Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 1: Volume 1, Chapter 1: "Where Darkness Begins, and Light Fails to Hold"

Chapter 1: Volume 1, Chapter 1: "Where Darkness Begins, and Light Fails to Hold"

The night was colder than Cole had expected, the wind biting at his skin as he stood at the edge of the darkened woods. He had come here out of desperation, driven by the stories, the rumors of the Forgotten Guardians, and the last-ditch hope that they could give him the answers he so desperately sought. But as he stared into the pitch-black forest ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him from the shadows.

The woods were silent—too silent. No rustling of leaves, no distant cries of night creatures, just an oppressive quiet that made his skin crawl. He had heard of places like this, where the Veil between the world and the void grew thin, where the air itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of something terrible.

Cole took a deep breath, steadying himself. His mind raced with the weight of what he was about to do, but he couldn't afford to hesitate. He had already lost too much—his family, his friends—everything taken from him by the void's relentless pull. If the Guardians couldn't help him, if they had truly vanished as some said, then he was out of options. There was no one else left to fight this battle.

The void had always been a part of his life, lurking at the edges, waiting to consume all it touched. He had felt it since he was young, a faint hum in the back of his mind that grew louder with each passing year. Now, it was deafening, a constant presence that gnawed at his thoughts and whispered promises of oblivion.

"I can't let it win," Cole muttered under his breath, his hand tightening around the hilt of his sword. The weight of the weapon was familiar, comforting in its solidity, though he knew it wouldn't be enough to stop the void. He would need more than steel for the battle ahead.

The path before him was narrow, barely more than a trail worn into the earth by those who had come before him—if anyone had. Legends of the Guardians told of ancient orders sworn to protect the world from the void, wielders of a mysterious power that could hold the darkness at bay. But those were stories, nothing more than faded memories whispered by those who no longer believed in them.

Still, it was his only chance.

The first step into the woods felt like crossing a threshold. As soon as his boot hit the ground, the world seemed to shift. The air grew colder, denser, and the trees, tall and gnarled, loomed overhead like silent sentinels. The oppressive silence deepened, wrapping around him like a shroud. Every step felt heavier than the last, each one dragging him further into the unknown.

A soft whisper caught his attention. Cole froze, his breath catching in his throat as he strained to listen. The sound was faint, barely discernible above the silence, but it was there—a voice, or maybe several, carried on the wind.

"Help... me..."

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The words sent a chill down his spine. It wasn't the voice itself that frightened him, but the way it seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, as if the forest itself were speaking.

Cole's grip on his sword tightened. "Who's there?" he called, his voice sounding hollow in the stillness.

The silence stretched on, unbroken. For a moment, he thought he had imagined it, that the pressure of the void was starting to get to him. But then the whisper came again, clearer this time.

"Come... closer..."

Against his better judgment, Cole followed the voice, his feet moving almost of their own accord. The path before him twisted and turned, the trees growing denser, their branches interwoven like a cage. The deeper he went, the darker the woods became, until the faint light of the moon was little more than a distant glow behind the canopy.

The air grew heavier with each step, a suffocating pressure that made it hard to breathe. The whispering continued, growing louder, more insistent, until it seemed to echo all around him.

"Come... come..."

Cole stopped, his heart pounding in his chest. Ahead, the trees parted to reveal a small clearing, bathed in a sickly, pale light. At the center of the clearing stood a stone obelisk, its surface etched with strange, unreadable symbols. The air around it shimmered, as though the very fabric of reality were fraying at the edges.

He had heard of places like this—Knots, they were called. Places where the Veil between the world and the void was thin, where reality itself could be pulled apart with enough pressure. And where there were Knots, there was danger.

But there was something else here, something that sent a wave of dread crashing over him. A figure stood before the obelisk, its back turned to him, motionless. The whispering had stopped, replaced by a tense, unnatural silence.

"Who are you?" Cole called out, his voice trembling despite his best efforts to remain calm.

The figure didn't move, didn't respond. It just stood there, its form barely distinguishable in the dim light. Cole's hand moved instinctively to his sword, the cold steel a comfort against the growing fear gnawing at his insides.

Slowly, cautiously, he stepped forward, his eyes never leaving the figure. The closer he got, the clearer it became. It was a man, or at least it had been. His clothes were tattered and worn, his skin pale and stretched thin over bones that jutted out unnaturally. And then, as Cole drew closer still, the figure turned.

The man's face was hollow, his eyes empty voids, his mouth open in a silent scream. The sight of him sent a wave of nausea through Cole, but it wasn't the man's appearance that terrified him—it was what he felt. The void was inside him, coursing through his veins, twisting him into something unnatural.

"Help... me..." the man whispered, his voice barely more than a breath.

Cole staggered back, his heart racing. The man wasn't alive—he was an echo, a remnant of someone who had once been consumed by the void. And now, the void had taken him completely.

Without thinking, Cole drew his sword, the blade gleaming faintly in the dim light. The man took a step forward, his movements slow, deliberate, as though each one required immense effort.

"Stay back!" Cole shouted, raising his sword in warning.

The man didn't stop. His empty eyes locked onto Cole, his mouth still open in that silent scream. The void pulsed around him, a cold, suffocating presence that pressed in on all sides.

Cole swung his sword, the blade slicing through the air with a sharp hiss. The man didn't flinch as the steel cut through him, his form flickering for a moment before dissolving into shadow.

The clearing was silent once more, the only sound Cole's ragged breathing. He stood there for a moment, his sword still raised, his mind struggling to process what had just happened. The man had been an echo, a shadow of something long since consumed by the void. But why had he been here? And what was the obelisk?

Cole approached the stone slowly, his eyes tracing the strange symbols etched into its surface. The air around it hummed with energy, the Veil stretched thin, trembling on the edge of breaking. This place was dangerous—he could feel it in his bones. But there was something else here, something he needed to understand.

Before he could investigate further, a voice called out from the shadows.

"You shouldn't be here."

Cole spun around, his sword raised once more. Standing at the edge of the clearing was a figure cloaked in shadow, their face obscured by the hood of their cloak.

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