World of Beasts: I Can See Their Hidden Stats!

Chapter 114 - Breaking Through The Barrier!

Chapter 114: Breaking Through The Barrier!

While the unsuspecting students were undergoing their lessons in the academy…

Joey had already brought 50 of his subordinates and approached the side gate to the academy.

Through the investigations that ‘Daemon Fang’ had conducted, they discovered that the gate had the weakest security, and it was also the closest to the principal’s office.

“If you encounter other people, do not engage them. Just head towards that lighthouse! Once we’ve dealt with that old man, slowly subdue the instructors and students here. In the future, they will all serve our Frank family!” Just like his subordinates, Joey was equipped in his combat uniform.

“Once we enter, we’ll split into four teams and set off!”

Joey’s strategy was very simple, and it targeted the vital points of the Federal Academy directly!

Clement used Flying Slashers’ ability to kill three guards in a blink of an eye. After that, he led the first team into the academy.

Another long-haired fellow also led fifteen people into the academy.

However, the moment they entered, Diana, who had received the signal from her Global Sentinels, quickly shot up from her seat and sounded the alarm.

The owls that were monitoring the campus from various hidden locations began to flicker after receiving the order from their master. Following that, their unique high-pitched cries resounded throughout the entire campus!

Everyone who heard the owls’ alarms immediately dropped their tasks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Students! We don’t know the strength of the intruder! Just like the disaster drills we’ve practiced, hurry up and seek shelter in the evacuation center…”

“Hurry up and evacuate the Silver Class students!”

“Gold Class students, follow me…”

The teacher who was teaching the Diamond Class took off his spectacles and said to the elite students before him, “While the other classes are to evacuate, this is not the case for you students. Unlike them, you are expected to contribute to the retaliation efforts! Divide into four groups and advance in four directions to face the enemy!”

These elite students did not show the slightest fear on their faces. Instead, they were abnormally excited.

After quickly dividing into groups, they immediately summoned their Battle Beasts and left the classroom!

“Oh no! Master, we’ve been discovered!” After advancing a couple hundred meters, Clement discovered that a golden barrier that was blocking their path!

Realizing that his sneak attack had failed, Joey blamed himself for being impulsive and not being well-prepared.

However, Locke was trapped in the Estelle Manor. Had he retreated now, all his efforts would be in vain.

He took off his windbreaker stared at the golden barrier before him. Then, he muttered within his heart, “Come! Giant Whale…”

Suddenly, the sky had taken a dark shade of blue!

Soon, a dark blue whale that blotted out the sky was levitating in the air!

“Master! Are you going to use that move right from the start? Why don’t we just focus on one path and head straight to the lighthouse!” Clement was concerned over his master’s mana consumption.

Joey’s coldly stated, “The sneak attack has already been ruined. Since we’re going to fight head-on, we must take into account the opponent’s numerical advantage…” While saying that, the body of his Giant Whale began to shine. It was accumulating power.

“Our people are all elites. We have an advantage against these students who rarely fight in actual combat! That old man must have already left the lighthouse. I should be able to force him out by using this move!”

Clement suddenly came to a realization. His master’s decision was the right one!

Not only would his master’s attack reduce the enemies numbers greatly, but it would also force Hobrick to act.

It was a powerful move that could kill two birds with one stone!

His master was just that terrifyingly powerful!

“Retreat a little…” He immediately ordered his subordinates to put some distance between themselves and his Giant Whale!

Everyone hurriedly retreated to the back!

At this point, Joey had finished accumulating his power. With that, he opened his hands and shouted, “World-destroying Tsunami! !”

The whale let out a horn-like sound as it opened its huge mouth. The blue sea water formed via mana began to pour out with torrential strength!

“Woosh! Woosh! Woosh..”

The surging waves were a test of strength against the gold barrier that Jacques had set up!

Jacques, who was organizing the evacuation of the low-level classes, had sensed everything. He told Trista, who was standing beside him, “The barrier may shatter! The enemy’s power is too strong!”

“They’re breaking through your barrier?” Trista was a little surprised. He was well aware of his friend’s defensive ability.

The Global Sentinel that was flying in the air, immediately reported the situation on Joey’s side to Diana.

“It’s mana seawater! Don’t enter the shelter! Head to the academy’s basement!” Diana quickly shouted to everyone!

However, a large number of students had already entered the seemingly sturdy shelter. It would be extremely difficult to move them again!

Meanwhile, Joey seemed to have already anticipated the Federal Academy’s reaction. He muttered, “There’s no place for you people to hide. It’s too late, hehehehe…”

At this moment, the seawater had already begun to slowly envelope the golden circular barrier. It seemed as if there were no ripples, but in reality, the two forces were competing desperately against each other!

“Bang… bang… bang…”

Holes in the golden barrier had begun to appear. After another two minutes or so, the barrier was completely corroded away by the seawater!

The seawater that broke through the barrier was like a wild horse that had broken free of its reins, and it galloped wildly towards various locations in the academy!

Countless houses were instantly washed away by its strength!

Some people and their Battle Beasts were also swept into the seawater! They instantly lost their fighting strength!

The Federal Academy had been ravaged greatly by the tsunami!

At this moment, Hobrick and John were also hurrying on their way. However, the direction they were heading towards was actually the basement of the lighthouse.

“John, your lung injury hasn’t fully healed yet. Just stay here with me and watch over this guy! I can already feel a large amount of mana surging in. We must not allow this person to leave!” Hobrick had a grim expression on his face.

John held a torch in front of him. “But principal, if Joey and the others break in, the academy will be in trouble!”

Hobrick also did not expect Joey to use such a method to attack the academy. It seemed that the Federal Court of the Holy City was for decoration at this point.

‘This dammed Joey is even more arrogant than Old White!’

‘He’s actually attacking us in broad daylight!’

Even so, his tone was still firm. “The fate of the academy means little when compared to this guy! If he manages to escape, we would lose not only the academy, but the Holy City as well…”

As he spoke, Hobrick hastened his pace…

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