Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 98 I Need Some Time And Space

Nian Tian opened her laptop and searched for the father of Mu Yuehan. She was shocked to see the photos of Mu Jichen. He was the same man in the photos with Mu Yuehan and what broke Nian Tian more was the news that he had just gone under surgery. Mu corporations were in a financial crisis.

Unconsciously, sobs started to escape her lips. She felt heartbroken, lost and deceived. She felt like a fool, a fool in his eyes. Her heart was breaking into million pieces.

"I had recovered from the betrayal of Fan Yifeng but how will I recover from your betrayal? I loved you, I loved you with all my heart. Then how can you betray me? How? Why didn't you tell me your identity? Why?"

Her mind was hazy. She didn't know what to do and what not to do. She was unable to process that Zhan Wei was Mu Yuehan. Somewhere in her mind, because of her anger, she had tagged Mu Yuehan to be a big cheat, forgetting his love for her.

She yelled to nobody and sobbed badly. She crawled into the corner, placed her head on her knees and cried hard and that was how Mu Yuehan saw her when he returned home.

"Sweetie, are you all…"

"Don't sweetie me." Nian Tian angrily pushed his hand away and stood up from the ground. She roughly removed her tears.

"You were crying? Why? What happened?" He looked at her with concern.

"It's none of your concern Mister Mu Yuehan." She looked at him with cold eyes.

Mu Yuehan froze when he heard his real name from her mouth, his name coated with venom and so much hate. His heart dropped down to his stomach.

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"I can explain." He pleaded. "Give me a chance."

"Explain? Chance?" she yelled. She removed her ring and threw it at him. She then removed the couple necklace and again, threw it at him.

"Explain what? How I like your body and wanted to have you at all cost? How I had made fun of you in front of my friends? Or how I planned to marry a rich heiress while keeping you as my extra?" Nian Tian spoke without any filter on her mouth. "I don't wish to hear such an explanation. Now leave."

Nian Tian pushed him out of her house, ignoring his pleadings. "I love you. I never lied about my love. Trust me. I want to make you my wife, Missus Mu."


The door was loudly shut on his face. Mu Yuehan knocked on the door, looking desperate. His heart was twisting painfully. Tears floated at the rim of his eyes.

Nian Tian's heart broke down when she closed the door. She knew he deserved a chance to explain but at that moment, she wanted to be left alone. She wanted to process everything.

She slumped down against the door and Mu Yuehan did the same. They were sitting opposite each other, with broken hearts, with only a door separating them.

"Please open the door. Please hear me out. I know I lied but I have reasons. I was afraid that you will leave me after knowing my true identity. I wanted to make you fall for me before telling you about my identity. Trust me. Please trust me."

Nian Tian was sitting against the door. Her body was shaking. She heard each word of Mu Yuehan. She heard the pain in his voice. She wanted to open the door and hug him tight but something was bugging her, she was not ready to accept that he was lying to her for so long.

"I never wanted to lie to you in the first place." And with that, Mu Yuehan told her why he took the identity of Zhan Wei. How many times, he wished to tell her about his identity, but he was afraid.

"I wanted to tell you about my identity after proposing to you, but you know, I received a call. Open the door love, please. I…" before he could say anything, his phone rang.

He ignored the call but then it rang again and again. With irritation, he attended the call and was shocked to hear another piece of bad news.

"Mom slipped from the stairs. She had hit her head. She is in the ICU. Her condition is very critical. You need to return."

Mu Yuehan felt conflicted. One side was his mother and on the other was the love of his life.

Like desperate, he started to bang on the door. "Sweetie, please forgive me. I promise I will never lie to you ever again. Your heart is so big. Can you not forgive me? Please." He started to sob.

"I just…just received a call. My mother is in… critical condition. I have to go back….. I want to take you with me. Please come back with me….. I am begging you. I need you. You can punish me as much as you want but please don't ignore me or hate me, please."

"Open…open the door." He broke down, feeling helpless. "If you will not open the door and listen to me, I will not go back. I don't…."

"Go…" he heard the small whisper of Nian Tian.

Nian Tian was crying hard for him. She knew he was in pain because she was not talking to him, and also because his mother was in critical condition. She wanted to open the door and hug him tight. But she also needed some time to process everything. She needed to clear her head.

"Give me some time and space." She roughly removed her tears and placed her head against the door. "We will talk once you are back. Till then, I will try my best to process everything, Okay."

Mu Yuehan sobbed and in a hoarse voice he said, "Okay." He knew, she needed time to process everything, to process, he was Mu Yuehan.

"I promise to come back. I will answer all your questions and will take away all your insecurities. Then I will take you back and make you my wife, missus Mu."

He wanted to tell her so much but he received a call from his sister and then father. His father himself was in the hospital bed. So, the responsibility of his mother was on his shoulder.

That one simple news broke him apart. It broke Mu Yuehan and Nian Tian apart from each other.

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