With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 340 Flying Crest Traveling Merchants

The bandits forced themselves to break free of this pressure, which had become a bit weaker when Lin Fan had shown himself.

Mu Bao Bao also had a surprised look on her face, but that was quickly replaced with a faint smile.

But she also had a trace of worry in her eyes as she watched to see what Lin Fan would do now.

Lin Fan looked at the bandits charging at him without any worry.

These bandits were only in the Qi Gathering Realm and not a single one of them was even in the Mid Qi Gathering Realm. Against a Foundation Realm Cultivator like him, it would be a piece of cake for him to deal with them.

So he just raised his hand and flipped it.

When the bandits could react to what was happening, they found that they were all staring at the sky.

Not a single one of them could understand what Lin Fan had done.

But of course, they didn't keep their consciousness for long as they suddenly felt something hit them in the face. They didn't see anything hit them, but there was that force that knocked them out.

After they were knocked out, there was only silence that followed.

The merchants just looked on in shock as they couldn't understand what just happened.

One moment they had been surrounded by these bandits and then the next, the bandits had fallen to the ground.

This went against all common sense.

Still, this shock only lasted a moment before they were filled with joy.

After all, the bandits that had been threatening them had suddenly been taken care of and now they had been saved.

But before they could do anything else, they started moving towards the bandits. There was a clear look of murderous intent that appeared in their eyes.

Lin Fan turned to look at them and said, "Stop, there's no need to kill them."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The merchants had clearly unwilling looks in their eyes, but they also stopped moving forward. They didn't know what to think about this person who had just appeared out of nowhere, but they knew that he was the one that had taken care of these bandits.

They wouldn't offend this mysterious and powerful person for no reason.

Lin Fan then said, "Get some rope and tie them up. We'll bring them to the town to hand over to the guards."

The eyes of the merchants filled with even more unwillingness, but they agreed to Lin Fan's request in the end.

Mu Bao Bao had been worried that Lin Fan would take it too far and would end these bandits, but it seemed like he was still him. He was still that kind and merciful person that she had come to love.

She walked up behind him and took his hand.

Lin Fan was surprised to feel her hand holding his, but then he looked back at her with a smile before mouthing, "I'm sorry."

Mu Bao Bao's smile became even wider when she saw this.

It didn't take long for the merchants to tie up the bandits, but then they had to face their next problem.

They still didn't know what Lin Fan wanted.

The leader of the merchants carefully came over with two other members while the rest were inside of the carriage. The carriage had already been loaded up and the bandits' blockade had been moved out of the way, so they could run away at any moment.

It was clear that they didn't trust Lin Fan at all, but Lin Fan didn't mind.

He knew that this was just how this world was.

When the leader of the merchants came over, he cupped his hands and said, "This friend, thank you for your help in taking care of the bandits. I am the leader of the Flying Crest Caravan, Wang Mu."

The other two merchants also cupped their hands and bowed their heads to Lin Fan, but they didn't speak like the leader had done.

After he said this, Wang Mu looked back up without saying a thing and waited for Lin Fan to speak.

Lin Fan just silently looked at him and the other two without saying a thing.

When Wang Mu saw this, he couldn't help feeling pressure from Lin Fan even though Lin Fan wasn't putting any pressure on him.

He wasn't saying anything because of his instincts as a merchant.

When it came to negotiations like this, it was never good to reveal one's cards first. He would wait until the other side revealed some of their cards before revealing his own since whoever held onto their cards the longest would have the greater advantage.

But he didn't have the option to feign disinterest like he normally would in this situation since the other side basically controlled their lives right now. They couldn't go against this person who had defeated those bandits so easily.

So after a long period of silence, Wang Mu couldn't help saying, "This sir, is there anything we can do for you?"

Lin Fan didn't reply and just looked at him for a bit before asking, "What kind of merchants are you?"

Wang Mu was caught off guard by this sudden question and he couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a confused look as if he didn't understand what he just said.

He had already said that they were a traveling caravan, so it should have been clear what kind of merchants they were.

So why was he asking this question?

Could it be that he was expecting some kind of specific answer from them?

Wang Mu looked at Lin Fan with an uncertain look while Lin Fan just patiently waited for Wang Mu to answer.

Finally, Wang Mu said, "We are traveling merchants, so we sell all kinds of products. We find products in different places and then we bring them to places that lack these products to sell."

He just gave the most basic answer that he could give since he didn't know what Lin Fan was expecting.

Lin Fan gave a nod in response to this and then he said, "So where are you heading now?"

Once again, Wang Mu was completely confused by this question, but he still responded, "We're heading to the town down the road to sell the goods that we just brought from Fair Water City."

Both Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao knitted their brows when they heard this.

Fair Water City…

That was a place that they were familiar with.

Well, Mu Bao Bao was familiar with it and Lin Fan had heard about it, but it was a place that they cared very much about.

Lin Fan then said with a smile, "If it's alright, can we travel with you to the town?"

Wang Mu and the other two merchants knitted their brows this time when they heard this.

They just looked at Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao with these knitted brows as if they didn't know what to do.

After all, while it would be good for them to have these powerful escorts, they didn't know what their real intentions were. They had saved them from the bandits, but that didn't mean that they were good people.

In this world, the only ones that they could trust were themselves…

But could they say no to these people?

No, they didn't have the power or the right to do so.

So it wasn't as if they could do anything if Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao wanted to come with them.

In the end, Wang Mu and the other merchants had no choice but to accept this offer.

Lin Fan left Mu Bao Bao here while he went off to get their carriage.

Even if Mu Bao Bao was a beautiful girl, he didn't feel worried about leaving her here.

That was because he called out two wolves to stay by her side.

When those two wolves came out, the merchants immediately cowered. They could easily recognize what these two wolves were and they knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything to these wolves.

Mu Bao Bao happily petted these two wolves when she saw them because she recognized who they were.

They were Fuyuki and Fubuki who Lin Fan hadn't called in a while.

But since they had broken through to the Foundation Realm, he felt comfortable calling them out again since he knew they would be able to take care of themselves.

Leaving them there, Lin Fan went to get the carriage and it didn't take him long to come back.

When he arrived, he loaded up all of the bandits into his carriage while Mu Bao Bao went into the carriage of the traveling merchants.

Wang Mu and the others didn't have a willing expression on their faces when they saw this, but they couldn't say anything against it. So they just let Mu Bao Bao ride in their carriage.

As they were heading towards the town, Lin Fan could see Mu Bao Bao playing with the kids in the carriage.

The kids had been wary of Mu Bao Bao at first, but she was a beautiful big sister, so they quickly opened up to her. The adults on the other hand…still had distrustful looks as they looked in her direction.

Still, they couldn't do anything, so they just minded their own business and didn't stop the kids from playing with Mu Bao Bao.

Like Wang Mu had told him, it didn't take them long to arrive at the town.

This was a town that was smaller than his dungeon town had been, but it was a good place to start for them.

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