Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 252 Morning Kitchen Kiss

With that parting shot, Wei Yan flicked his hands dry of water and proceeded to meet Xue Ning's father in tne yard, where he was raking up dead leaves.

"Uncle, I'm done with the bean sprouts," he reported dutifully. "Do you need help with the yard? I can sweep it."

"No need, it's good for an old man like me to put in some work in the morning," Tai Cheng rejected firmly as he made neat little piles of leaves.

"What I'm more interested in knowing is what you think of your boss."

"Eh? You mean Young Master Sun?"

"Of course I'm referring to him. Who else is there?"

"Right… he's my boss. What is there to say?" Wei Yan said, shrugging even as a pained expression crossed his face.

He had to play this carefully, he didn't want to look like a disloyal man that would stab his employer in the back by badmouthing him, but he also knew that Uncle Li brought him out to hear something negative about Jingwei that would validate his worst fears.

"He's not the worst person I had to guard, but he's definitely not the best."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Oh?" Tai Cheng asked evenly, still sweeping the grass even when there was nothing to sweep.

"He needed us to wake him up today," Wei Yan shrugged. "I just believe that he should have woken up by himself if he truly thought meeting you was important. He threatened to fire me for speaking up about yesterday night. If he does, can I work for you?"

"Hmmm. Thanks for letting me know." Tai Cheng hummed non-committedly before smiling. "If you can cook, I'll hire you, but I won't be able to pay what you're used to."

"That's fine Uncle, I already saved enough money. And if I live here, I won't need that much to live anyway."

'Unlike some people.' That part was unsaid, but Tai Cheng heard it loud and clear.

Unbeknownst to Wei Yan, Tai Cheng already had an idea what Wei Yan was trying to pull. It amused him to know that his daughter could inspire men to behave like conniving palace concubines trying to gain an emperor's favour.

Well, no matter what, he could use this to get information and suss out Sun Jingwei's true character. Everyone could play nice and friendly when they were in a good mood. He needed Jingwei to be stressed, unhappy, and frustrated, and most importantly, away from his daughter!


In the kitchen, Jingwei sneezed and rubbed his nose against the sleeve of his shirt. Ming Guang moved further away.

"Oi, why are you moving away?" Jingwei asked with a whine.

"You might have the flu." Ming Guang pointed out. "And stop staring into space and finish peeling your bean sprouts. I'm done too."

"What! Shit, I'm the last one," Jingwei lamented. "How are you so fast at it too?"

"I'm not fast, you're just slow," Ming Guang said, "stop giving Wei Yan more chances to look better than you."

At the mention of Wei Yan, Jingwei's face darkened and he snapped the bean sprouts with more force, flinging them into his bowl.

"That guy… gah he pisses me off… how dare he…"

"Why are you muttering to yourself? So noisy…" A bleary voice asked, and Jingwei whipped around to see Xue Ning blinking sleepily at him. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that was stolen from Jingwei's wardrobe. It was large enough to almost entirely cover the pair of short shorts, and Jingwei's mouth watered at the exposed curve of her thighs.

Xue Ning was so cute, so sexy, and he felt all the irritation and anger leave his body in an instant. He remembered why he was willing to endure all suffering!

"Xue Ning baby! You're awake!" Jingwei exclaimed, immediately bounding over to her like a puppy seeing his owner, pulling her into a hug. Xue Ning only let out a wordless hum and pulled away as she helped herself to water, sipping it while blinking slowly.

Jingwei meanwhile clutched at her waist as though it was a lifeline. "I missed you."

"I'm going back to bed," was Xue Ning's loving reply. She let out a loud yawn, and patted Jingwei's cheek weakly. "Bye bye."

"You're not helping me?" Jingwei asked in dismay.

"Nope, it's too early," Xue Ning mumbled. She loved Jingwei, but she also loved her sleep. It felt great to sleep in her childhood bedroom, and she wasn't going to give it up for anyone.

"Oh," Jingwei said, deflating like a punctured balloon.

"Good luck. I believe in you," Xue Ning said, feeling vaguely guilty for leaving him to the wolves that were her family. She gave him a quick kiss in apology and Jingwei wanted to deepen it, but she pushed him away.

"I didn't brush my teeth," she protested.

"I don't care," Jingwei said fervently. "As long as I get to kiss you, nothing else matters."

Xue Ning blushed at his words, feeling her heart race at his words even through the haze of sleep. Their arms wrapped around each other, and their lips met again. He let out a pleased hum as they shared their first sleepy morning kiss, and Xue Ning clung to him, half-purring as he enjoyed his body heat.

Just as their hands were about to drift further down, Ming Guang cleared his throat loudly.


They sprung apart guiltily. Xue Ning had forgotten there was another person in the kitchen!

"Peel your bean sprouts," Ming Guang said dryly. "If Mr Li sees you kissing his daughter in the kitchen instead of completing your task, I'm not saving you from his wrath."

"Thanks for the reminder," Jingwei said, still not letting Xue Ning go.

"Let me go. I'm going back to bed." Xue Ning mumbled, smacking Jingwei's chest in embarrassment. Whether she could fall asleep or not was another issue altogether. "Good night."

"It's technically morning," Jingwei pointed out, amused, even as he let Xue Ning sidle out from his arms.

"It's night if I haven't eaten breakfast," Xue Ning argued. Jingwei found her unfairly adorable that Xue Ning was still trying to argue with her eyes barely alert and her face red from the kiss. "Good night! Don't wake me up before noon!"

With that statement, she stomped back to her bedroom, and Jingwei let out the most bereft sigh when he saw her walk away, as though Xue Ning was a husband that had gone off to war and he was the sad wife waiting for her return.

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