Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 74 - : I Will Help You

 "Csille, are you okay?"

 I look at the worried Great Ruler. After Bernarl came here and asked me for permission. The Great Ruler instantly came here the moment he received the news.

 I smile at him and nod my head. "I'm okay, Ruler Laird. Although I still feel itchy sometimes, but my rashes are getting better now."

 I heard him sigh, and he gave me the basket of fruits he is holding. "I'm glad you're already feeling better now. I got worried when I heard you got an allergy reaction. Did they know what's the reason for your allergy?"

 I shake my head at him in response. I know the reason but not them. "They still couldn't figure out why I got an allergic reaction. Although they said, they will run an investigation again. However, I doubt it if they could find the root of my allergy. Even I don't see anything wrong in the room."

 He nods his head. He then looks at my arms and my face that is currently covered by clothing. He sighs again. "How long will it last? Do you take medicine already?"

 I nod my head. "Yes, Great Ruler. Leander helps me to have the doctors prescribe me medicine without seeing my condition. They instruct me to take a bath with cold water and what soap I should use, so it won't make my skin irritated. Also, I've been putting creams on my neck, face, and arms. Leander said that it would help me lessen the rashes and the itchiness."

 The Great Ruler nods his head. "It's good to hear that. Also, I'm glad you let me visit you. I thought you would prohibit me too. I heard from the Elders that only the son of the Royal Physician could see you. Even the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, who is your fiancé, is prohibited."

 Even the Great Ruler knows what I've been doing. I sigh. "It's not that I don't want to see him. I just don't want people to see me with my current state."

 The Great Ruler looks at me intently. "Do you hate him, Csille?"

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 I rolled my eyes internally. Why does everyone ask me if I hate him? Is it too obvious that I am avoiding him? 

 "Great Ruler, why do you ask that question? Do I look like I hate him? Why would I hate him? He's the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom and my own fiancé. I don't think I have a reason to hate him. He's been good to me since we were children."

 He just looks at me intently. It's like he is reading if what I said is true. I started to sweat. What if he noticed that I am lying to his face? Would he be mad at me because of it? I heard from people that what Great Ruled hated the most are liars. But I'm really not lying, though. I don't hate Prince Fraser. I just don't understand why people think so.

 "You don't need to lie to me, Csille. I thought you considered me as your godfather now? Why won't you be honest with me? I wouldn't judge. I will actually help you."

 My eyes widen at his words. What does he mean he will help me? "I don't understand what you are saying, Great Ruler. What do you mean you will help me?"

 The Great Ruler smiled. "You didn't correct me when I said you're lying. So, you're really lying." I avoid his gaze. Guilty of lying to him. He just shrugged it off, though. "Don't worry. I don't take it to heart. Sometimes, we need to lie. Even I lie sometimes." I look at him, and he just winks at me. "I will help you avoid Prince Fraser. If you would tell me why are you avoiding him."

 I sigh. Having the help of the Great Ruler will definitely lessen my problem. However, can I really tell him my reason? Will it not hurt the plot if I told the Great Ruler about what I said to Princess Paislee?

 The Great Ruler probably sees my dilemma. He sighs and shakes his head. "Okay, I won't ask the reason anymore. But just tell me if you want to avoid Prince Fraser so I could prepare arrangements."

 I sigh. It's not that I don't want to tell him. Great Ruler seems like a nice person, but I don't know why I feel something inside telling me not to. I tried to remember the first version of the novel, but I don't understand why my memory became blurry. It's like there's something blocking my memory. Why can't I remember what I have written in the first version?

 "Prince Fraser made an arrangement to leave the Illorian City this morning."

 I look at the Great Ruler. Yeah, he is right. We were supposed to set off to the Saive Kingdom this morning, but I don't understand why we didn't continue. Is it because of the Great Ruler?

 The Great Ruler nods his head. It's as if he could read what's on my mind. "Yes, I am the reason why they postponed your supposed journey today. However, I don't mean any harm. Please don't misinterpret it that I'm prisoning all of you here. I just want to talk to you first before I made an arrangement for your journey. Actually, it's our journey."

 What did he say? Our journey? He will accompany us? Did I understand it wrong? "I'm sorry, your Great Ruler, but can you explain further what you mean?"

 The Great Ruler smiled. "I will accompany all of you on your journey to the Saiven Kingdom. Because I postponed the date of the Grand Exemplary Competition, the Queens of the Kingdom ask me to come to witness the said Competition. And I think it's a great thing too because I love to see you compete. You probably know that only the Kingdoms are allowed to join. My small city could only watch the competition."

 He will really accompany us. I don't know if I should be happy with that news or not. Will it affect the plot of the story? I hope not. I've been trying to avoid Prince Fraser because I don't want to affect the plot. I hope this wouldn't hurt the plot.

 "Thank you, Great Ruler, for your great concern. This daughter of the Count appreciates your doing."

