With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 301 Envoy (1)

A month after the news that the dungeon town would be promoted to a city, the envoy finally arrived at the dungeon town.

The dungeon town was operating as usual, but there were special subordinates placed at the gate waiting for the envoy.

As soon as they arrived, these subordinates would immediately welcome them.

As for why they were special, these were all beautiful women that could turn heads wherever they went.

With these beautiful women welcoming them, there was no chance that the envoy would be unhappy.

That was the main reason why Yue Lan had trained these girls in the first place.

But of course, they would never use their bodies to entertain their guests because…they had all been trained with the idea that their bodies already belonged to someone.

Before the envoy arrived, Lin Fan and Yue Lan were sitting in the town hall at a banquet that had been prepared.

This banquet was filled with many luxurious looking plates, but there weren't any dishes that had been brought out yet. There was also a group of beautiful singers and dancers that were currently waiting on the side.

Everything here was perfect for entertaining guests, but Lin Fan had a tense look on his face.

Yue Lan could see this, so she asked, "Are you alright?"

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile as he said, "I'd much rather fight a pack of spirit beasts compared to this."

Yue Lan nodded with a smile, but then she said, "It can't be helped, you are the mayor after all. You have to be here."

Lin Fan's smile became even more bitter when he heard this, but he still gave a nod in the end since he knew that she was right.

This was a matter that involved the town and it involved the central government, so he had to be involved as the mayor. He couldn't leave this matter to Yue Lan like he normally did.

But of course, Yue Lan would also be with him during this time, so she would give him advice whenever he needed it.

Still, he wasn't someone that was good at communicating with others or he would have been the one that managed their business in the first place.

Even just wearing this formal wear made him feel out of place.

After all, in both his past life on Earth and the past life of this world's Lin Fan, he had never been anyone important.

So asking him to act this way was really tough.

Luckily for him, he would be able to draw on the memories of the Hidden Dragon Sect's ancestor to help him.

The Hidden Dragon Sect's ancestor had acted like an important person even when his sect's disciples had a higher level of cultivation than him. So he knew how to act when facing people like this.

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Still, it was very tough for him.

Seeing the look on his face, Yue Lan leaned over and whispered into his ear.

When Lin Fan heard what she said, he couldn't help revealing a look of shock. After a long period of silence, he gave a gulp and asked, "Do you really mean it?"

Yue Lan just looked at him with a seductive smile and nodded in agreement.

Lin Fan couldn't help giving another gulp before saying, "I'll do my best."

There was no doubt of the sincerity in his voice. He really would do his best with this offer on the table.

After all, this offer was just too enticing!

When the envoy arrived, he was immediately led to the town hall where the banquet had been prepared for him.

This envoy was the perfect example of a corrupt official.

He was fat, ugly, and looked like an overall villain.

It was clear that this was someone that accepted bribes and did all that he could to gain power with influential people.

This was not a good person by any right.

But that didn't make sense since according to Ming Xin, the fourth prince was someone with good character.

Someone like this definitely wouldn't hang out with someone like this.

So why would the envoy sent here be someone like this?

It didn't make any sense.

But Lin Fan was even more surprised when he heard this person speak.

"Lord Lin, it's an honour to meet you. I have long heard of your fame and it is my pleasure to meet you." The fat minister said as soon as he met Lin Fan.

Lin Fan couldn't help being taken aback by such a polite tone from this fat minister.

After all, his perception of this minister was that he would immediately speak in a despicable tone and have over the top requests of him.

So when this fat minister spoke in a polite voice, it really was off putting for him.

But after a nudge from Yue Lan on the side, he gave a cough and said with a smile, "Lord Rong, your praise is too much. I am nothing more than a humble mayor of a small town, I can't compare to a great minister of the central court like you."

When Lin Fan said this, he really felt awkward because words like this weren't things that he would normally say.

He was just following the script that Yue Lan had prepared for him.

