Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 228 Who Is The Boyfriend?

"We're very sorry," the officers apologised again.

"You'd better be," Jingwei said. "And why are you apologising to me? You should be apologising to them! To make things up to me and to them, you'd better lock them up for years! That man was a pervert!"

"Yes Sir!"

"Make sure it happens!" Jingwei instructed, "I'll be following up on this issue, just in case some of you decide to look the other way!"

"Yes Sir!" The officers sweated nervously. After Sun Jingwei's warning, they weren't going to risk getting bribed by Mayor Poh to let him out early! No matter how he offered to grease their palms, it wasn't worth it if Sun Jingwei was ready to cut them down if they found out.

They hurriedly got into the car with the couple still screaming at each other in the backseat, and then drove off so quickly it was as though there were hellhounds nipping at their heels. The faster they got to the station to deposit these two people, the faster they could be at peace!


The crowd watched the police car vanish from view. With the main villains disposed of, the play had come to an end. As such, the crowd should have dispersed, but many people still wanted to linger to watch Jingwei.

Such a handsome man with a sexy baritone, being a beacon of justice! How could they simply walk away from him! They had to come closer, even if it was to say hello. Many young and old women began to flock towards him, coyly tucking their hair behind their ears.

Before Jingwei could do something stupid like kiss Xue Ning in public to let them know about his relationship status, Ming Guang had parked himself in front of him to keep them away!

"Anyone that bothers Young Master Sun will be arrested," he declared simply, crossing his muscular arms. "It doesn't matter if you are young or old, rich or poor."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The crowd groaned and dispersed more quickly after that, but not without more than a few wistful sighs in Jingwei's general direction. Some women even went after Ming Guang, but Ming Guang's death glare refused to waver.

The more persistent women even walked along the street and then made a detour, pushing their breasts out and sashaying their hips, hoping that they could catch his eye, but it was all futile.

Sun Jingwei had only eyes for Li Xue Ning, but to his credit, he tried to make it less obvious than normal. Whether it was successful or not though, was an entire thing all together.

The three other members of Xue Ning's family stared at the way Wei Yan watched over Jingwei, who continued to stare at Xue Ning, who was glaring at the random women sneaking glances at Jingwei.

Somehow, something wasn't right! Shouldn't Xue Ning be looking at her boyfriend, while her boyfriend looked over Jingwei (because it was his job), and Jingwei looked at the women (because he was known as a playboy)?

Very strange. But they knew better than to bring this up in public!

After the last of the stragglers have finally left, Tai Cheng hurriedly ushered everyone into the restaurant to rest. Or at least, gather themselves with some modicum of privacy.

Xue Ning's mouth dropped open when she saw the state of the restaurant. Tables and chairs were still strewn everywhere, laying at odd angles. Some of the chairs were bent unnaturally, clearly they needed to be replaced!

Not only that, there were still shards of broken glass (possibly from the window), smashed plates and bowls, along and trashed cutlery littering the floor.

"Oh my god," Jingwei gasped as he saw what happened inside, nearly tripping over the ledge when he entered and falling on Xue Ning.

Xue Ning caught him instinctively and scolded him. "Be careful! Why are you so clumsy?"

"Sorry sorry, thanks for catching me," Jingwei smiled winningly, and used this chance to cling just a bit tighter to her. Xue Ning rolled his eyes and gave him an indulgent smile in return.

Their moment was interrupted with a cough from Xue Ning's father. He had a feeling that Sun Jingwei had less than platonic feelings for his daughter, but he'd never expected his daughter to return those feelings when she was already attached!

This was most despicable - how could his daughter flirt with Jingwei in front of her boyfriend? They thought her better than that!

"Walk carefully everyone, we haven't had the time to clean up yet, because of our injuries," Tai Cheng ordered, purposely giving Jingwei a warning glare, and the couple hastily split apart. He then gave Wei Yan a quick look, but that man didn't even look bothered at what transpired at all!

Instead, he was surveying the damage with a frown on his face. Such a dependable lad! He decided to pay more attention to Wei Yan in return, since he might become his future son-in-law in future.

His daughter brought home her first ever boyfriend, but this was the impression they were giving him! A hostile town, violence and arrest, and now his wrecked restaurant while his boss flirted with his girlfriend!

If this Wei Yan boy didn't break up with her, he must really like her! Tai Cheng would be relieved beyond words to know there was someone for his daughter. Someone normal, that won't be expected to marry someone else for the sake of his family.

He had to help smooth things over with Wei Yan!

"Sorry that you have to visit when it looks like such a state. If I knew there were visitors, I would have cleaned up more!"

"No worries Uncle, this is perfectly fine! You shouldn't be moving around with injuries anyway," He was talking to Wei Yan, but it was Jingwei who replied, walking next to him.

Wei Yan nodded in agreement and hurriedly added, "besides, we're here to help you fix things - if you fix everything, what else do we have left to do?"

"True, true," Tai Cheng let out a tired chuckle as he looked at his beloved restaurant. "But I still feel sorry anyway. Instead of showing all of you visitors a good time, you got to see the worst of everything - and you even have to help!"

"It's no trouble!" Both men hastily assured him. "What can we do to help?"

"For a start, let's sweep the floor first. After we dispose of the shards, we can take stock of how many chairs and tables are broken in the attack, and how many we can fix and replace. We'll also need to tidy the front of the store, fix the entrance, clean up the kitchen area…"

"Got it!" Jingwei said eagerly. "Where are the brooms? I'll sweep!"

"You can sweep? That's news to me," Tai Xuan chimed in from the side, his hand holding the hand of his wife.

He had taken a quick detour to check on Xin Yu, and she was well enough to join them for the clean up. He hadn't told her about their special guests though - he wanted to see the shocked look on her face! "

"Don't be rude," His wife Xin Yu chided gently, but her eyes widened when she realised there were three strangers in the restaurant. She instinctively tensed, clutching his hand tightly, expecting trouble to repeat itself.

"Xin Yu, don't worry, these are the people that came to help! I won't lead you into trouble! Besides, you can meet Xue Ning's boyfriend now!"

"Xue Ning has a boyfriend?" Xin Yu exclaimed, her mouth falling open in surprise as she looked at her sister-in-law. Xue Ning pointedly stared at the floor, avoiding her probing glances.

To bring a significant other to help with this family matter… Clearly marriage was in the cards! She looked over the three men with more assessing eyes.

"Which one of you is Xue Ning's boyfriend?" She asked, but it was her husband who answered her.

"Take a guess!" He gestured to the three. "You have a one-third chance of getting it right."

"Childish, but fine, I'll indulge you," she commented with a raised eyebrow. If her husband was making her guess, that meant that the choice wasn't something that would make sense! If not, what would be the point!

She stared at the first man, he looked older, with his bulging muscles and stern expression on his face. This man seemed to come from a universe where Xue Ning was a man who entered the military and came out stoned-face.

Much too mature for her. But maybe Xue Ning wanted someone like that? Her sister-in-law hated frivolous men. Possible.

She then turned to peer at the second man. He looked obviously younger, with baby fat still on his cheeks. He gave her a polite bow that she returned. He was also tall and well-built, dressed in T-shirt and jeans, but he gave her the general demeanour of a young teenage boy that just entered college!

Did Xue Ning like boys so young?

And then she looked at the third man, and he was perfect!

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