 The Great Ruler gently caresses my head. "Why are you thanking me? I am the reason why you almost didn't make it to the competition. I think it's only right to talk to the Queens of the Kingdom because of it. Also, I could help you avoid Prince Fraser because of if."

 "Help me avoids Prince Fraser? But how? We're on one team, and it's inevitable that we would meet because of this. If we continue our journey, we will ride in the same carriage. There's no way I could avoid him."

 The Great Ruler shakes his head. "That's why I am here. I could ask the Crown Prince to let you and the son of the Royal Physician of the Vrawyth Kingdom to ride my carriage. I'm sure he would agree since you're not alone with me in the carriage. What do you think?"

 I look at the Great Ruler. Why is he helping me? I don't understand. I sigh and look at him. "Great Ruler, can I ask something?"

 He just nods his head at me. "Sure, ask away, and I will definitely answer it no matter what your question is."

 "Why are you helping me? I didn't help you find your daughter. Shouldn't you be mad at me?"

 He smiles bitterly at me. "The day you agreed to enter that alley, I already prepared myself that you would return empty handed. No one ever returned that alley aside from you. Also, my daughter has already disappeared for almost five years now. I don't think you would see her if we're basing on how long she is missing. And the answer to your question why I am helping you? It's because I am your godfather, and what does godfather do for their goddaughter? Isn't it to help? I'm only doing the duty of being a godfather to you."

 I feel guilty again because of Sheena. He lost his own daughter because of me, and now he takes me, the reason why his daughter disappeared, as his goddaughter? Will he become mad if he knows the truth? I don't even want to think about it.

 "Thank you, godfather."

 The Great Ruler smiles widely at me. Seemingly satisfied with how I addressed him. "That's good. You should really call me your godfather. Anyway," he stands up. "I wouldn't take your time anymore. I know you still don't feel okay talking to someone in your current state, so that I wouldn't bother you anymore. Also, I've talked with the Crown Prince. We will set off tomorrow morning. So, try to take some rest. I will talk to the Crown Prince about our arrangement." He then walks to the door and closes it. 

 I sigh and slump myself in my seat. I thought he would be mad at me or something. But it's a good thing it turns out that he will offer his help. With this, Prince Fraser has no choice but to listen to the Great Ruler arrangement. At least I don't have to worry about any unnecessary interaction with the Crown Prince. 

 And about the competition. I don't need to worry about it since the real Csille will be the one that will deal with it for me. I smile. Finally, I could rest at ease. 


 I am about to take my afternoon nap when someone knocks on my door. Who would knock on my door? I frown. I didn't expect anyone to visit me since I prohibit anyone from coming.

 Leander and the Great Ruler are the only ones who I allowed to visit me. I just finished talking to the Great Ruler this morning, and Leander visits me while I am taking my lunch meal. He usually visits me at meal time. He always checks my meal and made sure that there is nothing wrong with it. He would also stay for thirty minutes to see if I would have any reaction with my food. So, I'm pretty sure it's not Leander or the Great Ruler, but if it's not them. Then who is the person in front of my door? 

 Is it Prince Fraser? I nervously look at the door and wait for the person to talk. 


 I sighed in relief when I recognized the voice outside. I immediately walk to the door and let Rufus in. 

 He scans the surrounding. It's like he is looking for someone. I frown. "What are you doing in here, Rufus?"

 He looks at me and hands me a sugar candy. "Here, I bought it last night." He walks to the bed and sits on it. "I heard from Fraser that you don't let him inside. Aren't you a little cruel purplany?"

 I rolled my eyes at him. Why does everyone seem so concerned about my relationship with Prince Fraser? 

 "You're not the first person who said that to me. Why does all of you seem so worried about it?"

 "It's because I think what you are doing is too unfair for Prince Fraser."

 Curse all of you! You don't know why I'm doing this. I'm only doing this for the sake of this world, and what did I get? I become the bad guy here? The cold hearted fiancé of the Crown Prince? 

 "But what about me? Why does all of you seem so concerned about Prince Fraser, but no one is concern about me." I snort and try to force myself not to cry. "I already explained myself, right? Is it still not enough reason? So, I'm the selfish person now? That all I think about is myself and not about Prince Fraser?"

 I look at the ceiling. Why is this world unfair? They don't want me to have interaction with Prince Fraser, but if I stay away from Prince Fraser, I become the bad guy? Oh, yeah, how could I forget that I am the villainess of the story? Yeah, I am the villainess and will always be the bad guy.

 Rufus got silent because of my answer. I take a deep breath and open the door. "If all you're going to talk about is how mean I am, please get out. I already heard a couple of them from other people. So, please get out."

 Rufus is about to explain to me, but I shake my head at him. "Just get out, Rufus. Jut get out."

 Rufus sigh and look at me with sorry eyes. "Csille, please don't think that I am against you. I am your friend, and I will always be by your side." He said before he walks out of the room.

 I lean on the closed door. I snort, and a stream of tears starts to fall from my eyes. 

 "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if this is the only thing I could do to save all of you. I'm sorry, Prince Fraser.

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