Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 93 I’m Working For FREE?

"Sun Jingwei, I just realised that you're taking advantage of me!"

Xue Ning exclaimed, and Jingwei stared at her in surprise.

"Hey Xue Ning, you can't say that. The taking advantage was pretty mutual on both sides," Jingwei pointed out. "You technically saw me naked and cuddled me in bed too. That's also a benefit!"

"That's not what I meant! And how is that taking advantage of you when you freely offer it?" She squawked out in protest.

"Really? Then what did you mean?" Jingwei asked, ignoring the later half of her statement, because she was right. Even if Xue Ning didn't want him now, he would still aim to seduce her.

"I mean we never signed my employment contract!" Xue Ning said, throwing her hands out up in the air. "I'm risking life and limb for free!"

"But that's not true, we signed…" His voice trailed off as he realised he actually never offered her the employment contract to sign.

"Now do you remember what happened in the last few days?" Xue Ning pointed out peevishly. "You sent the sexy underwear over, we went out for dinner, we met Xiumin, nearly died, I went home with you, met your father and now I am here living with you!"

"When you put it like that, it sounds like we speed-ran our entire relationship," Jingwei mused, smiling to himself. The smile faded when he saw Xue Ning's unimpressed face staring back at him.

"You're right, I'll get it rectified immediately," Jingwei promised, all smiles. "In fact, I'll even add another zero to the end of your salary. You've managed to keep me safe and you're even pretending to be my wife."

Of course, Jingwei also had ulterior motives. If he paid Xue Ning well enough, she would continue to remain his bodyguard, which meant he would have more chances to win her over to become his real wife.

And she would also think he was a generous boss, which would also help his image.

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More importantly, if Xue Ning got used to signing things with him, she might want to sign a marriage certificate without thinking too much too! It was unlikely, but not impossible. A man could dream.

"This also has nothing to do with the three houses!" Xue Ning added determinedly. "I want another separate contract for that."

Luckily her father called her and reminded her of what's important. Everything had to be in writing, and she definitely wasn't going to fall in love with Sun Jingwei. They were friends, and even then they were friends for now.

He might call her his wife, but it was fake. She wasn't even his wife by name. There was no marriage cert, fake or otherwise.

"Deal! Consider it arranged, I'll text Shengli after lunch and then he'll send us the employment agreement." Jingwei said, flicking her forehead playfully, smiling cheerfully. Xue Ning wanted to take part in the seduction bet! Life was looking up for him.

"Now there's no reason for you to look so grouchy. You'll get wrinkles on that pretty face."

Xue Ning swatted his hand away, deliberately hissing grouchily.

"What do you think of this spare room? You can sleep here for the time being, seeing that you believe that you're not going to be seduced by me eventually."

Xue Ning swatted him again, just because she could. He was so insufferable, especially with his handsome smirking face, so sure that he was god's gift to women.

This time, he managed to move out of the way, grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around so she could face the room. "So what do you think? If you want to make any changes, I'll call the interior designer to make some changes. We could also go furniture shopping -"

"No need, this room looks nice!" She shook herself out of his hold and looked around the room. It wasn't as big as Jingwei's room, but she didn't need that big of a room.

This spare room had a queen-sized bed inside it, along with a cupboard for her belongings and a vanity table. It didn't have a bathroom, but that didn't matter - she could use the one outside.

The walls were painted a soft cream colour, a good complement to the hardwood floors. Large windows let in the afternoon sun, but there were curtains if she wished to have them drawn.

All in all, it was a perfectly fine room.

"Only nice?" Jingwei asked, slightly dismayed.

"What else do you want me to say?" She raised an eyebrow. "It's a perfectly good room, unless you're going to tell me that it has termites. Wait, is it haunted?"

"Of course not! Touch wood!" Jingwei immediately went to pat the wooden vanity table. "There are no ghosts and no termites. I wouldn't let you sleep in a bug-infested room. So you don't want to change anything? You're satisfied with this room?"

"For now, no." She shrugged. "Do you want me to hate this spare room so badly so that I'll sleep in your bedroom?"

"It was worth a shot," Jingwei admitted. "Think about it, my bedroom comes with its own bathroom. Could you say no to that convenience?"

"Shameless," she scolded, but her lips inadvertently curled into a smile at the half-despondent look on his face. "And you can keep your lube-infested bathroom to yourself thanks."

"Infestation? It was only one lube bottle!" Jingwei protested, laughing. "But I could definitely make it into an infestation if you wanted. Do you have any preferred brands or flavours?"

"How about NO," Xue Ning replied, pulling a face. Jingwei laughed harder at her disgusted face.

"Alright, no lube for you then. I'll now leave you to unpack then. Are you sure you won't change your mind?"

"Stop asking dumb questions and bring my bags into this room," Xue Ning instructed, crossing her arms and gesturing to her luggage in the living room with the tilt of her head. It was strangely attractive to him.

"Come on now, put those hulking muscles of yours to good use. Make yourself useful."

Jingwei could only sigh good-naturedly and leave the room, but not before giving her a cheeky wink.

"Yes, darling. As my wife commands."

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