World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 312

Chapter 312 The Butterfly Effect (3)

Japan is the closest country to Korea, but ironically too far away.

Even though they are inseparable from each other politically, economically, militarily and culturally, the public sentiment of these two countries did not know how to ease and was always moving away from the extremes.

And due to President Lee Mi-yeon's absurd remarks and the mushroom cloud incident in Arcadia, public sentiment in Japan exploded and a great storm was blowing in the diplomats.

“The Japanese government feels deeply concerned and insulted by the mockery and satire of Japan’s historical tragedy that occurred inside Arcadia, and strongly protests against it. We hope that the Korean government will directly step forward and deliver a message of apology, and we strongly request that measures be prepared and followed to prevent a recurrence in the future.”

Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Korea representing the Japanese Government.

As a diplomat who doesn't usually show emotion, he has lived for decades and has a lot of bones.

“You seem too excited, Japanese ambassador. The Korean government is also taking this incident seriously and expresses regret to all Japanese people who have been deeply hurt. However, it is a bit unreasonable for the Korean government to officially apologize in relation to issues that have occurred in general companies.”

From the moment the Korean government apologizes, it is not a problem for a single company, but an official problem for the whole of Korea. That is why Prime Minister Kim Ha-jin, acting as president, tried to reject the Japanese ambassador's absurd demands.

“I hope you will consider the current political situation in South Korea. It is very difficult for me to step forward and make such a grave diplomatic decision. Since I am the acting president and not the real president, the powers given to me are extremely limited.”

I can't give you a definite answer because I'm not the president.

It could have been a very good excuse because there is no one who can take responsibility at this moment when President Jeon Chan was impeached and all authority and duties were suspended, but it was not a very good excuse for the angry Japanese ambassador.

“If the Korean government comes out like this, do you think we won’t be able to retaliate?”

The Japanese ambassador, who received Prime Minister Kim Ha-jin's words from an interpreter, threw away all diplomatic rhetoric with a cold expression and spat out words that were close to counter-threatening.


The interpreter was so flustered that he thought about how to translate this.

But before he could say anything, the Japanese ambassador got up from his seat, straightened his clothes, and left with only one final word.

“I understand the will of the Korean government in looking at this situation. I will deliver what I have seen and heard to my home country and see you again when I get an answer on the matter.”

The Japanese ambassador returns to the embassy, leaving behind Prime Minister Kim Ha-jin, who clearly looks embarrassed. He pulled out his phone in the car and called someone.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I checked the tendencies of Prime Minister Kim Ha-jin, who is currently serving as an acting president after President Jeon Chan Jeon was suspended from his duties. When I saw it, it was judged to be passive, calculating, and indecisive, and it was strong to try not to create a big problem as much as possible.”

He made unreasonable demands on purpose and did not hesitate to do something rude that a diplomat would never do. However, instead of getting angry at his behavior, the Japanese ambassador said with a confident face, watching Prime Minister Kim Ha-jin try to appease him in a sweat.

“Currently, the Korean government is in a state where there is no final arbiter who can make important decisions due to the absence of President Jeon Ki-chan. If you are going to operate through covert agents, now is the right time.”

One such peaceful and boring afternoon that no one knows.

The secret operation of the Japanese government began to be carried out in order to retaliate against the Korean people and government and Arcadia's crazy atrocities (?).

Without even imagining what this would lead to.

* * *

Seomin University Campus where countless students come and go.

There are many outside visitors who enter and exit the fairly extensive site, so no one paid any attention to it, but there were two people who had been walking around the campus recently.

Sasaki and Mei, special operations agents of the Overseas Operation Team 2 belonging to the Cabinet Investigation Office.

Although they were still new agents in their mid-twenties, they were secretly dispatched to Korea for the reason that they could be integrated into the university without a sense of alienation, and because they were judged to have combat and operational capabilities that did not yield to other veteran agents. They were monitoring every move of their target.

“What’s special about it?”

It's lunchtime and Sasaki goes to buy something to eat. As she casually accepted the bread and milk in his hands, May spoke as if she were bored.

“There is nothing special about it. I'm in the middle of a lecture right now and it's supposed to be out in 20 minutes. Because today is Wednesday... and waiting for that girl, you must be sitting in a corner holding onto your smartphone.”

Mei takes a bite while tearing open the bag of bread. She frowned and grumbled, as if she was annoyed just thinking about it.

“Why the hell is the upper management telling me to kidnap such a strange person? No matter how you look at it, you don't look much different from those creepy fucking otakus.”

fat look. Jae-Kyun is the owner of oversized glasses and an unbearably eccentric fashion sense. No matter how public it was, Mei felt distressed just looking into his daily life.

