Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 96 - : Please, Don’t Be Mad At Me

 "What is happening in here?" Prince Fraser frowns at me, and he looks at the two soldiers. 

 I put my hand down and try to crawl my way out. However, I immediately froze when Prince Fraser speak again. "Don't move, Csille. Just stay there and don't move," he said in a controlled voice.

 Why does he always catch me every time I will do something behind his back? Does he have a surveillance camera with me? Why does he always know when I am doing something? 

 I immediately froze and just wish the ground will open and eat me. Ground please just eat me. This is too embarrassing.

 Imagine you see your fiancée crawling on the ground in the middle of the night? What could you feel? I wouldn't even want to know what Prince Fraser is thinking right now.

 Prince Fraser looks at the two guards, who are bowing their heads now. "What is happening in here? Why is my fiancée crawling on the ground while the two of you are just standing there?"

 One of the guards steps forward. "Your highness, Lady Lauretré said she is looking for her necklace because she lost it. So, we accompany her to search for it. We tried to volunteer to look for the necklace, but Lady Lauretré refused our help. Your highness, this soldier committed a grave crime. Please, punish us." The two guard kneels and kowtows to Prince Fraser.

 My eyes immediately widen. I instantly stand up and help the two guards to stand up. However, they wouldn't let me.

 "Lady Lauretré, please let us. We made a mistake, and we should be punished." One of the guards said.

 I sigh and look at Prince Fraser. "If there's someone who needs to be punished here, it's not them, but it's me. I am the one who insists on finding the necklace on my own. It's my own decision. They tried to volunteer to look for it, but I decline. Please, don't punish them."

 Prince Fraser sighs and shakes his head. "Who said I'm going to punish them?" He looks at the two guards. "Thank you for accompanying Csille in here. You can go back to your post now."

 But the two guards remain kneeling on the ground. "Your highness, how can we go back if the two of you are still here?"

 Prince Fraser looks at me and sighs. He then takes his coat and puts it on me before he carries me bridal style without warning. I shriek, and I immediately cling my arms to his neck. 

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 "We definitely need to talk about this, Csille." He whispered to me. 

 Oh, dear. Don't tell me he is mad again? It's the real Csille's fault. Why am I the one who is shouldering the consequence? This is so unfair!

 I just put my head down and lean on his shoulder. Can Csille take over this body again? She's the one who made Prince Fraser angry. Why am I the one who needs to face his wrath? 

 Prince Fraser starts walking. "Stop kneeling and follow us." The two guards immediately follow Prince Fraser. 

 He walks back to the Illorian carriage. He tries to open the door using one of his hands, but he is having trouble with it. 

 "Let me down. You don't need to carry me anymore." I whispered. I tried to get down from his hold, but he wouldn't let me.

 "Let you down? Why? So you can run away from me again? I know you Csille, you cannot fool me. I know I made a promise to you, Csille but we need to talk right now and there's no way I would let you go."

 I sigh. He sees right through me. I actually have thought of running away if he put me down. Too bad he already knows what I plan.

 After a few minutes, he finally opens the carriage door. He looks at the two guards who are guarding the carriage. "Guard the carriage properly and inform me if someone is looking for me."

 He then walks inside the carriage and put me on the seat. I immediately move to the end of the seat while cautiously looking at Prince Fraser. 

 Is he mad? I look at his face, but it doesn't have an expression. I couldn't see through him if he's mad or not. Should I run away now? I could still run if I want to. I look at the carriage door.

 "Don't even try running away, or do you want to let other people see me chasing you in the middle of the night? Don't you think it's romantic?"

 Romantic? Prince Fraser, I may have feelings for you, but imagining myself running away from you while you are angry at me doesn't sound romantic at all. It's horror, okay. Horror. 

 I sigh and just set aside the idea of running away. I cannot always run away from my problem, and of course, if I cannot run away from it, then I need to face it. 

 I look at Prince Fraser, but he just stares at me. I frown. I thought he wants to talk to me? But why is he looking at me? Should I be scared now? 

 Prince Fraser sigh and moves to my side. I tried to move to the seat in front, but he put his arm to the carriage wall, trapping me. 

 "Don't try to run away from me, Csille. I don't want to see you running away from me. It hurts me." He sighs and puts his arms down. "What are you doing in there? Why are you also crawling on the ground?" He paused. "Are you...you okay?"

 I frown. Why is he asking me if I'm okay? Also, he didn't get mad at me? I thought he would yell at me again. Or is it because it's already late and he is afraid that he would wake up everyone? That's why he didn't yell at me?

 I just look at him. Waiting for him to snap at me, but he just stares at me, waiting for my response. 

 I sit properly and stare at him. "As the guard said, I lost my necklace, and I am just looking for it. I am crawling on the ground because I couldn't see the ground for it's too dark. Also, why do you ask if I'm okay? Do I look like I'm not okay to you?"

 "You lost your necklace? Is it the necklace I gave you?"

 Oh, sheez, does he saw the necklace? Is he mad? Am I doomed? I tried to think of any excuse so he wouldn't be mad at me, but I haven't even started talking when he hugs me suddenly. All the words that I am preparing to say disappear in thin air.

 Why is he hugging me? Shouldn't he be mad at me because I almost lost his necklace? The necklace of the Astalieu family.

