With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 262 Drugged (1)

By early morning, Lin Adam carried the girls that couldn't move up the stairs one by one to let them sleep for a bit before they all had to be up.

After all, they all still had work in the morning.

As for how effective they would be with their bodies ravaged by Lin Adam like this…

It was hard to tell.

When it was time for breakfast, it was only Lin Fan, Ming Xin, Duanmu Yi, and Duanmu Ming Yue at the table.

Duanmu Yi couldn't help looking around the table before asking Lin Fan, "Big brother Lin, where is everyone else?"

Lin Fan revealed an awkward look when he heard this question, which was made even more awkward when he saw the look Ming Xin gave him.

Even if Duanmu Yi didn't understand what had happened, Ming Xin wasn't the same.

Especially since she could smell something different from the living room when she came down this morning.

While Lin Fan had cleaned up everything before going to bed, it really was hard hiding everything in a public place like the living room.

The main problem was that there just wasn't enough time for all of the smell to dissipate.

When Ming Xin had come down this morning, the first thing that she smelled was the scent coming from the living room.

As for how she recognized what this smell was…Well, let's just say that she had been practicing on her own, so she was familiar with the smell…

In the end, Lin Fan turned away from Ming Xin and said, "The big sisters were all busy with work yesterday, so they are still lying in bed sleeping. We'll go wake them up after breakfast, alright?"

Duanmu Yi raised one brow with a doubtful look on her face, but then she gave a nod as she said, "Alright!"

Of course Duanmu Yi didn't really care that much that they weren't here.

After all, if they weren't here, then she would have more time alone with Lin Fan. Now if only Ming Xin wasn't here either.

But that didn't mean that she didn't care about the other girls. They had spent quite a bit of time together now, so they were quite close with each other.

She could tell that Lin Fan wasn't distraught, so there shouldn't have been anything bad that happened to them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She happily grabbed Lin Fan's arm and started feeding him since they were alone.

Ming Xin saw this and immediately knitted her brows. Then without any hesitation, she came to Lin Fan's other side and started feeding him as well.

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile since their conflict just scattered food all over the table, but he happily played along. As for how much food actually went into his mouth…

Duanmu Ming Yue came out of the kitchen with another plate and sat down in front of them.

She also watched all of this with a smile on her face as she ate her own breakfast.

When she finished, she suddenly said, "Young master Lin, can I ask you for a favour?"

Lin Fan had his attention on Duanmu Yi and Ming Xin the entire time, so he had been caught off guard by this sudden voice.

He looked up at Duanmu Ming Yue and couldn't help being stunned when he saw her.

He had already gotten used to her being around, so he had almost forgotten…but she was a beauty that was on the same level as Mu Bao Bao.

When she sat here in front of him like this, his mouth couldn't help dropping slightly as he just stared at her in a daze. With that look on his face, he really did look like an idiot.

However, Duanmu Ming Yue didn't mind him staring at her at all. Instead, she just revealed a smile as she looked at him.

When that smile appeared, it was like the winter had ended and the first beam of spring shined through.

Lin Fan was even more dazed seeing this as his jaw dropped even further down.

He just sat there like an idiot until he suddenly felt a jab in his rib.

Looking to the side where it came from, he saw Ming Xin's pouted lips and clearly unhappy look.

Giving an awkward smile, he calmed his mind with a cough before turning back to Duanmu Ming Yue to ask, "What favour do you need?"

Duanmu Ming Yue said without missing a beat, "Can you come home early for dinner? I want to make sure you're here because I have something I want to discuss with you."

Lin Fan was caught off guard since he figured that it would be him doing something for her. He never thought that this favour would just be a talk.

So he said with a smile, "No problem, you don't need to call this a favour at all. If you ever need to talk, we can talk at any time. In fact, we can talk now if you want."

Duanmu Ming Yue shook her head with a smile and said, "Unfortunately I'm busy right now, so I'll have to ask you to wait until tonight."

Lin Fan gave a nod as he didn't find this strange at all.

In terms of being busy, Duanmu Ming Yue was ranked third behind Yue Lan and Tian Tian.

They had left the inn's restaurant to Duanmu Ming Yue and the popularity of the kitchen was explosive.