“No, are you dating a girl named Chaeyeon? Why don't you do something together while waiting like that? No matter how much it is a mission and it is a mission, they say that you have to watch it 24 hours a day, but if you just watch it, you'll be really upset and you won't be able to see it? What kind of relationship can a guy like this have? It seems that the appearance is filthy and ugly, and the notice is not filthy.”

Just watching Mei makes you feel like you've stuffed dozens of sweet potatoes into your mouth without water. She was full of dissatisfaction because there were countless things she wanted to bet on, but Sasaki said that she was not interested.

“Don't pay undue attention to your target, Mei. It's not necessary for the operation anyway.”

“Why does it have nothing to do with the operation? If you have to kidnap that child, it would be nice to use it as a means of intimidation so that you can cooperate with us as obediently as possible.”

Mei proudly refutes that this is all because of the operation. However, Sasaki tried to say something, but soon took a deep breath with a tired face and said.

“An order came from the top.”


Mei opened her eyes wide in surprise at those words. To her, Sasaki sent an email to her smartphone.

“This is...”

Ad copy that just looks like normal spam mail.

However, May's face hardened as she read the true meaning hidden within certain rules.

[Issued the order to execute the operation. Deliver the target to the specified coordinates. No additional support.]

An order from the superior to finally carry out the operation delivered to them.

It was a moment she had been waiting for since she had spent more than a month, but Mei was clearly perplexed by the phrase left at the end.

“Additional support is impossible...? So, are we really going to kidnap that otaku just the two of us?”

“Can not help it. Most of the resources of the Cabinet Investigation Office's Overseas Operation Office were lost after the ‘that' gunfight that took place inside Korea. Since most of them are saving themselves, there must have been a big crowd at the top.”

Due to the worst covert operation ever carried out at a middle school a few years ago, the information network of the world's intelligence agencies in Korea was almost destroyed.

Genius boy Kim Min-soo.

Intelligence agencies around the world decided that it was a golden opportunity to intercept Minsu, a world-renowned figure, after receiving a tip that the Chinese intelligence agency was trying to kidnap him.

They had an unintentional affair (?) and created a first-of-its-kind incident involving a fierce gunfight at a middle school in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea, and as a result canceled a middle school athletic meet.

As a bonus, in the search for the government of the Republic of Korea and the National Intelligence Service, which had their eyes turned over, secret safe houses and information factors that had been accumulated were pulled out like candy.

“The bottom line is that the two of us have to kidnap him and take him to Busan Port. We don't have enough people, so we can't afford to kidnap that girl.”

That's why Sasaki tells her not to pay attention to a girl who says she's Chaeyeon or something. However, Mei frowned as if she was embarrassed.

“Wait a minute..... If I have to take you all the way to Busan, I'm running out of time, right? Right now, we have to secure the target and move before midnight today.”

A plan from the top that is completely incomprehensible. But Sasaki shrugged his shoulders as if he couldn't help it.

“There is nothing we can do about it as the ship of the ghost company secretly operated by the Cabinet Investigation Office departs tomorrow. If I miss this period, I will have to wait at least a month, so even if it's tight, I'll do my best. And today, the target will be waiting alone until 6:00, so there is no big deal to kidnap.”

Sasaki says that other things are nothing to worry about.

However, they could not hide their bewilderment when they saw where the target was heading after exiting the building where the lecture room was located.



A target heading in a different direction than usual. They were taken aback by the fact that it was different from their usual route of waiting for the girl they liked, and they were taken aback by the fact that there was someone accompanying them.

“It looks like you’re heading towards the campus exit?”

“Other guests followed suit.”

Sasaki frowned as if he was really annoying. When he showed an irritated reaction for the first time, who usually showed only a calm appearance, May smiled strangely and asked with a mixed look on her face.

“What are you going to do?”

And Sasaki pondered for a moment at that question, then spoke with a cold gaze.

“Once... they catch up. And aim for the right time to secure the target and move right away.”

The situation has been greatly distorted from the original plan. However, Sasaki couldn't give up the operation at all, so he thought of kidnapping him even if it was forced.

“That friend...? Did you say your name was Yoon Jae-young?”

A person walking with Lim Jae-gyun, their target.

May asked, watching him walk in step with his insufferable otaku target, though his face was full of boredom and weariness.

“It looks like they'll always stick together... Will there ever be a moment when they're alone?”

No matter how well trained a special operation agent is, it is a burdensome situation to kidnap two adult men and drag them to Busan. That's why Sasaki looked at the back of the two and pondered for a while before speaking.

“First of all... let’s make a decision while looking at the situation.”

Touching the handle of the pistol hidden behind his back with one hand, he murmured with his eyes full of life.

“We refrain from killing people as much as possible, but... if necessary, we will eliminate them without delay.”

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