Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 212 It’s Only Mine.

"Do you want me to drive this car?" Li Tao asked.

"No, only I will be driving it. No one." Mu Yuehan looked at the car with a dotting smile. Li Tao rolled his eyes because to him, it looked as if Mu Yuehan was looking at Zhou Liying instead of his car.

"Give me the car keys."

Li Tao obliged and passed the car keys to Mu Yuehan.

Mu Yuehan took the keys and opened the car door. He entered in and took the driving seat. With amaze, he looked inside the interior of the car. "Wonderful."

He looked around in the car as if it was personally designed by Zhou Liying, not by the designers of the Bugatti.

"She has such good taste."

If only he knew, this car was the idea of Min Yue. Zhou Liying had no hand in selecting this car. She only ordered this car and paid for it.

Mu Yuehan ignited the engine and pressed on the accelerator, and as claimed by the company, his car was driving out from the parking in a speed of 200 mph in within a minute.

Mu Yuehan drove the car at the highest speed, to test its limit. He was impressed. He looked at the empty passenger seat beside his seat with longing. He wanted to go on a long drive with Zhou Liying. He imagined himself going on a long trip with her.

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"Soon, soon, very soon." He motivated himself.

Mu Yuehan slowed down the car at the traffic signals. He whistled in delight and leaned against the soft seats of the car. He already held many cars, but he found everything in this car to be of superb class.

When the signal turned green, he shifted the gears. He was about to press on the accelerator when a bike crossed his car at a fast speed. His eyes became wide upon seeing a bike running at such a fast speed.

He pressed hard on the accelerator, to follow the bike. He felt intrigued for no reasons.


Zhou Liying decided to take a trip toward the place of her lake city project, she wanted to see how that lake looked like. She wanted to gather some knowledge about the area, to prepare herself for the meeting with Mu's, which was pending till now.

She drove her bike on the highway at a high speed, toward the lake. She was feeling refreshed and carefree, enjoying the speed. Adrenaline running in her body made her forget about everything. She felt free and out of this world.

She was driving, when she saw a Bugatti following after her. She looked at the car with from rear view mirror. A frown appeared on her face when she recognised the car.

This model was released not a long ago. So, she knew, the only person owning this car in the whole of Shanghai could only be Mu Yuehan.

"Why is he following after me? Did he recognise me in this attire?" she talked with herself. She twisted her brows in confusion."Or did he recognise my bike?" She Immediately dismissed this thought because many people owned the bike like hers.

From top to bottom, she was covered with black. There was no way, Mu Yuehan could recognise her.

She shook her head and increased the speed of the bike, to leave the car behind. Even though, she was very aware that there was no comparison between the speed of his car and her bike.


Mu Yuehan was amazed at the driving skills of the bike rider. The highway on which they were driving was famous for being an accident prone area because of many curvy twists and turns.

But still, the driver in front of him was driving fast and like an expert. He knew Mu TianYu loved to bike race, so he thought, why not to introduce the drive in front of him to his brother.

'He will be happy to see someone who has better skills than him.' Mu Yuehan thought to himself.

He increased the car speed when Zhou Liying increased her bike speed. He was following her. He wanted to meet her.

He noticed the bike and recognised it. He knew this was the same model which was purchased by Zhou Liying. But he did not dare to dream that she was the biker.

'Does my Lili too drive her bike at such a fast speed? I hope not. I hope she is not stupid to put her life in danger by driving at such a fast speed.'

Mu Yuehan cursed when he saw indicators indicating that his car was low of fuel. He slowed down the car in search of a nearby fuel station.

And by the time he got his car filed, the bike of Zhou Liying was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit, I missed an opportunity to meet that driver." He thought out aloud.

He decided to drive toward the lake city which was not very far from where he was.


On the island of India

"Mommy, when will I meet my dad?" a three-and-a-half-year-old boy looked at his mother with sadness and longing in his eyes. "All of my friends have dad, except for me."

"You will meet him soon, I promise." His mother looked at him with a lovely smile. She ran her fingers in his hairs.

She loved her son so much. She loved him not because he was her son but because, he was her key to marry with him, his father.

"Now sleep." She gently smiled at him.

"No, I don't want to sleep." He groaned.

"I said sleep." She glared at him. "Don't you know if you sleep then only will you become taller and healthy. Now sleep." Cruelty and sadistism appeared in her eyes.

The little child became scared of her. He knew his mother was getting angry like usual. He closed his eyes, as to not become the target of the wrath of his mother.

"Good boy." His mother smiled when she saw his closed eyes.

She stayed by the side of her son for a minute. She stood up from her seat. She unlocked her closet using the keys. She took out two photos. She glared at one and looked at another with love.

"I will kill you." She pointed her finger at one photo and then at another. "And then, I will marry you. You, our son and I will live together like a family."

She laughed, a Goosebumps raising laughter. Manic and craziness could be heard in her laugh. It was a laugh of a person who was not in his right state of mental condition.

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