World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 42 A Demon In Tamron?

Hina and the girls began clearing up the Glinx, one by one as they came, it wasn't easy as they were constantly saving each other from dying.

It took them an hour to clear most of the Glinx before the rest started retreating, they didn't bother chasing, since that wasn't their objective.

Alisha fell to her knees as she began panting like she had been running for hours, "We… did it.." She muttered.

Rina rested her back on the ground, "I didn't think it was going to end, but it did I guess, talk about luck." She chuckled.

"Well at least they didn't damage the plants, that would have been a huge loss," Horina voiced out, she turned to see Hina looking at the Glinx as they retreated.

"Miss Hina, what are you thinking about?" She asked.

"It's odd, the Glinx aren't smart enough to know how to retreat, something is going on here?" Hina responded.

"Another option is, they could be evolving." Rina said before standing up from the ground and dusting her dress.

With a sigh Hina drew back her sword, "I'll discuss it with Lord Zeno once we get back, for now, let's go complete our mission." She muttered.

"I'll get the plant then." Horina entered the wagon and came out with the basket that had the Shinoku plant in it.

"Okay then, let's move,".


They began walking to the village on foot, after a few minutes they arrived at the village and the sight alone was enough to raise some questions.

"This is Tamron village right?" Horina asked as she stared at the village with a surprised expression.

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The village looked empty with hardly anyone roaming about, it was as quiet as a graveyard, although there were houses but that was about it.

The place looked unkempt, with dead Castle and animals laying waste on the floor which made the air intoxicating.

Hina walked slowly into the village with her eyes reading all around her, she immediately noticed someone peeking from the window inside one of the houses.

​ "What do you think, Miss Hina?" Rina asked while walking behind her.

"There are people here…but…" Hina looked to the ground to see a human skull buried under the sand.

She went to her knees before using her hand to dig up the skull, Hina looked at it for a while before standing to her feet.

"Rina, please go knock on one of the doors and see if anyone answers." Hina ordered.

"Alright," Rina responded, with her spear, she walked to the nearest building and knocked on the door.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me? I'm from the village Rizaha, the Successor sent me a message!" She yelled.

She waited for a while but still got no response, Rina looked at Hina and shook her head indicating that it was a failed task.

Before Hina could say a word, the door to the opposite building opened and a man walked out of it.

"Did... say, Successor?" The man asked.

They all looked at each other in confusion before looking at the man, he was wearing raggy clothes with his yes as white as snow, almost like he had no blood them.


Once Hina explained to the man their mission, he offered to lead them to where their leader was.

"Miss Hina, this is really weird." Rina whispered.

"You just realized that now? Look at this place, it's dead, hiding or not there's no life here." Horina said with her hand folded as she followed the man.

"Excuse me!" Horina called out.

"What are you doing?" Rina whispered, Hina didn't pay any mind and just kept walking.

The man turned and looked at Horina, "Yes…how…help?" He asked.

"That is my question exactly, why do you speak like that?" She asked.

The man paused for a while before continuing his advance, "The leader is this way." he muttered.

"Miss Hina.." Horina whispered.

"Yeah, I sense it too, be on your guard." Hina uttered while she kept a cool and calm expression.

A sudden female scream came in from thier left causing them to pause and be at alert.

"That sounded like a girl!" Rina yelled.

Hina was about to rush there when she suddenly noticed three men with their arrows aimed at her.

Stopping her advance, she slid her foot against the ground before deflecting all the arrows with her sword.

The man that was standing close to them grabbed Alisha unexpectedly on the shoulder and was about to bite her neck.

Her teddy bear immediately let out its tentacles and ripped the man's head from the joint before swallowing it.

Alisha froze in fear, "Poseidon... I t-told you not to eat t-them again…" She muttered.

"Shut up, you cute idiot!" The bear yelled before laughing.

Rina stood there with her spear as she watched the headless body of the man spew blood from the opening.

"Guys, if you know what's going on, then I need a quick explanation!" Horina yelled with her stance ready to fight.

More and more humans standing coming out from every corner that had white eyes and pale-looking skin.

"Miss Hina?" Alisha called out as she began to shake in fear.

"What's wrong with them, they look wired…"Horina uttered.

Hina looked at them for a while as both she and her squad started to move away from the humans.

Hina couldn't decide whether or not they should attack or not, it was different with the Glinx but this time they were humans, which was proving difficult for them.

"Miss Hina, do we attack?" Horina asked.

"Miss Hina, give the word! And we'll defend." Rina yelled.

They all started throwing their thoughts at Hina putting her in a state where she began to panic.

She held her sword tighter, "Shut up! I'll do it myself!" Hina yelled.

Before she could move, a woman dressed in military attire, burst out of the building beside them and landed on the floor with the falling wood landing on her body.

Hina moved back in order not to get caught in the fall, once she had secured her safety she took a closer look at the girl who fell in front of her.

She has one red horn sticking out of her forehead and long blonde hair that was complemented by the blue ribbon she had tied to it.

With a cough, she stood up from the ground and dusted her body, "Now I'm all dirty, damn these humans." The lady uttered.

Hina immediately moved back after spotting the horn, "You're a demon! State your business," She said in a cold tone.


Author's note

I would really appreciate your comment and support of this novel with your power stones.

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.

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