince Fraser. "It's better if I talk to the Great Ruler first. Don't disturb Prince Fraser. I heard your conversation with him a while ago. Let him rest first. I also still need to talk to the Great Ruler."

 Rufus stops and just looks at me. "But Fraser ordered us to call him once you get out the alley. We sh-"

 I roll my eyes, Rufus. Why can these guys say yes to what I am saying? I break from his hold and hold his both shoulders and shake him a little. "Rufus! What's more important? To talk to the Great Ruler or to talk to Prince Fraser? Think! I didn't find his daughter. Do you think the Great Ruler will be happy to know that the first thing I did when I came back is to look for Prince Fraser? Do you want to put in a risky situation the whole Vrawyth Kingdom?"

 Rufus got silent, and I sigh in relief. However, my happiness ended in a short period of time when Princess Paislee, who is standing on the side, suddenly speaks.

 "You could talk to the Great Ruler, and I could inform Prince Fraser about your return." 

 Can I hurt the female lead? Mann, why does she need to say it? I don't want to see the male lead, okay? You can have him for yourself, and I would really be happy. But why do you need to drag me with you? Can't you see that I'm doing my best to avoid him? Princess Paislee! This isn't what you're supposed to do! You ought to distance Prince Fraser from me. But why are you letting us be together? Princess Paislee, follow the script, please!

 I smile awkwardly at Princess Paislee, trying my best not to say the words I really want to say. Calm down, Ysavel! You cannot let them know you know everything! I take a deep breath and look at Princess Paislee. "But I have heard that Prince Fraser didn't sleep for the whole night. Even you, right? You two should take some sleep first. I'll visit him after I talk to the Great Ruler."

 However, Princess Paislee seems to have a different plan than mine. She continuously shakes her head as if my plan is an awful idea for her. "I'm sorry, Lady Lauretré. However, Prince Fraser ordered us to report to him if you come back. I'm sure Prince Fraser will be mad at us if we didn't tell him immediately about your return."

 I want to roll my eyes at Princess Paislee. To hell with Prince Fraser's anger. Can't you see I'm angry too? You should be scared of me because I am the villainess.

 "Actually, Csille, what Sir Farren said is right. It's better to let Prince Fraser know your arrival," Rufus agreed.

 Oh, great! You decided to second it. I don't understand if Rufus is on my side or on Prince Fraser's side. 

 "You two don't understand, do you? If something happened to the Crown Prince of Vrawyth Kingdom because he didn't get the chance to sleep can you two take responsibility? Do you know how many people died because of lack of sleep? That is called fatigue! It's an illness that could risk someone's life. If you don't know." I snapped at the both of them. I look at Leander, who is just standing at the side. 

 I raised my eyebrow at him. Signaling him to agree with me and prove my claims. So, what now, Leander? Are you just going to stand there and watch? Come on. You're a medicine student. You know this thing.

 Finally, Leander takes a step forward and speaks. "Actually, what Lady Lauretré said is true. We have been traveling non-stop for weeks now. We just got here for days, but even if we stay here, Prince Fraser is still stress because of Lady Lauretré's situation. I think it's best to let Prince Fraser rest, or else I don't think it would be good for his physical body. Actually, not just his body but also his state of mind."

 See? I told you. You should listen to me. I wrote a medical novel before. I know my words.

 "See? The son of the Royal Physician already said his words. Prince Fraser needs to rest, so let him rest. Or do you want to risk the life of the only heir of the Vrawyth Kingdom? If you want so, then I guess I have no choice but to go to Prince Fraser and let the Great Ruler be mad at us," I said in a low voice.

 After saying those words, Princess Paislee and Rufus immediately disagree with me. 

 "No! I think you're right! It's better to let Prince Fraser rest first," Rufus said.

 Princess Paislee sighs and looks at me before she nods her head reluctantly.

 I silently smile at myself. She finally agrees. I thought I need to argue with her for the whole day. Thank goodness she didn't want to make it difficult for me. 

 I already avoided Prince Fraser. However, There's one problem I still need to face. How will I deal with the Great Ruler? How can I tell him that his only daughter already forgets him and is now living a new life in Kosmo? 

 "Come on. I still need to face the Great Ruler. I just hope he wouldn't take it against our Kingdom." 

 I just get back, but I'm already facing a problem. Great! I am really the villainess!

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