Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 231 Gaming.

The journey toward the penthouse of Mu Yuehan was one of the calmest and best journeys for Zhou Liying after returning to Shanghai. Otherwise, whenever travelling, either she was always busy with work or was always mentally busy, but today, she was all free.

Magically, she was not even having any thoughts. For the first time in long, when free, she was not thinking about her future or her lost years. She was all free and relaxed, and all this was the magic of the company of Mu Yuehan.

Why am I ignoring him and his company?

Why have I become like this?

These were the questions which she was asking herself from the time of her return from Vegas. Unconsciously, she had accepted Mu Yuehan, as her husband, but there was a knot in her heart which stopped her from accepting him, and she hated this knot. She was an independent girl, then what was stopping her from accepting him? She hated that some unknown force was scaring her from accepting her feelings.

If only she knew that this knot was tied when Mu Yuehan left her on Juju island, when she was kidnapped and when she faced the darkest fear of her life. Her past held so many scary memories, and somewhere that was the reason her brain was not ready to remember what happened four years back.

If only Mu Yuehan knew that she was not ready to remember him or accept him because of the scary memories of two months when she was kidnapped.


"Welcome to our house, sweetheart. It has been waiting for its mistress for a long time."

Mu Yuehan smiled widely and welcomed Zhou Liying into his house. He was happy to finally have her at home. He was excitedly looking at Zhou Liying, waiting for her opinions about his house, their house.

Zhou Liying was looking around at the penthouse of Mu Yuehan with concentration.

Located at the height of the ninetieth floor, the place was designed by the best designer in the world. The interior made an impression of being extra modern but was cosy at the same time.

It occupied the highest three floors of the building, offering five bedrooms and three staff bedrooms, a private elevator and an open terrace offering an infinity swimming pool with a waterslide and Jacuzzi. And the entire penthouse gave a beautiful full view of the city from floor-to-ceiling windows.

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Was she impressed with it?

No, because she found her penthouse far better than his. Moreover, she had already expected to find him living in a place like this. It suited his status and his personality.

"Why are you standing here like a dump? Let's go to the room with the video game. I want to get done with it as fast as I can. I don't have any more time to waste on you."

And here it was back, her sharp tongue. Softness in her eyes, which was there during the car ride was also gone, screwed Zhou Liying was back and was eager to defeat him, to get done with the challenges.

Mu Yuehan sighed. "Why so hurry? First, let me serve something to you. After all, you have come to our house for the very first time." He made a sad expression. "I am such a good person. I don't mind that you did not bring a gift for coming here for the first time, but I am a good host."

Before Zhou Liying could deny his service or could repent him for his comment about not bringing a gift, Mu Yuehan was gone toward his kitchen.

He had already given his house staff a break for the day. He did not want any disturbance today. He knew Zhou Liying was not going to stay here for long, but still, he found them disturbing.

"You can sit on the sofa in the lobby." Mu Yuehan shouted from the kitchen when he saw her standing like a dumb in the lobby. "Forget that, you can sit anywhere you want. It is your house after all."

"It is not my house." He heard the voice of Zhou Liying and a smile escaped his lips. "It was never my house and never will be. Don't forget that I don't accept this marriage."

"Sweetie, you accept it or not, this is your house and we are officially married, and the law says that. Ah, I just remember, we need to take a date with the civil bureau to get our Chinese marriage certificates. I can't wait to get married to you as per Chinese law."

His tone was teasing which escaped Zhou Liying. She had no idea of his naughty plan.

"You." Zhou Liying walked toward the kitchen and glared at him.

"Don't get angry sweetie. Anger can increase your blood pressure and I don't want that." Mu Yuehan passed a smile which irked Zhou Liying to the core. "Moreover, I don't want for you to waste your energy in speaking or getting angry. I will not listen to your excuse after losing that you lost because you wasted energy on fighting me."

"I am not going to lose, not from...…"

"Shah, did I not just ask you to save your energy?" he again teasingly smiled.

Zhou Liying knew there was no fighting him. He knew how to press on her right nerve. She just wanted to get done with him, and these conditions. She wanted to win today, to avoid going on the date with him.

She angrily slammed her leg on the floor and made her way to the balcony, and to the sitting area, to enjoy the evening winds, a remedy to calm her temperament down.

Mu Yuehan looked at her back and smiled. He was very happy to have her at their home. He was not able to control the happiness which was bubbling in his chest.

Mu Yuehan without any delay served the already prepared dishes on the tray. Two of them were prepared by him and the rest by his cooks, as ordered by him.

He walked toward the balcony and served dishes to Zhou Liying. He again tried to tease Zhou Liying but this time she acted immune to his talks and his charm. She completely ignored him, as if he was invisible. She enjoyed her food.

After having food, they made their way toward the room with the video game, the same game that he had bought for her on Juju Island. He wanted to take her to her room, the room with her memories but changed his plan at the last minute. He would show her that room only when she would accept him.

"Lets the game began. Today, I will not only win this game but also my date with you."

Mu Yuehan declared that he was going to win tonight and picked up the controller.

"You are not only going to lose the game but also the date."

Zhou Liying too picked up the controller and looked at him with challenging eyes. She was not the one to lose, not in video games, which was once her favourite pastime.

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