Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 81: Volume 2, Chapter 25: "Collapse of the Mountain"

Chapter 81: Volume 2, Chapter 25: "Collapse of the Mountain"

The mountain roared as it began to break apart, the sound of splitting stone and shifting earth filling the air like thunder. Dust and debris rained down from above, and the ground beneath them trembled violently with each step they took. Cole's heart pounded in his chest, every instinct screaming at him to keep running, to not look back.

They sprinted down the narrow, crumbling path, the jagged rocks threatening to trip them at every turn. The air was thick with dust, making it hard to see more than a few feet ahead. But even through the chaos, Marcus led them forward with unyielding determination, his sharp eyes scanning the collapsing terrain for the safest route.

"Faster!" Marcus shouted over the deafening noise, his voice barely cutting through the sound of destruction. "We're almost at the ledge!"

Selene moved just behind him, her movements swift and agile as she dodged the falling rocks. Her eyes were sharp, her focus unshakable, even as the world around them seemed to be tearing itself apart. "Stay close!" she called out, her voice steady despite the panic rising in the air. "We don't have much time!"

Cole's legs burned with exhaustion, every muscle in his body aching from the strain. His lungs screamed for air, the thick dust making it harder to breathe with each passing second. He could barely think, his mind consumed by the overwhelming instinct to survive, to keep moving.

Elara was just ahead of him, her face set with grim determination. She clutched the Guardian amulet tightly in one hand, her other arm shielding her face from the falling debris. Her connection to the Veil had helped them hold back the void, but now it was useless against the raw, destructive force of the collapsing mountain. All they could do was run.

A massive chunk of rock crashed down behind them, shaking the ground and sending a shockwave through the narrow path. Cole stumbled, nearly losing his balance as the force of the impact knocked him off his feet. He hit the ground hard, pain shooting through his side as the wind was knocked from his lungs.

"Cole!" Elara shouted, her voice filled with panic.

Before Cole could respond, a hand grabbed his arm, pulling him up with surprising strength. It was Marcus, his expression hard and focused. "Get up!" he barked, pulling Cole to his feet. "We're not dying here!"

Cole nodded weakly, his body trembling as he forced himself to keep moving. The mountain continued to collapse around them, the ground cracking and splitting beneath their feet as they raced toward the distant ledge.

The path ahead was narrowing, the edges crumbling into the abyss below. Massive chunks of rock fell from above, crashing into the ground with deafening force. The air was filled with the roar of destruction, the sound so loud it made Cole's ears ring.

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"There!" Marcus shouted, pointing ahead. "The exit's just beyond that ledge!"

Cole's heart leaped at the sight. The narrow path they were on led to a wide, flat ledge that jutted out over the chasm. Beyond the ledge, the path widened, leading them away from the crumbling mountain. If they could just make it there, they might have a chance.

But the mountain wasn't going to make it easy.

Just as they neared the ledge, the ground beneath them shifted violently, cracking apart with a deafening crack. The path split in two, a massive gap opening up between them and the ledge. The ground trembled and shook, as if the mountain itself was trying to swallow them whole.

"We have to jump!" Marcus shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "It's the only way!"

Cole's heart raced as he stared at the gap. It wasn't far—maybe ten feet—but the ground on either side was unstable, and the drop below seemed endless. One wrong move, and they would be lost to the abyss.

"We don't have time to think!" Selene snapped, her eyes fixed on the gap. Without hesitation, she sprinted forward and leaped across, her form graceful and sure. She landed on the other side, rolling to absorb the impact before standing and turning to face the others. "Come on!"

Marcus was next, his movements swift and confident. He leaped across the gap, landing beside Selene with barely a stumble. "Go!" he shouted to Cole and Elara.

Elara turned to Cole, her face pale with fear but her eyes determined. "We can do this," she said, her voice steady. "We have to."

Cole nodded, though his heart pounded in his chest. He forced himself to take a deep breath, steadying his racing thoughts. He had faced worse—he had survived the void, the Severed, and the destruction of the core. He could do this.

"On three," Elara said, her hand gripping his tightly. "One... two... three!"

They ran together, their feet pounding against the unstable ground as they neared the edge. At the last possible second, they both leaped into the air, their bodies soaring over the gap. For a brief, terrifying moment, Cole felt weightless, the abyss yawning beneath him.

But then his feet hit solid ground, and he stumbled forward, crashing into the dirt just beside Marcus. Elara landed a second later, rolling to her feet with a gasp.

"We made it," Cole breathed, his heart still racing. "We made it!"

But their relief was short-lived.

The mountain roared behind them, the ground trembling with renewed fury. The ledge they stood on was collapsing, the cracks spreading faster than they could run. They had to move—now.

"Go!" Marcus shouted, leading the way once more. "Don't stop until we're clear!"

They ran as fast as their legs would carry them, the ground crumbling beneath their feet with each step. The path widened as they neared the mountain's base, but the tremors grew stronger, the mountain groaning under the strain of its own collapse.

With a final, deafening roar, the mountain began to fall.

Massive chunks of stone and earth crashed down from above, the entire peak collapsing in on itself. The ground shook so violently that Cole nearly lost his footing, the force of the collapse sending shockwaves through the air. The sky was filled with dust and debris, turning the world into a dark, chaotic storm.

But they kept running.

The edge of the mountain was just ahead, the path leading out of the collapsing range. Cole's lungs burned, his legs screaming in protest as he pushed himself harder, faster. The noise of the destruction was deafening, but all he could think about was getting out—getting clear of the mountain before it took them down with it.

And then, just as it seemed like the mountain would catch up to them, they burst through the dust and debris, stumbling out onto solid ground.

They collapsed in a heap, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief. Behind them, the mountain continued to fall, the roar of the collapse echoing through the valley. But they were safe. They had made it.

Cole lay on his back, gasping for breath as he stared up at the darkened sky. His body ached from the effort, his mind still reeling from the chaos of the last few minutes. But they had done it. They had escaped the mountain, and they had destroyed the void's core.

"It's over," Elara whispered, her voice filled with awe. "We did it."

Marcus sat up, his face covered in dust and sweat, but his eyes were filled with determination. "It's not over yet. The void is still out there. But this... this is a victory."

Selene nodded, her expression grim but satisfied. "We've taken a step forward. But there's still more to be done."

Cole closed his eyes, letting the relief wash over him. The battle wasn't over, but they had survived. And for now, that was enough.

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