Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 95 Fateful Realisations

Jingwei was allergic to honey.

Did someone purposely send the cookies to him?

There was no time to think about this, firstly she had to stop him from dying! Using her phone she immediately called for 120 for an ambulance, nearly screaming into the phone.

"My husband got an allergic reaction! Come quickly!"

If Jingwei wasn't on the verge of death, he'd be delirious with joy at the thought of Xue Ning referring to him as her husband. He would be teasing her for her slip of the tongue, repeating 'I'm your husband' in her ear repeatedly.

Unfortunately, his eyes were tearing up not from happiness, but from his body's reaction to honey.

Xue Ning stared at him, distraught. He immediately tried to pat her consolingly to comfort her, but his hands were feeling limp and his fingers had swelled up to resemble frozen sausages.

She took one look at his red swelling face and ran off into his room.

He didn't look that terrible, did he? If he died like this, he'll never let the heavens hear the end of it! How could a face as handsome as his be ruined just before his death!

He refused to die - he hadn't actually married Xue Ning yet, nor have they actually had sex!

There was no way the heaven's would be cruel enough to treat him this way, by giving him everything he wanted within arm's reach only to heartlessly rip them away, right?

The swelling of his airways prove otherwise.

He began to panic, and internally prayed to his Mom for help.

'Mom! I'm not ready to see you yet? Can you bargain with God to give me a bit more time? I'll definitely give you grandchildren! You just met my wife!'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, the said wife was frantically searching for Jingwei's Epi-pen. Unfortunately, Jingwei didn't tell her exactly where he put that thing, only that it was somewhere in his room. A cursory glance showed that it wasn't on his table, bedside or anywhere visible.

If he lived through this allergy attack, Xue Ning would make sure that he put an Epipen in every room in plain sight!

But now, she could only ransack through all the drawers like a burglar on a deadline.

"Come on, where is it?" She yelled to herself in panic, tears nearly welling in her eyes. How long would it take for an allergy to kill? How long did Sun Jingwei have?

His face had already swelled up dangerously, and she didn't know if the ambulance would arrive in time.

Thankfully, the last drawer at the very end of the room had what she was looking for. The relief she felt when she pulled it open to be greeted with the customary cylindrical shape of the Epipen nearly caused her knees to buckle, but she remained calm.

She grabbed it and sprinted to the dining room as though her heels were on fire. Thankfully, Sun Jingwei was still hanging onto dear life, but he was also wheezing weakly, as though he couldn't get enough air in his lungs.

His eyes were bulging out and there were tears inside them. But then they focused on Xue Ning, and the fear and panic subsided. He seemed strangely at peace, his mouth twisted into a smile.

Xue Ning wasted no time, she popped off the cap of the Epi-pen and pulled up the loose-fitting pants to reveal his bare upper thigh.

p If Jingwei wasn't on the verge of death, he'd make some joke about getting to second base, and how she should buy him a meal before taking advantage of him.

Unfortunately, eating a meal was what led to this situation, and he had no energy or breath to make wisecracks about his situation. He was rapidly losing energy.

Xue Ning held down his thigh firmly and plunged the Epi-pen straight into the thick muscle of his thigh without any hesitation or squeamishness, as though she was a warrior slaying the enemy.

The Epi-pen made its tell-tale clicking sound, but she didn't remove it, waiting for the 10 seconds to pass before she even had the guts to take a quick look at Jingwei's face.

What if the Epi-Pen expired? What if she was too late?

Thankfully, Jingwei's face was slowly returning to normal. The swelling was slowly residing, and his breathing grew steadier, the frantic wheezing gradually making way to deeper, more even breaths.

"How do you feel?" Xue Ning asked, worry painted on every feature of her face. She tenderly cradled Jingwei's face in her hands, still frantically looking him over for signs of distress. Jingwei could only stare up at her dumbly at her uncharacteristic obvious concern.

The Epi-Pen dropped haphazardly on the floor with a loud clatter, forgotten now that it served its purpose.

Jingwei lifted his own hands to cover Xue Ning's own trembling ones. They were sweaty and cold due to the earlier panic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry, darling, I'm here," Jingwei murmured soothingly, as though calming down a spooked animal. He gently squeezed her hands, transferring some of his warmth to her.

"Thank you Xue Ning, you saved my life." He added sincerely. There was no doubt that if he was alone, he wouldn't have even managed to make it to the bedroom to grab his Epi-pen, let alone use it.

"You're sure? You're sure you're fine?" Xue Ning continued to ask, still staring at him as though she suspected him of lying to spare her feelings.

"Yes, why would I lie to you?" Jingwei pointed out, his voice still soft and low. He turned his head to press a kiss onto Xue Ning's palm.

"Besides, you called me your husband. That's enough reason to stay alive." He continued impishly, but his eyes were sincere as he gazed up at her adoringly.

At his words, Xue Ning startled, as though a bucket of cold water had been thrown on her. She immediately let go of his face and stepped further away, ignoring the look of dismay that crossed Jingwei's eyes.

"If you can still spout cheesy lines, I guess you're fine." Xue Ning warbled, trying to get her emotions under control. Sun Jingwei was fine, he and his abdominally cheesy self will live to see another day.

He's not dead… he's not dead…

She did it. She had saved his life.

She turned around and pressed her face into her hands, eyes tearing up unknowingly in relief.

This stupid man was alive. He would be the death of her.

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