Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 41 His First Kiss

From the time Nian Tian arrived at Juju island, it was her routine to visit the beach. It made her refreshed and took away all her tiredness and her distress. She loved to soak her feet in the seawater.

Nian Tian arrived at the beach and took a long deep breath, looking around at the tourists or locals like hers who were there on the beach, to enjoy their nighttime.

Nian Tian removed her flip-flops on the sand and walked toward the sea. She dipped her feet in seawater, enjoying the cold water swiping over her feet.

"Heavens." She murmured and stretched her hands, looking at the vast sea in front of herself.

She was enjoying rough sand under her feet and cold water over them. It was a natural therapy for her which took away all her tiredness and worries from the day.

Somewhere, this beach, this salty beach air was the reason, she did not want to leave Juju island. After the tornado, she could have left this island like many others. She had already saved enough money. But she decided to stay here.

She loved this place and the people here, especially Marta.

Nian Tian looked at the horizon and noticed the high tides. She knew it was time for her to return to her home. Staying here for some more time could be dangerous for her. During the night, the tides at the beach were usually very high.

Nian Tian made her way back toward the beach and wore her flip-flops. She was about to leave when her eyes caught sight of a lone figure relaxing on the beach. She narrowed her eyes and realised that a man was sleeping on the beach.

'Does this man have a death wish?' she thought to herself. 'Doesn't he know it can be dangerous to sleep on a beach, especially here at the beach of Juju island, which faced a tsunami, not a long back?'

Nian Tian shook her head and walked toward where Mu Yuehan was sleeping. She stopped a few inches away from him and shook her head at his carelessness.

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She leaned toward him and shook his shoulder. "Mister, wake up. Beach is not a place for you to sleep."

When Nian Tian noticed that the stranger was not taking the name of waking up, she pulled out her phone from her bag. She navigated on her phone and selected the loudest song.

She played the song and placed her phone near the ears of Mu Yuehan.

Mu Yuehan was having one of the best and most relief-filled sleep of his life. He was having a beautiful dream of his family, his mother and his father.

'Say the word…. babe, yeah…. Babe, babe….' he groaned when he heard loud music buzzing in his ear. He shifted his position, trying to slap the hand of Nian Tian.

"Yifei, let me sleep…" he murmured. He thought her to be his sister.

"Mister, hello…. wake up. You are sleeping on a beach. It can be dangerous…." Nian Tian spoke in a sing-song manner.

Realising where he was sleeping, Mu Yuehan opened his eyes, his heart immediately skipped a beat.

"Good, you are up." Upon seeing that Mu Yuehan opened his eyes, Nian Tian stopped the song on her phone. "You shouldn't stay here for long. It's time for high waves." She stood up and hurriedly left the place.

Mu Yuehan rubbed his eyes and tried to make out the figure of Nian tian but it was dark on the beach. Besides, his eyes were blurry because of sleep.

"Who was she? And why is my heart acting like this?" he placed his hand over his heart, which was beating fast like a bullet train.

Slowly, a smile appeared on his lips when he remembered his angle who saved him just now. Her voice was so soft like a nightingale, her touch so warm.

Mu Yuehan stood up from the beach with his hand still over his chest. Forgetting that he was not wearing his sleepers; he made his way out of the beach.

He was on the stairs of the beach when he remembered he was not wearing underneath. He slapped his head and made a dash toward the beach. He retrieved his sleepers and dashed out of the beach. By now, the waves were quite at a height.

"Thank you angle, thank you for saving me from this unseen calamity."

He was on the way to his apartment, still thinking about his angle and how his heart was acting weird. It was then, like lightning, it fell upon him that she may be his first kiss.

'Was she my first kiss? Wasn't my heart used to act like this whenever I was in her company?'


Nian Tian returned to her home and made her way toward the shower. After the shower, she changed into her nightclothes.

Once changed, she made her way toward the storeroom and retrieved her vacuum machine, deciding to clean her house.

After cleaning her house, she crashed on the couch in her living room. She played some random movie on the television screen and decided to pass her time by watching the said movie until it was time for her to call it night.


When Mu Yuehan returned to his apartment, he was in quite a good mood. He was whistling cheerfully. A silly smile adorned his lips.

"I can't believe, I saw my first kiss." He was feeling giddy all over again, just like a teenager. He placed his hand over his cheek, feeling as if it was yesterday when he was first kissed.

Honestly, he did not remember much from his past. Come on, he was only six-year-old and who the hell remembered the time from back then?

He only remembered that he was kissed when he was six-year-old and he liked the girl who was his first kiss. And today, he may have failed to recognise her but his heart, his stupid heart still remembered the girl, the girl who took his heart away.

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