Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 118 This Is His Ex?

Xue Ning whipped around immediately just in time to avoid Zhou Yu's outstretched claws. Her fingernails came dangerously close to scratching Xue Ning's face instead.

If her back faced her, Xue Ning was sure that she would have ripped out all her hair!

"Now you got your seat and you still want to bother me? Why? Do you want my other seat now?" Xue Ning asked, shoving her away. Zhou Yu may have been taller, but she didn't work out to grow muscles for them to actually be used.

So she stumbled back, accidentally knocking into another chair. It stung her pride to be swatted so easily like a mosquito! She made another lunge for her, ready to slap her face. Xue Ning had her hands curled into fists, ready to fly.

"Enough! Sit back down!" Lady Su Yan's voice rang through the air.

Zhou Yu paused. Finally someone was here to chase this… creature out of her space.

"Su Yan! How can you let this vermin into your establishment! I demand an explanation!" She cried out, acting like a poor aggrieved woman that suffered a great injustice. Xue Ning rolled her eyes at her dramatics - with her acting skills, she should have just joined the entertainment industry.

"You chased me out of my seat first," Xue Ning mentioned. "And when I actually gave it up, you tried to attack me when my back was turned."

Xue Ning finished with a scoff. "Coward."

Su Yan internally despaired. What she had feared had come true!

"You dare call me, Zhou Yu, a coward?" Zhou Yu yelled shrilly.

<anno data-annotation-id="8d0b2f22-24e8-cdf1-f376-27c25a12be6c">"Why, I'll even call Guan Yu a coward!"</anno> Xue Ning quipped easily. There was the sound of muffled laughter from the other customers and staff.

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Even Su Yan herself had to use her years of experience to stifle the laugh that threatened to escape. Her lips had to be forced downwards to portray grim disapproval, not hysterical amusement.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yu's face turned blacker than a thundercloud.

"Perhaps so, but we are all ladies here, and we should aim to behave ourselves with decorum even when confronted with unexpected difficulties," Su Yan mildly rebuked Zhou Yu, giving Xue Ning a purposeful glance. This was the most diplomatic she could be!

God knows how long she had wanted to do that to Zhou Yu, but the fear of retaliation stilled her mouth.

Like this, she wouldn't directly offend Sun Jingwei's future fiancee, nor would Zhou Yu make bigger trouble - at least, not in her establishment. If she was going to start a fist-fight at the coffee shop next door, that wasn't her problem anymore.

"Yeah, what she said," Xue Ning shrugged and simply sat back down on her chair, ignoring the outraged look on Zhou Yu's face. "Weren't we pressed for time? We can start on my makeup now."

"Yes Miss," one of the attendants eagerly scurried over to help. Everyone that had ever been bullied by Zhou Yu was now feeling incredibly pleased at the recent events. "I'll make sure Mr Sun won't be able to take his eyes off you!"

"Mr Sun?" Zhou Yu exclaimed, her voice crackling like lightning. "Don't tell me if you're talking about Sun Jingwei!"

"So what if she is?" Xue Ning asked, raising an eyebrow at her theatrics. "Is it any of your business?"

Was she another crazy stalker?

"Of course it's my business," Zhou Yu said, suddenly smug. She let out an irritating little giggle behind her hand. "I guess you don't know that you're eating my sloppy seconds."

"Huh?" Xue Ning looked at her, confused.

"Sun Jingwei was my fiance." Zhou Yu explained slowly, as though she was talking to a particularly dull-witted child. A vicious smile spread across her face; now she could finally get revenge for the humiliation she endured at her hands.

"I rejected him, despite his desperate pleas, because I found him grossly unsuitable as a husband. Even his father himself couldn't get me to accept a useless man like him as my husband."

"So you're my replacement." She continued, delighting in the look of surprise on Xue Ning's face. "Maybe he thought getting someone like you would be easier, seeing that he had no chance with any other woman with dignity."

"Of course, I don't think he'll ever actually marry you. You didn't even know who I was. What kind of boyfriend would keep this kind of secret from you?" She asked mockingly in sympathy, a hand to her heart.

"Seeing as we are both women, let me give you a word of advice. Sun Jingwei is not a man that can remain in your future. Be prepared to get your heart broken when he eventually dumps you like the garbage you are." Zhou Yu declared.

The boutique fell into another stunned silence at the end of her spiel. Su Yan could only push her glasses up her nose with her middle finger at Zhou Yu, even if she personally agreed with some parts of her vicious speech.

In Su Yan's mind, it was inconceivable that Sun Jingwei was truly in love with Miss Li Xue Ning. His past exes also visited her boutique, and every single one of them had personalities shallower than a puddle in summer and attitudes that made a radioactive nuclear disaster seem tame in comparison.

Case in point: Zhou Yu.

Perhaps Miss Li was a new passion project of his; a new flavour he wanted to try. He might have wanted to give the poor girl from the countryside a taste of luxury before the relationship ended.

She turned to look at Miss Li, expecting to see shock. Perhaps she would even cry, and that would make the makeup more difficult to apply. That's of course, assuming that she remained in this place and didn't run out in tears.

Zhou Yu also stared at Xue Ning, determined to catch even the slightest hint of weakness to get even for the humiliation she experienced. Surely no woman could handle this sort of realisation without breaking down!

'Come on, start crying.' She thought hopefully. 'Let's see those sweet tears well up in those eyes of yours…'

However, Zhou Yu was hotly disappointed. Instead of seeing even a hint of a tear, all she got was a peal of bright laughter from this interloper!

<annotations style="display: none;"><ol class="tinymce-annotation-container"><li data-annotation-id="8d0b2f22-24e8-cdf1-f376-27c25a12be6c">Guan Yu was a Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Needless to say, he was not a coward. </li></ol></annotations>",

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