Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 36 First Kiss

One year passed, and, during that time, the friendship between Mu Yuehan and Qin Tian grew very strong., They both realised that it was best to befriend their competitor instead of having enmity.

Qin Tian and Mu Yuehan were the power pair of their class and school. They won many school-level competitions and represented their school in many competitions at the mere age of five.

Unknowingly, they became possessive of each other, of their friendship.

"Why were you talking with that boy?" Mu Yuehan glared at Qin Tian when he saw her sharing her pencil with some other classmate.

"He was only asking for my pencil." Qin Tian blinked her eyes innocently and looked at him with confusion.

"You are not allowed to give your pencil to anyone." Mu Yuehan yelled.

"Not even to you?" Qin Tian teased.

"No, I am allowed. Your girlfriends are also allowed but no boys." Mu Yuehan then wrapped his arms around his chest. "I will stop talking with you if I ever see you talking with any other boy."

Alerted, Qin Tian looked at him with wide eyes. "I will not talk with any boy. I promise but please don't stop talking with me."

Mu Yuehan grinned with satisfaction. He threw his arm around her shoulder. "I will not stop talking with you."

One such time, their class went on a picnic. One of their female classmates forgot to bring her lunch box. Mu Yuehan being helpful offered his lunch box to her.

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Qin Tian got so angry, seeing him sharing his lunch with another girl that she did not talk with him for one full day until Mu Yuehan promised her that he would not talk with any girl other than her.

Qin Tian and Mu Yuehan were becoming the support of one another, an unpartable pair.

There was a story reciting competition in their class. It was the turn of Qin Tian to recite her story. When she climbed up on the stage, she became frightened and forgot about her story, forgot what her mother had memorised her.

"Qin Tian, will you not recite your story for your friends?" their teacher coaxed Qin Tian, but she stood frozen on the stage, looking nowhere with wide and fearful eyes. She wet her dry lips and looked up at her teacher.

"I can't teacher."

Her teacher tried to motivate her but it was of no use. It was Mu Yuehan who stood up from his seat and motivated Qin Tian.

"TianTian, you can do this, fighting." He fisted his right hand and raised it in the air. "Look at me and recite the story."

Qin Tian looked at Mu Yuehan with a small smile on her lips and started to recite her story. Throughout the time she narrated her story, she kept looking at him, forgetting that there were other students in the class.

And this was not the first time, they both were motivators of each other, standing for one another, and giving confidence to one another.

Mu Yuehan also lost his first kiss to Qin Tian. Thought it was an innocent peck on his cheeks, but he always treated it as his first kiss.

So, what happened was...….

"I am sorry Yuehan. You got the second prize because I cheated." Qin Tian looked at Mu Yuehan with teary eyes and a guilty expression on her face. "Please don't be angry with me."

There was a drawing competition in their school and Qin Tian cheated. She got first prize whereas Mu Yuehan got second.

"I will not be angry with you, but you have to give me some reward." Mu Yuehan looked at her with a cheeky smile, expecting her mother's baked cookies as a reward.

Qin Tian looked at him with wide eyes and thought for some time, thinking about the reward which she could give to him. She then remembered how her mother kissed her on her cheeks as an award.

She leaned toward him and quickly gave a wet kiss on his cheeks. She smiled at him, completely ignorant of the reaction of Mu Yuehan.

Qin Tian was called by one of her female classmates and she ran toward her, leaving a bewildered Mu Yuehan behind.

Qin Tian did not know the meaning of a kiss between the opposite sex because she only had her mother, but Mu Yuehan was aware of it. He saw his parents kissing all the time and he knew it meant likeness or something intimate.

Mu Yuehan blushed and looked in the direction where Qin Tian went. Grinning like a fool, he placed his hand over his right cheek where she kissed him, his heart was beating fast with excitement.

This was his first kiss and he was very excited and happy about it.

After some time, Qin Tian returned. She was confused seeing Mu Yuehan so lost in his world and smiling so widely. Her eyes widened with concern when she took note of how the face of Mu Yuehan was completely red.

"Yuehan, are you all right? Are you sick?" she asked with concern. She leaned toward him, to place her hand over his head but he shifted his face away, out of shyness.

"I am all right. I am just feeling a little hot." Mu Yuehan quickly made an excuse. He then drank water from his bottle, took a few deep breaths and averted his eyes away from her.

For the rest of the day, Mu Yuehan kept ignoring her. Qin Tian was confused about his behaviour. When she returned home, she told her mother about the same.

"So, my TianTian kissed him as a reward." Qin Lijuan chuckled, imagining the reason as to why that boy was ignoring her daughter.

When Mu Yuehan told his mother about the kiss, Chen Mingyu also laughed at his son. She teased him too. Her husband supported her in the teasing.

"Mommy, daddy, stop teasing me. It was a simple peck." Mu Yuehan groaned and blushed beetroot red. "Stop laughing, otherwise I will also tease you both for kissing all the time and that too on lips."

And that was enough to quieten down his parents and to give some relief to himself. He was secretly very excited about his first kiss.

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