Over the past week, Lin Fan had been forced to memorize a script that Yue Lan had prepared for him for this envoy.

Yue Lan had been very strict with him and he hadn't even been allowed to sleep last night without passing her test.

It had gotten quite late by the time that he had passed…

Yue Lan was very excellent in everything that she did, but that was also a bad thing sometimes.

The script that had been prepared for Lin Fan was as thick as a history textbook in his past life.

If it hadn't been for the fact that his memorization skills had improved because of his cultivation increasing, it might have been impossible for him to have memorized all of it in time…

After greeting each other, Lin Fan and the envoy both went to sit down at the head of the table, sitting side by side so that neither of them were beneath one another.

Lin Fan had offered the seat to the envoy, but to his surprise, the envoy insisted that they sit together.

Whenever he saw the envoy acting like this, he really couldn't help being shocked.

It was just too far from his image of the evil and fat minister that he had in his mind.

But of course, he couldn't say anything without being rude…

So Lin Fan just sucked it up and spoke with the envoy in a friendly manner during the entire banquet.

He was just waiting for the moment that the envoy revealed his true personality.

Halfway through the banquet, the envoy finally turned to Yue Lan and said, "Lord Lin, your companion here truly is beautiful and smart."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, but he also quickly relaxed them as he said with a smile, "Un, Yue Lan is my pride and joy."

When Yue Lan heard this, she couldn't help revealing a blush.

The envoy also revealed a smile before saying, "If only I could have someone as beautiful as this in my life."

Lin Fan could swear that he saw a sly look in the envoy's eyes when he saw this.

He didn't say anything, but he could guess what the envoy was about to say next…After all, this was the most cliche thing that all villains said when they saw a beauty like Yue Lan.

"If only I could have someone like that serve me as well."

Once he got her to serve him, his hands would stray and he would take advantage of her…

This was all in preparation for…

"Send this girl to my room tonight to entertain me."

That was how it would normally go with evil and fat villains like this, but…

"It seems like I'm a bit drunk. Please don't tell my wife I said something like this, I'll be sent to the dog house if she were to know about this." The envoy said with an awkward smile on his face.

Lin Fan's lips couldn't help twitching when he heard this.

Yue Lan lifted the bottle of wine and came forward to say, "Lord Rong, how about I fill up your cup?"

The envoy quickly waved his hand and said, "Please spare me beauty Yue, I can't possibly put you out like this."

Lin Fan really didn't understand what was happening right now.

Yue Lan just put the bottle down with a smile and said, "Lord Rong, you truly are a devoted man."

The envoy gave a sigh before saying under his breath, "It's not like I have any other choice." But then he quickly said with a smile, "I'm lucky that my wife would take someone like me in the first place."

Lin Fan just looked at the envoy with eyes filled with shock, like he was meeting him for the first time…

Well, he was meeting him for the first time, so the better way to say it is seeing him for the first time…

No, that wouldn't be right either…

Lin Fan just didn't know what to say in response to this.

But as he was stunned, Yue Lan came over to whisper something in his ear.

When he heard this, he couldn't help looking at the envoy with a look filled with even more shock.

That was because what Yue Lan had just told him was too unbelievable.

This fat and ugly minister actually had someone who was known as the most beautiful flower in a city as a wife and it was his wife that had proposed to him. She was someone that came from the city lord's manor, so in terms of status, she was far above him.

That was why he was completely whipped by her.

She had more power and she was beautiful, so he couldn't even believe that she would marry someone like him.

So of course he would do anything and everything that he could to make her happy.

But this completely went against Lin Fan's image of this minister!

At the same time, he was also surprised that Yue Lan knew all this about the envoy…

The banquet continued on in this harmonious mood and by the end, the envoy was happily sent off to his quarters.

They had prepared a special room in the inn for him, so he was sent there.

As for the ceremony, it will be held tomorrow.

As Lin Fan watched this envoy leave, he couldn't help feeling a complicated feeling.

It seemed like one really couldn't judge a book by its cover…

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