Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 194 Sending Your Youngest Away

[1 Week Ago]

Back in China, Sun Haowei and Sun Tianwei had their hands full with the recent crisis that befell their family. News of the Young Master Wu's misdeeds had hit every media channel in the country - every tom dick and harry, even those that were goddamn illiterate, knew that the boy had practically committed every crime under the sun before he even hit his 18th birthday.

Was he a psychopath?

His actions sparked widespread internet furor, and people began gossiping about the other families in their circle, namely the Sun family. Wu Shang Jing and Sun Jingwei's friendship wasn't kept a secret, and Jingwei didn't exactly have the cleanest reputation online.

Sun Tianwei was already prepared for the months of mudslinging that would follow.

What he wasn't prepared for was to see his younger brother laying comatose on a hospital bed, with bandages wrapped around his head and sizeable bruises around his neck.

He was not prepared to receive the news from an apologetic police force that Jingwei was used 'as a hostage' and 'strangled' and had a table 'slammed into the back of his head', as though his head was a baseball and Wu Shang Jing was going for a home run.

To add insult to injury, Wu Shang Jing had escaped with his bodyguard. There was a countrywide manhunt for him, but Tianwei was not hopeful that it would amount to anything. The city itself was vast, there were many corners for a rat to hide in.

"Are all of you useless or incompetent?!" Tianwei seethed, nearly vibrating with rage, while the police officers dared not look in his eyes. "You couldn't even apprehend one 16 year old boy, when his bodyguard wasn't even with him?! And you let him strangle my brother, give him a head injury and then escape?!"

"We're greatly sorry," the Chief Commissioner replied, bowing his head in apology. Beads of sweat formed on his temples.

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"We were completely unprepared for the level of difficulty he would pose… please accept our sincerest apologies, and wishes for Young Master Sun's quick recovery."

His men clearly didn't take their jobs seriously! Perhaps they were reluctant to arrest such a high-profile criminal, afraid of the retribution.

But now, they invited a bigger problem. Sun Jingwei was now bleeding and still unconscious thanks to their failure, and there's no guarantee that Wu Shang Jing won't finish the job!

"Your wishes are pointless, do your goddamn jobs!" Tianwei demanded furiously. "If Wu Shang Jing is not found and arrested, don't bother staying in this country any longer!"

"Young Master Sun -"

Sun Haowei rose from his spot on the hospital couched, and everyone fell quiet, watching him. He had looked over Jingwei's prone body in silence, with an unreadable look in his eyes the whole time. Tianwei was the one spitting blood in obvious anger, but clearly his father had reached the end of his patience.

"Police Commissioner Lee, needless to say you have been negligent in your duties. One can't help but wonder if you actually intended to bring him to justice."


"Not securing the perimeter of the school, not evacuating the classmates, not arresting his bodyguard when he was still on school grounds…and then having the nerve to let him slip through your grasp?!" Sun Haowei roared at the end, and Police Commissioner Lee winced as spit landed on his face.

But he made no move to wipe it off, fearing that Sun Haowei would rip his head off like a hungry tiger.

"After my dear son had given you a comprehensive dossier of all his misdeeds, you still thought you were catching a simple shoplifter? This is deliberate incompetence! What do you think will happen to the police department if I let the world know that you're helping the Wu family heir escape!"

"We would never!" He protested, panicking at Sun Haowei's accusations. "We will do our utmost best to capture Wu Shang Jing!"

"That's not enough," Sun Haowei said coldly. "To make up for this mistake, the entire Wu family must be brought to justice. Now scram!"

Tianwei barely managed to keep the blatant surprise from his face at his father's words. What a conniving man! His father was using Jingwei's accident as an excuse to destroy the Wu family, and he put pressure on the police department to ensure that they would execute his orders. Borrowing someone's dagger to kill an old friend… how vicious!

"Sir… how…" Police Commissioner Lee paled further at the thought. Arresting the wayward heir was already a tall order, but freezing their assets? Arresting his father?!

But he had no choice but to obey.

When the police officers left the hospital room, Sun Haowei turned to his oldest and gestured at him to come closer. Tianwei wondered why.



Sun Haowei rained a meaty palm straight at his son's left cheek, and it landed with a heavy smack!

Tianwei recoiled, instinctively clutching at his cheek in pain. "Father! Why?"

"What nonsense did you tell your brother?!" Sun Haowei thundered. "That cowardly boy would never have dared to leak such news if you hadn't given him any ideas!"

"I didn't give him any ideas! You know I wouldn't have endangered him or the family! I expressly told him to not do anything! I even told you about sending him abroad, precisely to avoid this situation!" Tianwei retorted, heaving deeply as he blinked back tears that were threatening to form.

He felt especially wronged. Out of the existing family members, at least he tried to think of an actual solution, he tried to cheer Jingwei up by treating him to dinner, letting him tag along on his dates with Lian Xingzi.

Lian Xingzi. He paused. Did she say something to Jingwei? No, it cannot be.

Sun Haowei narrowed his eyes, catching the slight change in his oldest.

"Then how do you explain his actions?!"

"I don't know!" Tianwei yelled back, upset. He wasn't going to blame Xingzi without proof, and he definitely wasn't going to let his father learn about her.

"You are lying." Sun Haowei declared. "I hope whoever you are protecting is worth your brother's life."

Tianwei paused, and Sun Haowei continued.

"For now, we must get Jingwei out of the country."

"Father?" Tianwei asked, confused at the topic change.

"He cannot stay here. It's no longer safe." His father said grimly. "The police are inept and the medical staff cannot be trusted. Wu Shang Jing's crimes are listed and numerous, and Jingwei made himself an enemy when he revealed their identities. He needs to leave now."

"But Jingwei isn't awake," Tianwei protested, appalled. "Are you suggesting we just… send him abroad like that? In a hospital bed?!"

"With his own bodyguards." Sun Haowei said firmly.  "When he recovers, he can study there. Make the necessary arrangements. If possible, I want him out of this country by tonight."

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