Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 66 Pain Of Nian Tian

"Stop being so suspicious. Maybe she wants to be your friend. Not everyone wants you dead." Mu Yuehan nudged her. He took a piece of cake for himself and passed other to Nian Tian.

Marry smiled. "Thank you, Zhan Wei, for supporting me." Huh, fool, killing your girl with your own hands. Not bad, not bad!

Mu Yuehan took a bite of the cake, and immediately, his eyes widened. The suspicion of Nian Tian was right. He looked at Nian Tian. She was about to eat the cake. He instantly placed his hand in front of her mouth.

"Don't eat. This cake has berries."

Nian Tian looked at the cake which was worse than poison for her. Her heart skipped a beat in fret. She instantly dropped it to the ground, as if it was burning coal. She felt thankful to Mu Yuehan. He had saved her from unwanted pain. She glared at Marry.

"I knew it, you can never change." She spat with gritted teeth.

Marry faked an innocent expression and looked at them. "This cake has berries, so what happened? Berries tastes good with mangoes."

"Don't act innocent Marry. I know you know I am allergic to berries." Nian Tian accused and stepped toward her.

"I didn't know, I swear."

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"I am no fool." Nian Tian then leaned toward her ears. "I could have gotten ridden of you a long back but I am bearing you only because of Marta. So, control your deeds before I am forced to take some action against you." She threatened.

Nian Tian straightened herself. "I don't have time to waste on you. I have exams coming." And with that, she walked toward her office. Mu Yuehan followed behind her. He was looking at Marry with a hidden motto.

"How do you know I am allergic to berries?" Nian Tian asked once they were in her office.

"Marta, after the flowers fiasco, to be on the safe side, I asked her about your allergies. Are you allergic to anything else?"

"No. Thankfully." She sighed and opened her bag. She placed her books on the table and again she was studying.


In the night, they left the restaurant together. He casually took her bag on his shoulder and she smiled. They made their way to the beach and then to their apartment.

"I will visit you after changing." Mu Yuehan informed.

Meanwhile, Nian Tian took a shower and got changed. Mu Yuehan arrived after some time and they were back to study.

In the middle of the night, he cooked something for them to eat.

While eating, Nian Tian kept her book open. Mu Yuehan frowned. He closed her book and looked at her. He gently ruffled her hair.

"Do not worry. You are nearly done. Now eat. You should not eat and study at the same time."

Nian Tian nodded her head and finished her food. Then they were again off to study.

Later that night, Nian Tian was so tired that Mu Yuehan carried her to her room and by the time he laid her down on the bed, she was sleeping.

"My girl." He smiled tenderly and pecked her lips. He still was not able to kiss her cheeks but he could kiss her when she was asleep, right?


The next day, when he knocked on the apartment door of Nian Tian. No one answered. He knocked again and again, but still no reply from her.

Worry and concern started to eat him up. Many ill scenarios came into his mind. He was thinking the worse. His heart was beating fast in panic and fear. After waiting for five minutes, he decided to call Marta.

"Marta, have you seen Nian Tian? She is missing. She is not at her apartment."

"She is at the restaurant and in a weird mood. Come quickly and handle your girl."

Mu Yuehan took his car to save time. He arrived at the restaurant within a few minutes.

"Why is the environment at the restaurant so suffocating and where is she?" he asked Marta.

Marta then pointed toward the kitchen. "She is inside and cooking whatever rubbish is coming into her mind. She is like this since the time I arrived. Her eyes are emotionless like a glass. There is sorrow on her face but no tears in her eyes. Now only you can ask her what is wrong."

Mu Yuehan nodded his head and entered the kitchen. His eyes widened when he saw her adding a cup of salt to the batter of the cake.

He rushed toward her and took a hold of her hand. Nian Tian turned and looked at him. Her eyes were missing their light. She looked lifeless. His heart twitched when he saw her like this.

"Come with me." He took a hold of her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen, but she resisted. She kicked him and punched him.

"Leave me, Zhan Wei, I want to bake my cake." Her voice was hoarse and heavy. It was full of pain and sorrow. It seemed; she would cry any a second.

Her eyes were like dark clouds covering the sky, hiding away all the light, ready for heavy rain!

,m "I am not leaving me." He declared and gripped tightly on her shoulder and waist.

She tried to remove his hand from her waist, repeating the same words, "leave me. I want to bake my cake."

His heart was breaking with her each word. Her pain-filled voice was hurting him. He wanted to know what was hurting his girl. He wanted to take her pain away, make her smile like before.

He pulled her to the office and closed the door. He made her sit on the chair. He prisoned her by placing his arms at either side. She kept hitting his chest. He looked into her eyes.

"Will you stop it and tell me what's wrong?" he yelled and lifted her face, making her look into his eyes. "I am here, tell me what's wrong. Why is my TianTian in pain? Tell me."

His voice was soft and gentle. He tenderly run his thumb on her cheeks. She looked at him and drop by drop, tears started to fall from her eyes. She hugged his waist and stuffed her face in his stomach. Soft sobs escaped her lips.

Mu Yuehan wrapped his one arm around her head and with the other, he rubbed her back, not knowing why was his girl in pain. Her sobs were painfully squeezing his heart.

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