World of Experts

Chapter 186: A Wolf Pack Hunting a Woman

Chapter 186: A Wolf Pack Hunting a Woman

The competition starts. He Xiang announced it in person.

In the second round of competition, the entire personnel fought for the top two positions. The melee didnt have any extra restrictions. One could fight anyone one wanted to fight first.

Upon learning this, the three fellows who had the same C grade skills instantly joined forces, and their target was Fluttering Bamboo.

In addition, the other two men also coincidentally targeted Fluttering Bamboo.

Presumably, because Fluttering Bamboos strength was indeed the highest among them. No one could deny it from yesterdays performance.

Facing such a powerful opponent, coincidentally cooperating was a normal matter.

Shameless, how can they do this! He Xiang was surprised and exclaimed inwardly: If this continues, no matter how she resists, she will definitely lose. And if she loses, wouldnt it be impossible to let Twin Dragons Village see my Heavenly Kong Villages strongest combat force?

He Xiang naturally hoped that Fluttering Bamboo would win. He even went offline to inquire about the identity of Fluttering Bamboo, and found that Fluttering Bamboo was a sophomore of C University working as a part-time waitress in his restaurant.

Fluttering Bamboos real name was Zhu Ni. She never talked much about anything outside of work, but judging from some details of her bearing, it seemed that she was somewhat impatient to earn money. Otherwise, a dignified student of the C University wouldnt have easily endured the harassment and continued to be a waiter.

On the stage, Fluttering Bamboo saw the attack of a wolf pack, but her expression didnt change. Her heartbeat was also steady as a rock.

She smiled, then spread the flame arrows dispersed energy around.

Merely, none of this was enough to reverse her current dangerous situation.

Firstly, she still had no time to condense Frost Arrow. Secondly, even if the Frost Arrow was already prepared, it would be difficult for her to use this move to eliminate the entire five people who had scattered around in a tacit understanding.

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Below the stage, the crowd of men were very satisfied. The crowd of women, however, scoffed in succession.

These female players specially came to support Zhu Ni. Learning of the existence of such a strong woman, they were very happy.

Brothers on the stage, quickly kick that little girl off the stage.

Humph! Dont be complacent and look, Fluttering Bamboo will not lose.

In an instant, Fluttering Bamboo dodged and ran. The dangerous situation didnt give her a leeway to delay.

What should I do now? Fluttering Bamboos expression had no chance, but she was startled inwardly: With these five people attacking from different directions, I can get rid of at most two people. Then, I will lose.

Fluttering Bamboo thought very quickly. Then, she suddenly revealed the prepared Frost Arrow she had condensed with difficulty, and directly faced the two fellows in the front with this skill.

She yelled: Stop quickly and join me, otherwise, we three will lose together.

Upon hearing her words, these two people stopped and looked at each other.

What should we do? It seems that she really wants to pull us down into the water. One among them urgently said.

Since this is the case, we might as well join hands with her. Like that, the two of us will still have a 30% chance to enter the finals and show our faces in front of the grand Twin Dragons. Otherwise, we two will immediately die here. The other person replied.

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Mmm! The two people immediately changed sides and joined hands with Fluttering Bamboo to deal with the other three people.

Speaking about it, the three people on the other side were also very close friends. They were all little cooks of River of Heaven. Usually, they stayed and ate meals together. They even slept in the same bed.

After they entered the game, in the beginning, they chose their old profession, a cook.

In fact, a cook was also a good profession. They were very popular in the village.

Merely, when they opened a treasure box in a cave before, they seemed to be favored by the heavens and the treasure box actually gave three identical skill books, which was Energy Mastery.

This made them very happy, and their self-confidence soared further. Since then, they gave up their identity as a cook with resolve and became combat strategists, not cook strategists.

After all, in a mans mind, if there was a chance, then they would certainly choose to become a combat hero, instead of a cook.

At this moment, they saw that those two good-for-nothings had turned on them. The situation was extremely unfavorable for them.

If Fluttering Bamboo killed two among them, then it would be one against three, which would be impossible to overcome relying on just Energy Mastery. Although their skill was not bad, they would barely be able to get rid of one opponent relying on the skill. In a one-on-one match against Fluttering Bamboo, they would certainly lose.

Fortunately, the leader among them yelled: Stop! You two stupid men. If you continue to do this, the one who ultimately benefits the most would be Fluttering Bamboo.

So what, we already know that our skill is inferior! Just being able to show our face in front of the Twin Dragons is enough.

Upon seeing those two people were still not turning around, the leader yelled again: Fluttering Bamboo! Dont be complacent. Do you think that these two are sincerely helping you? What a joke! They are just waiting for you to get rid of us, then they will get rid of you.

Those two people were startled. They indeed had such thoughts. Merely, they had been intentionally hiding such thoughts and were prepared to act when a suitable opportunity arose.

However, since it was revealed now, this path also became difficult.

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What should we do? One asked in a low voice.

Dont think too much. Just watch the movement of Fluttering Bamboo. The other one replied.

Therefore, they looked at Fluttering Bamboo. At the same time, the other three also looked at Fluttering Bamboo. Everyone, men and women, below the stage, also looked at Fluttering Bamboo.

Fluttering Bamboo became the focus of everyone. Her every move would directly influence the trend of the situation.

Upon seeing this, He Xiang inwardly thought: This woman is worthy of being an outstanding student of the C University. She has extraordinary technique, and faced danger fearlessly. She can break this disorderly band of five people. Merely, its still difficult if she wants to win.

On one hand, he admired Fluttering Bamboo, and on the other hand, he was also more nervous.

Because the better Fluttering Bamboo was, the more He Xiang hoped that she would win.

He even wanted to directly make Fluttering Bamboo the winner. Merely, such an approach would attract a lot of resistance.

At that time, if all male players were dissatisfied, it would be very difficult for him to resolve the situation.

He hoped that Fluttering Bamboo would win. However, he could only help her within the scope of the rules. He shouldnt do anything beyond the rules if he wanted to sincerely convince everyone.

He Xiang was in a conflicting mood as he frowned and looked.

He saw that Fluttering Bamboo already had her choice.

Her Frost Arrow hit the two people from the cook trio. Kacha! With her precise technique, the opponents had no chance to dodge.

If the opponents hadnt activated the Energy Shield in time, which blocked a part of the damage, then they would have already died.

Attack! Upon seeing this, the two people beside Fluttering Bamboo immediately activated Energy Arrow.

However, their target was not the three people on the other side, rather Fluttering Bamboo alone.

As long as they got rid of Fluttering Bamboo, with their technical advantages, they were naturally certain that they would be the ultimate winner against the low-blood cook trio.

Stupid! Unfortunately, before they were able to release the energy arrows, they were engulfed by a sudden burst of flame.

They also had no time to use Energy Shield and died immediately.

They didnt understand until the end. Fluttering Bamboos Frost Arrow and Flame Arrow were specially prepared for both sides. Naturally, Fluttering Bamboo didnt stupidly focus entirely on attacking one side.

However, as the matter stood, the situation was still disadvantageous for Fluttering Bamboo

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