The meals that Lin Fan had set up had a part in that popularity, but the main reason was still Duanmu Ming Yue's cooking. It was just too delicious that people couldn't help falling in love with it with just a single bite.

There were many people that even came just to eat at the restaurant and didn't go to the dungeon.

Even if Yue Lan had found several assistant chefs that helped her cook, there were still plenty of things that needed her personal touch. So there were many things that she had to do personally and couldn't leave it to the assistants that were found for her.

Lin Fan was actually worried that she wanted to talk to him about leaving the restaurant.

After all, with her abilities, it wasn't hard for her to open up another restaurant, especially after all the money she should have saved up.

If she did leave, it would certainly be a big blow to Lin Fan's business, but it wasn't as if he could stop her. If she did leave, the inn would be much less popular than it was now even with the special meals menu.

After all, there were many people that couldn't afford that menu.

So Lin Fan was already thinking about what to say to her at dinner.

When dinnertime came, Lin Fan had arrived home early.

He found that it was only him, Duanmu Yi, Duanmu Ming Yue, and Ming Xin that were at dinner.

Because of what had happened last night and how hard it was for them to move themselves, all of the girls were still working and hadn't returned home yet. They had all sent messages ahead saying that they would get home late, so they should eat without them.

So that was what they did.

Dinner was cooked as per usual by Duanmu Ming Yue and it was as delicious as ever. However, when Lin Fan ate it, he couldn't help feeling that there was a strange taste to it.

But he didn't say a thing because he didn't want to hurt Duanmu Ming Yue's feelings.

After all, there was the chance that she was going to talk to him about leaving the restaurant. He wanted to keep her in a good mood as much as possible.

When dinner was over, Duanmu Ming Yue said, "Young master Lin, can I talk to you in private?"

Lin Fan looked at her with a bit of worry in his eyes, but he still nodded in agreement in the end.

Then Duanmu Ming Yue said, "Can we go to my room and talk?"

Lin Fan was taken aback by this, but he still nodded in agreement in the end.

So with Ming Xin's displeased look and a strange look from Duanmu Yi, the two of them headed up the stairs to Duanmu Ming Yue's room.

Duanmu Ming Yue's room was definitely not small.

When she moved in with Duanmu Yi, Lin Fan had made sure to give the two of them the largest room so that they could share it. It was even bigger than Lin Fan's room since it was the master bedroom.

When Lin Fan came in, he couldn't help being stunned by the smell that came from the room.

This was a rose fragrance that wasn't too strong or light, it was just the right concentration that would attract a person's attention with just one sniff.

But to Lin Fan, it had a different meaning.

This was the smell of a mature woman.

Duanmu Ming Yue sat on the bed and patted at the spot beside her for Lin Fan to sit down.

Lin Fan was shocked when he saw this and he froze on the spot.

But then he turned to sit in the chair by the bed since…it would be too awkward for him to sit down beside Duanmu Ming Yue like this.

However, Duanmu Ming Yue said, "Young master Lin, please sit down beside me."

Lin Fan trembled when he heard this, but once again, thinking of how he wanted to keep her happy, he had no choice but to sit down.

After sitting down, he could smell the rose fragrance even more as it came right from Duanmu Ming Yue.

She didn't act like she noticed anything as she just looked at him with a smile on her face.

Lin Fan felt very awkward like this, so he quickly got to the topic by asking, "Eh, what did you want to talk about?"

Duanmu Ming Yue wasn't in a rush to speak as she said, "I wanted to talk about our relationship and your relationship with my daughter."

Lin Fan was taken aback when he heard this as he couldn't understand what she was saying. After thinking about it, he couldn't help asking, "Is there a relationship between us? Or is there something that needs to change?"

He thought that this was Duanmu Ming Yue's way of subtly hinting that she needed change, so she was going to bring up leaving the restaurant, but he was surprised by what she said next.

Duanmu Ming Yue just calmly said, "Yes, I want us to become closer."

In this situation, there was no other meaning to these words…

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a shocked look when he said this.

When he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a heat filling him that made him knit his brows.

Duanmu Ming Yue saw this and said, "Ah, it seems like it's finally working."

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