Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 160: Volume 2, Chapter 104: "The Gathering Darkness"

Chapter 160: Volume 2, Chapter 104: "The Gathering Darkness"

The Shattered Plains stretched endlessly before them, a barren wasteland that seemed to warp under the weight of the void's influence. The once-cracked earth now shimmered faintly, as though the very fabric of reality was fraying at the edges. Every step the group took sent shivers up Cole's spine, the ground beneath them vibrating with dark energy.

The sky above was an oppressive shade of gray, thick clouds swirling in a silent storm. No sunlight pierced through, and the only illumination came from the faint, unnatural glow emanating from the fissures in the ground. It was as if the void had woven itself into the land itself, turning it into a twisted reflection of the world they knew.

"We're getting closer," Elara said, her voice tight with tension. "I can feel the energy—it's pulling toward something, a source. The archive should be nearby."

Marcus kept his sword drawn, his eyes scanning the horizon. "This place... it's not right. The void is more than just a presence here. It's like it's alive."

Selene, who had been quiet for most of the journey, finally spoke. "The void's using the land itself to attack us. The further we go, the stronger it gets. It's trying to wear us down before we even get to the archive."

Cole felt the weight of her words. The void wasn't just a force pushing against them from the outside—it was seeping into every crack, every weakness. It was as if the entire Shattered Plains had become a weapon, one designed to break them before they could reach their goal.

But they had no choice. They had come too far, and the archive held the answers they needed to stop the void once and for all.

"We don't have time to waste," Cole said, his voice steady despite the growing unease in his chest. "We need to find the archive and figure out how to stop this before it's too late."

Elara nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the landscape. "There should be markers—Guardian symbols. If we can find one, it'll lead us to the archive."

The group pressed on, their steps careful but determined. Every now and then, Cole thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye—dark shapes flitting between the cracks in the earth, barely visible in the gloom. But every time he turned to look, there was nothing. Just shadows, shifting and moving like the void itself.

"We're being watched," Marcus muttered under his breath, his grip tightening on his sword. "I can feel it."

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Cole nodded, his own senses on high alert. The feeling of being hunted had been growing stronger since they'd entered the plains, but now it was undeniable. Something—or someone—was following them, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Selene's eyes darted to the horizon, her sharp instincts kicking in. "We need to move faster. If we linger here too long, we'll be surrounded."

The group quickened their pace, moving through the jagged landscape with purpose. The air grew colder as they descended into a valley, the walls on either side steep and lined with strange, glowing markings. Cole felt a faint sense of recognition as they passed, the symbols on the rocks reminiscent of the ones they had seen in the other Guardian ruins.

"This is it," Elara whispered, her eyes widening as she examined the markings. "We're close."

But just as she said the words, a sharp crack echoed through the valley, followed by a low, guttural growl.

Cole's heart raced as he spun around, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. The shadows along the walls began to shift, coalescing into dark, twisted shapes. Eyes gleamed in the darkness, glowing with an unnatural light as the creatures stepped into view.


They were smaller than the ones they had fought before, but there were more of them—dozens, if not hundreds, crawling out from the cracks in the earth like insects. Their forms flickered and distorted as they moved, as if they were caught between this world and the void itself.

"Here they come," Marcus growled, raising his sword. "Stay close. We can't afford to be separated."

Selene drew her blade, her movements fluid and precise. "We hold them off as long as we can. Elara, find the entrance to the archive."

Elara nodded, already scanning the rocks for any sign of a hidden passage. "It has to be here somewhere..."

The void-touched advanced, their movements jerky and unnatural. Cole's heart pounded in his chest as he raised his sword, preparing for the onslaught. He had faced these creatures before, but there were so many of them now. The air was thick with their dark energy, the void's presence suffocating.

With a roar, the first of the void-touched lunged toward them. Marcus met the attack head-on, his sword flashing in the dim light as he struck the creature down. Selene moved with deadly precision, her blade cutting through the void-touched with ease, but for every one they killed, two more seemed to take its place.

Cole slashed at a void-touched that came too close, the weight of his sword familiar in his hands. The creature hissed as his blade connected, its form dissipating into smoke. But even as it fell, more of them surged forward, their numbers overwhelming.

"Elara!" Cole shouted, barely able to keep up with the attacks. "We don't have much time!"

"I'm working on it!" Elara called back, her voice tense. She was still examining the markings, her hands moving along the rock as she searched for the hidden entrance.

Another void-touched lunged at Cole, and he barely managed to deflect its attack. His muscles burned from the effort, his movements slower than he would have liked. The void's presence was draining him, sapping his strength with every passing second.

"Hold on!" Elara shouted, her voice filled with urgency. "I think I've found it!"

She pressed her hand against a symbol on the rock, and with a low rumble, the ground beneath their feet began to shake. A section of the rock face slid open, revealing a dark passageway leading deep into the earth.

"Go!" Marcus shouted, his sword cutting through another wave of void-touched. "Get inside!"

Cole didn't need to be told twice. He and Selene rushed toward the entrance, their blades still flashing as they cut down the creatures in their path. Elara followed close behind, her hands glowing with the faint light of the Veil as she prepared to seal the entrance behind them.

But just as they reached the threshold, the ground shook violently, and a massive, hulking figure emerged from the shadows.

It was a void-touched, but unlike any they had seen before. Its body was larger, its form more solid, and its eyes burned with an intense, malevolent light. The air around it warped and twisted, and Cole could feel the raw power of the void radiating from its presence.

"Go!" Marcus shouted again, his voice strained as he stood between the creature and the entrance.

"Marcus, no!" Selene shouted, her eyes wide with fear.

"I'll hold it off! Get inside!"

Before anyone could argue, Marcus charged at the creature, his sword raised. The void-touched roared, its massive arms swinging toward him in a blur of motion.

"Marcus!" Cole shouted, but it was too late.

With a final, deafening crash, the entrance sealed behind them, leaving them in darkness.

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