 "I'm sorry," I heard him whispered and hugged me tighter. It is as if he doesn't want to let me go.

 Wait, did I heard it right? He is really saying sorry to me? But why? If there's anyone who needs to say sorry, that is supposed to be me. So, why is he saying sorry?

 I tried to push him away so I could talk to him properly, but he won't let go. Every time I will try to break off from the hug, he would hug me tighter. I sigh and just let him what he wants to do. 

 "Why are you saying sorry? I am the one who-" before I could even finish my words, he already cuts me off.

 "Because of what happened this morning. I'm sorry for everything, Csille. I..." he paused and put his head on the crook of my neck. "I just don't know why I did that. It's like something takes control over my body, and I cannot do anything about it. I know this might sound like I am just making excuses but trust me, I never intended to embarrass you this morning. I also don't mean to say those hurtful words at you or to push you away. I would never do that to you, Csille. I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me."

 So, he is saying sorry because he thought I am mad at him. And here I am, being scared because I thought he is mad at me. 

 But he said, something took over his body that's why he did those things. It's the fictional world! The Virtouse said the fictional world would make sure that what I have written will happen. It's the same reason why Prince Fraser becomes angry again at me because the last scene I have written between Prince Fraser and Csille is they are mad at each other. 

 Prince Fraser is mad at Csille because she keeps bugging her all the time. While Csille is mad at Prince Fraser because he always put his attention on other things or people except her. And what happened this morning is the continuation of their argument and the start of them drifting away from each other.

 Prince Fraser will get irritated with Csille the more she pushed herself to Prince Fraser, and Csille will be frustrated at Prince Fraser because he always pushes her away. 

 It made sense. He didn't get angry with me because he thought I am the one angry at him for what happened this morning. 

 "Csille, please don't be mad at me. What I have said to you this morning, that's not true. And what you have seen this morning. It's nothing. You don't put meaning on it, right?" He looks at me.

 Should I say no to him? Because what happened this morning is bl and as fujoshi, of course, I would put meaning on it. But if I said that, I know Prince Fraser will be disappointed with my answer. And I don't want him to be disappointed.

 I want to salute Prince Fraser. What happened this morning is not entirely his fault. Csille put up an attitude to him, too, but the way he talks right now, it looks like he is taking all the blame. 

 If Prince Fraser doesn't have Princess Paislee, I would have snatched him already. Although he sometimes has anger management issues, but he knows when to say sorry. Not like those other guys who don't even know how to say sorry. Aside from saying sorry, he also makes up for his actions, like what he is doing right now. He is taking all the blame and placating me. 

 I shake my head at him. "I should be blamed too. Sorry for what I said this morning. I just had a bad morning and projected it to you. I don't mean to question you or your sexual preference. It was just when I saw you and Sir Farren lying on the ground I got mad. I'm sorry for putting up an attitude to you."

 Prince Fraser holds my hand. "Let us not blame each other okay? Are you not mad at me?"

 I shake my head at him. "I'm not mad at you anymore. I'll be honest, I got hurt with your words, but I also realized my mistake, and I think it wouldn't be right if I got mad at you because of this. I actually thought you're the one who is mad at me."

 I couldn't tell him that I am not even mad at him in the first place because if I do that, it would be difficult to explain when Csille takes over this body and snap at Prince Fraser again. 

 Prince Fraser shakes his head. "I'm glad you're not mad at me. I immediately came here when I realized what I have done and what I have said to you. I'm worried that you're mad at me. Do you know how scared I was when I didn't see you inside the carriage? It's a good thing one of the guards saw you, and the two guards go to the back. And I'm not mad at you, Csille. How can I be mad at you?"

 He looks at my pocket. "Did you throw the necklace I gave you?"

 I put my head down. Trying to avoid his gaze. I cannot tell him that I'm not the one who throws the necklace, but it's Csille. The real Csille.

 I heard Prince Fraser sigh. "I'm sorry, and thank you for finding it again. I admit I got hurt when I saw you holding that necklace while you are on the ground. I know you throw it, but I'm happy because you search for it even if it's late already. You even found it on your own and didn't let anyone search it for you. I know you only throw the necklace out of anger, but I'm happy you know its importance."

 I sigh. "Fraser, you should go back already. It's late."

 Prince Fraser looks at me. "You're still mad at me." It's not a question. It's a statement.

 I shake my head at him. "I'm not mad at you, Fraser. It's just late. You need to go back now."

 "You don't believe me? You don't believe that I lose myself this morning, right?"

 I sigh and hold his hand. "Fraser, it's not that I don't believe you. I know you didn't mean it, and I also know it's my fault why you do that. I'm not blaming you, I promise. But please return to your tent now. What will people say if they know you visit me at night?"

 Prince Fraser got silent and just look at me. "So, it's about the deal again? I see. I'll be going now then." He said in a disappointed voice. He probably thinks I'm still mad at him and that I don't believe his reason.

 I sigh and just watch him leave the carriage. I want to explain things to him that I definitely understand what happened to him, but it's better this way. It's better if he continues to be disappointed in me. 

 Prince Fraser gets off the carriage and looks back at me. "Csille, can you please stay away from Rufus. I don't like it when you're close with him." He then turns his back at me and left. 

 I sigh and close the door. It's starting...

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