Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 258 Old Classmate?

"Guys, who is this?" Xue Ning asked, tilting her head as she stared at the new person. "You look familiar, but not…"

"Xue Ning! It's me, Chun Fei!" Chun Fei, also known as Xiao Chun to customers at the hostess bar, introduced herself. "Do you remember me? We used to be in the same primary school class!"

"Huh," Xue Ning blinked, trying to recall who she was but drawing a blank. She tried harder to recall… Chun Chun… Hmmm… Wait a minute! There was a match! But then, the woman in front of her did look very different from the girl she remembered from her childhood.

"Ah! I remember, the guys used to call you 'flying idiot'!" Xue Ning said, snapping her fingers.

"Yes, that's me," Chun Fei said, with a slightly pained expression on her face. That was what everyone first remembered about her, sadly enough.

Wei Yan smiled. This was a pleasant turn of events! If Li Xue Ning found out that her old childhood friend was out for Sun Jingwei, that would definitely cause some strife.

"Oh? Xue Ning, is this your old friend?" Wei Yan asked innocently instead.

Xue Ning shrugged. "Old classmate," and she didn't see the way Chun Fei's face fell slightly at her words.

"Yes, we are old classmates. I'm very glad to see you!" Chun Fei said, determined to be enthusiastic. "I heard from others that you've come back to help your parents after the attack! I think that's very brave of you."

"Ah. Thanks. It's not as though I did anything." Xue Ning said awkwardly, and they stood there in silence for a moment. "Erm… forgive me for being blunt, but what are you doing here?"

Their relationship wasn't that close that she would be spending time at each other's houses after all. If they were, Xue Ning would never have forgotten her name. She had so little friends and so many enemies!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Oh!" Chun Fei turned to gaze shyly at Jingwei. "I was actually looking for Mr Sun! I came to personally thank Mr Sun Jingwei here. He saved me yesterday night at the motel. Without him, I think Boss Wang would have beaten me up!"

"You did?" Xue Ning asked, turning to Jingwei in surprise. "Wow, that's good of you to do so. You have to tell me more later."

Jingwei shrugged. "That guy deserved it. I got the cops to throw him in prison with Mayor Poh!"

Chun Fei nodded in agreement. "Yes… and thank you for the money."

"It came from that guy's wallet anyway," Jingwei hastily clarified, giving Xue Ning a pleading look. He wasn't opening his wallets for random women! He needed Xue Ning to know that his life, his body and his money were all for her alone!

"So you stole his wallet and gave her his money?" Xue Ning asked, just to make sure she wasn't hearing things.


"I cannot believe you," Xue Ning said, shaking her head but there was a fond grin on her face. Chun Fei blinked, she couldn't recall Li Xue Ning being this happy before.

"But Chun Fei, what were you doing at the motel? Do you work there?" Xue Ning asked, curious. She hadn't kept up with nearly everyone after all.

"Oh I…I…" Chun Fei stuttered, staring at the grass. It was embarrassing to admit that she was a hostess!

"Nah, she came in from outside with a man called Boss Wang," Jingwei said, letting Xue Ning form her own conclusions. A light dawned in Xue Ning's eyes and she nodded, understanding why Chun Fei was so hesitant in answering.

No woman would want to admit she was working as a hostess! Xue Ning felt enough sympathy not to pry.

"It's fine, a job is a job," Xue Ning said comfortingly, patting Chun Fei's shoulder. "We all have to do what we need to do to survive! Lucky Jingwei was there to stop that man from beating you up."

"Yes, you're right," Chun Fei said, her eyes watery. Li Xue Ning was still the coolest person she had ever met!

Of course, Chun Fei did not say that Boss Wang wanted to beat her up because she threw herself onto Jingwei. Such information would only make Xue Ning think badly of her, and she didn't want that!

Xue Ning, even if she didn't know it, was one of Chun Fei's intimidating childhood heroes. With her cute scowling face and mean right hook, no one dared to mess with her! Unlike Chun Fei, who was called stupid and fat by her peers for fun.

Who asked her parents to give her a name consisting of words that sounded like 'stupid' and 'fat'! That would have been a terrible fate for anyone, but especially so for a young girl. Chun Fei hid in the toilets and cried, and Xue Ning was kind enough to lend her her handkerchief without even saying a word.

And when she arrived at school the next day, Xue Ning had apparently picked a fight with the ringleader that made that nickname up, and then also beat up the rest of his tiny gang.

Chun Fei wanted to cry in thankfulness and immediately offer her friendship, but before she could do that, her mother had pulled her away and told her firmly that she should stay away, because that girl was not a good girl.

Good girls didn't pick fights with groups of boys! So Chun Fei could only stare at Xue Ning from a distance throughout the years. Even when most of the girls in school took part in mocking her, Chun Fei kept her mouth shut and her head low. She wasn't brave like Xue Ning to defend her, she couldn't risk them targeting her instead!

But deep down, she desperately wanted a chance to speak to her. Who knew that the chance would come today? She had initially looked around for her saviour the night before, only to find out that he was one of Xue Ning's friends from Shanghai!

Birds of a feather truly flocked together - both people were heroes that saved her at different times in her life, even if they were pretty…rude when doing so.

It was getting too peaceful for Wei Yan's liking. He knew that Miss Li had a compassionate heart, but would it still be present when she found out that Miss Chun Fei all but threw himself on Jingwei?

Only one way to find out.

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