World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 67 Haliva Vs Uta

Shuna stood at a point while Lucifer was charging toward her at full speed, she had her staff aimed at him as it glowed.

Different magic symbols surrounded her staff before she began firing magic rapid shots at Lucifer. While Lucifer made sure he was moving faster than she was firing.

Moving in a zigzag motion to throw her off, he somehow managed to close in on her and a grin showed on his face.

His hand formed into a spear and was ready to stab Shuna in the gut. He drove the spear in only for Shuna to shrink.

The surprise made Lucifer lose his balance, he was falling to the ground when Shuna went back to her normal size and slammed Lucifer in the balls with her staff.

The attack sent Lucifer flying and landing face first on the ground with his hands on his dick from the pain.

Shuna jumped back and watched as Lucifer was slowly standing to his feet, she then smiled with confidence, "I've defeated you before and I'll do it again." She proclaimed.

Groaning in anger, Lucifer stood up from the ground with his eyes glowing red, "Alright… enough playing… you're dead!" He shouted.

Red aura began to cover his body as the ground he stood on began to implode with the red lightning strikes were sparking around him.

Shuna tightened her grip on her staff, "You were holding back before… I find that insulting." She uttered nervously.

Lucifer smiled, "Ahhhh, I can't remember the last time I used my power this much, prepare yourself, you're about to go against the demon of Pride, I, Lucifer Morningstar!".

Lucifer charged toward Shuna with the ground scattering behind him as he whooshed to her position.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shuna immediately rose up with ice on her feet that whoosed her to the sky, but Lucifer followed almost instantly with a punch.

Although she was able to block it, the sharp lightning around Lucifer still left a cut on her cheeks and hand.

She grunted and immediately twisted her body, kicking Lucifer on the jaw but he just held her leg and began spinning her around before slamming her to the ground.

The ground collapsed on itself from the impact, causing a small earthquake that pulled the ground in.

Lucifer was still in the sky, with a smile on his face as he watched the earth collapsed on itself.

"Seriously, even though I haven't gained a fraction of my powers, this was still too easy." Lucifer sighed, "Oh well, humans are humans, and they... are meant to die one way or the other" He bagan firing multiple rush of magic energy at where Shuna landed.

He could no longer hide his sadistic expression as he watched the earth destruction from above, "Amazing." He said with a bit of spark in his eyes.

"I should go check if her body remains." Lucifer uttered, he wanted to move but from the forest whooshed multiple chains that tied both his hands and legs.

"What is this?!" Lucifer yelled, struggling to free himself from the chains that were slowly absorbing his magic.

With a loud boom, Lucifer spotted Shuna whooshing out of the forest a bit tattered and enraged.

She aimed her right arm at Lucifer and the chains started moving around his body till he was completely covered and there was nothing he could do.

Shuna was breathing heavily, tired from the amount of magic she was using but she still wasn't done.

She called out to her staff and it immediately came to her hand, aiming the staff above Lucifer's head she uttered, "Gate of Hermes!".

A huge red coffin showed up in the sky, and Shuna began controlling the chains to place Lucifer in the coffin.

Once he was in the coffin, a huge molded magical blade appeared in front of Shuna, she grabbed it without hesitation and struck it at the Coffin with her might.

The slash caused the clouds to split in two and then explode, the energy was so powerful that the sky completely turned red from the blast.

Shuna began panting, the coffin was no longer in front of her, it had already disappeared in the blast.

"That won't keep him locked up for long I have to find Zeno first." Shuna uttered before falling to the ground.

She landed on her feet, and the first thing Shuna did was grab Selvin's head and bury it in the ground.

While she was doing this she heard footsteps walking toward her and she immediately picked up her staff and aimed it at the person's neck.

Standing behind her was a middle seized person wearing a cloak that covered their face completely, then suspicious clothing put Shuna on edge, she stood up with her staff still aimed.

"Who are you?" Shuna asked.

The person was quiet for a while but then they removed the hood that was covering their face and Shuna could see them clearly.

Shuna was shocked by what she saw, "Uta?" She mumbled.

The person standing in front of her looked exactly like Uta, except she had long black hair, other than that they were completely identical.

Shuna moved back, "Uta is that you?" She asked.

"The name is Rachel, I am not Uta." Rachel corrected, "But then again, I guess you are just another reincarnation".

"Who are you?" Shuna asked with a bit more aggression.

"I just said-".

"I know what you said!" Shuna yelled, "What I don't understand is why you look exactly like Uta, so I wanna ask you again," She uttered with her staff glowig, "who are you?".


Uta was still trading sword attacks with Haliva, inside the same barrier with nowhere to escape to.

"Why won't you just give up already?!" Haliva yelled, taking her sword and stabbing it on the ground.

Uta was standing a bit far away from Haliva, while Haliva panting like she had been running for days, Uta was still carry alot of confidence with her

Scoffing Haliva yelled, "Oshima!" and immediately summoned a magic materialized tiger.

Uta was still calm, she ran to the side and the tiger immediately chased her, hovering above the ground as it growled.

Once it almost caught up to Uta, she did a backflip and landed on its back before driving her hand into its back and plucking out its heart.

The tiger growled in pain and disappeared leaving Haliva shocked, "How were you able to kill me divine beast?" She curiously asked.

Uta just stared at her and began walking toward her, "Not only did you stop me from lending him assistance, but you also made me kill a divine beast… your death at this point is certain" She asserted.

"Are you trying to threaten me?! It's a bit too early to be doing that?!" Haliva yelled and charged toward Uta.

She ran with her sword held in front of her, and just like that, she stabbed Uta in the gut. It was too easy even Haliva could tell.

With the sword still in Uta's gut, Haliva looked up to see which kind of face she was making and it was a big surprise to her.

Uta was smiling with her cheek beet red as she uttered, "You'll be fine.".

Rachel and Shunalanded beside the barrier and not long after the whole place exploded. Shuna and Rachel were quick to deflect the blast before it harmed them.

Once the explosion had stopped and the dust cleared out, Shuna saw Uta standing in front of her with the organs of Haliva scattered on the floor.

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